Monday, May 24, 2021

The Golden Age of Television

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Golden Age of Television. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Golden Age of Television paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Golden Age of Television, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Golden Age of Television paper at affordable prices!

The golden age of television began in the early 150s when I was just a child. Some of the TV programs that were popular then are still shown in syndication on TV today on channels like the TVLand channel and the Turner Broadcasting Station (TBS). There is almost no comparison between what was aired then and what we see on television now. TV back in the 50s and 60s was innocent and predictable, entertaining, and memorable. After all, there was not much else to do back then after the sun went down except to come into the house and sit down in front of the single TV set to watch whatever show, movie, sitcom, or documentary was set before us.As a person of color I couldn't "relate" to many of the characters portrayed on TV . There was little or no diversity in the performers. But the shows' content often made me feel good about the day and hopeful about the future. Then there were the action and adventure programs- westerns in particular like, Rawhide, Gunsmoke, and Wagon Train.Shows like The Ed Sullivan Show were responsible for introducing more new talent to American audiences than anyone in the history of broadcasting. Likewise shows like Ted Mack's Amateur Hour and The Arthur Godfrey Show gave the underdogs an opportunity to show their talents. TV Sitcoms like I Love Lucy, The Burns and -Allen Show and The Andy Griffith Show gave us constant laughs.In retrospect, the Golden Age of Television impresses me because the comedy was wholesome and unpretentious. In the drama there were no social conflicts such as we have today like teenage pregnancy; HIV and Aids; spiraling divorces, racial prejudice, age and sex discrimination etc. The comedy was clean and G-rated. The action and adventure was exciting and not as bloody as it is today.Because TV was new in the early 50s' every program was a first. It was a novelty that had a captive audience every weekday evening and all day Saturdays and Sundays. It was the central medium of entertainment and diversion for almost every home including mine. One notable thing to be said is that all programs could be viewed by an entire audience child, adult, male, female.Buy custom The Golden Age of Television term paper

TV content today is rated based on how suitable it is for certain audience segments. There is increased violence, sex, nudity, and obscene language making some programming unacceptable for some age groups. Sitcoms today demonstrate a different type of humor- much of it has sexual overtones. Action and Adventure programs today tend to be more violent and bloody. Dramas depict situations taken right from today's newspaper headlines. Storylines are more social or political in nature.The variety shows of the 50s and 60s has given way to the reality shows of the 1st century. The likes of Survivor, Fear Factor, The Bachelor, and American Idol have consumed us. The westerns of the 50s and 60s have virtually disappeared. Most comedy/variety shows today can only be seen on cable TV because of their R ratings.Yes, I am impressed with the golden years of television mainly because of their longevity and staying power. One can still see re-runs of many of the shows of the 50s, 60s, and 70s on television today. And some of the shows have been remade into more modern versions of the same. There are days when you don't want to watch gunfights, murders, and soapy, teary dramas. An episode of I Love Lucy or Gomer Pyle is just what the doctor ordered..

Please note that this sample paper on The Golden Age of Television is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Golden Age of Television, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on The Golden Age of Television will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Karisha and 5th grade

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Karisha and 5th grade. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Karisha and 5th grade paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Karisha and 5th grade, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Karisha and 5th grade paper at affordable prices!

When I first met with Karisha, she appeared to be reluctant to share her thoughts about school. I wasn't sure if she was shy or disinterested. She would only answer with repeated head nods or the ever popular, "I don't know", response. This could have discouraged me, but I was determined to make a difference in her educational life. When I asked Karisha what she wanted to gain from this experience, she indicated that she wanted to increase her reading speed. I think she believed that good readers read rapidly..A very important factor in determining how well a child reads is the child's perception of him/herself as a reader. After analyzing the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey completed on our initial meeting, Karisha appears to enjoy several facets of reading, but indicated a dislike for reading during free time and for fun at home. Surprisingly, Karisha enjoys worksheets and workbook pages. Her response to reading out loud did not receive a happy Garfield. In fact, when she reached the question regarding reading aloud in class, she frowned and circled the disappointed Garfield expression. I wondered if Karisha was providing answers that she thought I wanted to hear. She would continually look for approval or observe my expressions to figure out how she should approach her responses. This behavior continued throughout the semester.We then started out with the Interest Inventory. Karisha was very willing to share her viewpoints with me. She was clear about her school and home issues. I asked her the questions and she responded quite well. She enjoys fairy-tales and the reading series'Roller Skates'. She likes to play with her doll-house and aspires to be a Beautician/Make-up Artist when she grows older. Karisha explained that she enjoys board-games and visiting her aunt's house to play with her cousins. She does not like comic books or newspapers. Karisha has mixed feelings about her siblings, but loves to spend time with her mother and little sisters. When asked about what she liked to do best in school, she mentioned Reading Buddies (a reading program that groups older readers with younger ones). This survey seemed to go quite smoothly. We were finally hitting it off.Throughout the semester, I wanted to include an array of graphic organizers to improve Karisha's reading comprehension. Each week we completed a graphic organizer that focused on the elements of the story. At one point of the semester I decided to immerse her in stories that related to a well-known plot (Cinderella). She loved each story that was presented. There were several days that Karisha did not attend at the college. However, we made up days when we were both in school. During those sessions, Karisha and I completed various reading assessments and lessons. We tried to do more, however time was not on our side.

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The instructional plan was based on the assumption that Karisha needed help in a multiple amount of areas. When we first began reading interactively, I noticed that Karisha paid little attention to her miscues. At difficulty, she would simply rely on me to assist her. Also, she read in short phrases most of the time. This was a prime indication of being a transitional reader. One of my goals, by exposing her to different types of text and authors, was to move her towards being an extended reader.In order to accomplish the aforementioned, several assessments needed to be administered. First, a graded word list was introduced. I started Karisha out with the rd grade leveled passage. She breezed through the words. Karisha read very well at the fourth grade level, but she started to struggle at the onset of the fifth grade word list. Therefore, her independent level was determined to be at rd grade, the instructional level at 4th grade, and the frustration level at 5th grade.The oral reading component of the IRI was ready to be administered. I started Karisha out with a rd grade passage. As Karisha read, I documented her word identification miscues. She self-corrected on two words (here, come) and only sought assistance for one word (praise). According to her comprehension score, this selection indicated that Karisha's low independent reading level is the third grade.Next, she read a 4th grade level selection about Bill Clinton. Her prior knowledge was adequate. She expressed that she would like the story. Karisha committed 18 miscues out of a possible 4 words in the selection. Thus, this was her approximate instructional reading level. As I assessed her comprehension, Karisha appeared to do quite well reading beyond the lines. She answered the final two questions very logically. Her comprehension score placed her at the instructional reading level. Lastly, I discovered Karisha's frustration reading level (oral) at the fifth grade. She started with almost no prior knowledge of the selection on tropical rain forests. She committed errors while reading. She asked for assistance several times before completing the selection. Her comprehension faired no better. Karisha was unable to answer 4 questions correctly. The comprehension score for this selection placed her at the frustration reading level. Karisha was able to realize that the selection level was too difficult for her to both read and answer effectively. I felt that Karisha was a strong reader when she read aloud to me. Although she indicated in an earlier survey that she disliked reading out loud, she seemed more relaxed when she did.Karisha displayed some very interesting results when we completed the silent reading portion of the IRI. Her prior knowledge for this particular part of the assessment was limited. The first reading selection was computed at a level . I asked Karisha to read to herself silently, and afterwards I would ask her some questions. When Karisha completed the passage, she recorded a total of comprehension errors. This score indicated Karisha's frustration level. Her answers were not off by that much. Also, she appeared quite hesitant in her answers. I continued on with a second passage on a 4th grade level for comparison purposes only. Here, Karisha made a total of errors. The passage appeared to be too difficult for her. Karisha's instructional level was determined to be on a nd grade level, and her independent level was calculated at a 1st grade level.

The silent portion of the IRI seemed to suggest that Karisha does not comprehend very well when reading silently. Her scores, in comparison to the oral section, showed a significant decrease in comprehension. Even though I attempted to use a higher level of the IRI, she was still unable to comprehend effectively.

When the final component of the Informal Reading Inventory was administered, I was eager to find out how Karisha would do. I began administering this component at the third grade level. Based on previous observations, I believed that Karisha would master the second grade level. It is apparent that Karisha has a clearer understanding of the text when she does not have to read silently. After reading Search and Rescue, which is on the third grade level, Karisha answered each of the six comprehension questions with appropriate responses. There was no hesitation on the student's part at this level. As with the oral reading component, the fourth grade level is Karisha's instructional level for the listening component of the test.

Based on Karisha's scores on the retelling checklists, I concluded that she recalls information very well. Karisha scored the highest on retellings under the plot episodes, resolution and sequence. She appeared to excel when an extended explanation was required. I was also impressed with Karisha's ability to express herself as the semester progressed. As she became more familiar with me, she became bolder. .

Please note that this sample paper on Karisha and 5th grade is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Karisha and 5th grade, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Karisha and 5th grade will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, May 21, 2021

How to use a computer

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How to use a computer. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How to use a computer paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How to use a computer, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How to use a computer paper at affordable prices!

Compu ter is more and more use ful in todays world. Almost everyone is learning how to use it. it can help us to do lots of work.For example, it can help sutdents to type their homework,it also can help man agers to store their stuff. to learn how to use a comp uter is not very hard. fir st, you need to find a com puter. th en you have to learn how to type and how to use the mouse be casue this is the o nly way that you can input your com mand to the computer. second,to learn how to us e the word process. its very useful for people who needs to type stuff frequ endtly.Third,to use co mpu ter to communicate.The internet is a great way to ke ep in touch with people.E-mail is the mo st obvious and the most avail able form of communi ca tion.but you can also use instant mes saging services to ch at wi th yo ur friends when they are on line. you can even send them gre eting cards and voice messages.Fourth,to learn how to ex plore the web.There are ma ny re sources on the web that can h elp you with your resea rch,a nd yo ur homework. it wil l be ve ry help ful if you mast er all these skil ls.these skills will help you to fin ish you r wo rk and communc ate with pe ople fa ster an d easier. thats why compu ter is so impor tant in tod ays world..

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Please note that this sample paper on How to use a computer is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How to use a computer, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on How to use a computer will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved paper at affordable prices!

Understanding these two articles as there and comparing them to each other shows similarities among them. For example, in The making of a man Meaning in Beloved there is a comparison that talks about Toni Morrison's work on the intense and debate over the meaning of manhood and the possibility for enduring heterosexual love. These two stories construct the context in which Morrison conducts a deep dialogue with which the social meanings of words that has the power to liberate and enslave. This book was not about what other people would say about slaves but of the great love and the ways these two people managed to keep their love together no matter what happened to each other..This story compares to another story like Beloved. A novel that explains the life of other people and their horror of being slaves. Slaves from whom one of the mothers murdered her child with a saw so she would not be taken away to slavery where she would be raped and would go through the many disserving things her mother went through. In this novel Morrison depicts slavery's insidious power to distort the two most basic human emotions and instincts, which is love and self-preservation. Morrison shows how the instinct and emotions are in some way twisted or stunted by the experience of living in a culture that measures the individuals worth by resale value and the ability to reproduce oneself without cost.Toni Morrison's work talks about all the incredible thing of being a slave she tells in specific details how incredible and hard it was to be a slave and get treated with no respect and have to go through so much hate and mistrust. Morrison shows how every natural instinct and emotion is in some way twisted or stunted by the experience of living in a culture that measures individual worth by resale value and the ability to reproduce oneself without cost. (Morrison, 18).Her novels and essays reflect on the harsh and the experience of life that the African-American people validated instead of how they where dominated by there culture. In where the story of beauty comes in Morrison describes how they are different kinds of beauty in people and how she rejects the defined by white consumer culture, as racist and frivolous. She tells us this by the way the white consumer culture separates women "from reality". As an example from the novel of Toni Morrison's revision of Beauty, she says, "Pecola and the Breedloves internalize their absence and their invisibility. They'wear their ugliness," because all the visual representations around them reject them as ugly" (4). Deftly illustrating the paradoxical nature of the specular system, Morrison presents Pecola's ugliness in terms usually associated with beauty. This example explains the way some people in this world characterize and criticize others because they either don't have styled clothing, or they don't drive a car that looks fancy. And also, people like to criticize others as ugly simply because they are different. In my opinion I see everyone beautiful because just because you don't look good in the outside it doesn't mean that you can't be beautiful in the inside of your heart..

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Please note that this sample paper on Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Comparing to noverls The Making of a Man and Beloved will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Enron's Fall

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Enron's Fall. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Enron's Fall paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Enron's Fall, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Enron's Fall paper at affordable prices!

In today's society of dot com companies you see many organizations rise and fall everyday. It is not a big surprise to see e-commerce companies fall after only weeks, months, or even a few years. However when you see a tried and true steadfast company filing a Chapter 11 people are mystified. The company Enron was one of these pillar companies, whose financial demise shocked America in particular. The world and people in general were in awe to find out that this company was in fact filing for bankruptcy. People lost millions of dollars due to the drop in stock and were in disbelief. But where did the catastrophe start? Who is responsible for the collapse of a multi-million dollar a year company? There is no one person, or idea that collapsed Enron. There were many business practices that were ignored, accounting was done poorly, and there were poor managers in the middle ranks. These as well as poor managers and decision-makers at the top combined lead to the fall of Enron.

After hearing the news and reading numerous articles many people have realized that the collapse of Enron did not happen over night. One of the many faults that Enron had was the leniency on its employees, in regards to corruption. Many times the company did some fancy accounting to help make the numbers look better, but when caught the executive management did nothing to correct the problems. In fact the companies problems go back to 187 where the company's auditors had learned of a billion-dollar scandal that was being ran at their Valhalla, NY site (Fowler, Oct 00). In fact the employees were kept on the payroll and Enron tried to cover up the problem. Not that that was bad business, but to help cover up the losses, the company only reported an $85 million loss when sources said it was at least $16 million (Fowler, Oct 00). A second incident of corruption in the employee ranks was when Enron gave bonuses for trades. Individuals would earn % on the value of the entire deal and were paid upfront before the project made money (Fowler, Oct 00). Of course employees would give a high estimate on the value of the project making more money than they should have leading to obvious problems (Fowler, Oct 00). One division in particular alleged profits so outlandish that when the company realized these fabrications, all bonuses for this division were halted (Fowler, Oct 00). With all this corruption going on with employees and traders, Enron did not have much of a chance to stay afloat.

With all the number crunching going on, the management felt they had to hide all the financial disasters to keep the public happy and keep stock prices high. Enron started doing some creative accounting to keep the numbers high on paper and in stock prices to stay on top. In 1 Enron formed two separate companies in which they fused all their own cash and stock. The idea behind these two companies was to become sources of capital and to buy assets from Enron. Designed to spread the wealth, the companies risked passing money around and covered each other's back for awhile. In one example Enron purchased $100 million worth of fiber optic items in which, $0 million was paid to Enron and the remaining $70 million was in the form of an IOU. Enron later sold the fiber optics for $11 million in which it then paid an "agency fee" to the LJM for $0. million. To make matters even more complicated LJM sold the remaining fiber for $11 million in which they paid off the IOU to Enron, however Enron also had signed a contract with one of the investors for $11 million to help the buyer of the fiber optics out (Fowler, Jan 00). Maybe the very collapse of the company was due to this fancy accounting that the accountants were cheating the system with. Making the company look like it had made more money that it actually had, or reducing their credit risk in certain purchases Enron was playing a dangerous game.

If the corrupt employees and "fancy accounting" was not enough for the company to crumble, the management style of Enron also caused the company's demise. A particular example of this was when Andy Fastow was allowed to be Enron CFO and managing director, this was a conflict of interest in many ways because people felt he represented both buyers and sellers, which could lead to insider trading. He earned as much as $0 million through his role with the partnership while other employees also reaped the benefits (Fowler, Jan 00). Another management style that was an error for Enron was under the guidance of the top executive Jeff Skilling. His attitude of making profits now and worry about details later was an aggressive philosophy and one that proved to fail in the end. As well as his philosophy he put fear in his employees and terrified those people who did not meet the companies goals (Fowler, Oct 00). His management style eventually lead to errors made on the books as well as expenses catching up to him down the road.Buy custom Enron's Fall term paper

As you can see this "fancy accounting", corrupt employees, and management styles led to Enron's bankruptcy. The loss of over 4,500 employees and disarray of the entire ordeal has left this as one of the United States most talked about fiascoes (Rice, Oct 00). The effects that these disasters have put America at risk. With such a weak market, businesses should be cautious in their practices. If one lesson was learned ramification of scandals are felt all across the homefront. Possibly if one of these events had happened without the rest, the company would have pushed though. Though with the combination of all these problems within one company bankruptcy was bound to occur..Reference.Fowler, Tom. "The pride and the fall of Enron" Houston Chronicle 0 Oct 0.Fowler, Tom. "Energy giant restates finances to account for lost $600 million".Houston Chronicle 17 Jan 0.Rice, Harvey and Murphy, Bill "Employees' lives transformed in aftermath of Enro.Collapse". Houston Chronicle October 0.

Please note that this sample paper on Enron's Fall is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Enron's Fall, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Enron's Fall will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style paper at affordable prices!

Romanians dont actually produce cheese. They buy it from the store. Most of them dont even like cheese. Back in the 150s someone tried to make cheese but Im not sure of their name or what city they were in. Most likely it didnt turn out very well, but there is no way to know..Im not crazy about cheese myself. I wrote the book just as the way to past time while I was in prison. Everyone told me I was crazy. Who cares about the cheese buying habits of Romanians? Well I do dammit. Someone has to..Anyway after much research I cocncluded that Romanians dont make cheese. They just go to store when they want some. Im sure they have a favorite kind that could be determined by statistics, but lacking government funding I was unable to find out. Its amazing in the 0th Century that a country like Romania wouldnt keep more accurate accounts of what cheese its citizens were buying.I challenge the Romanian government to make this a priority in the next ten years. Keep track of all cheese purchases and then we can figure out which is the most popular. I can then come out with a second edition of my book with the updated figures.

Write my Essay on How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style

Perhaps I could even sell the book in Romanian stores and then everyone can keep tabs on what their fellow citizens are buying..I simply cant believe I havent met the word length yet. Im too lazy to count it anyway. How many more can they possibly want? Help me, Im going insane. The Buying Habits of Romanians in the 0th Century. AuthorDave Barle.

Please note that this sample paper on How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on How To Produce Cheese In The Classic Romanian Style will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Racial Harmony

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Racial Harmony. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Racial Harmony paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Racial Harmony, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Racial Harmony paper at affordable prices!

Dear Dinesh. Greetings pal. How are you getting along over at London? Are your old bones adapting to the harsh and cold weather over there? Remember to wear a few more layers of clothing. Anyway, I was just flipping through the photo album and recalled those good old memories that we once had. Ah…those were the days.. Can you still remember that we like to go around the island and try out those tasty delicacies? Satay, Laksa, Roti prata… I really miss that but can't eat too much of those oily food either. Getting too much cholesterol at the age of 74 isn't good to my health.. When I saw my great grand children playing the five stones, I still remember that we used to fight who would throw them first. Thinking back, we were so childish to fight over such small matters..

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I really do appreciate you as a friend of mine. Though we are from different races and of different cultures, however, we can get along with each other very well. When I needed help, you were there. When I need a listening ear, your ear never fails to appear in front of me (grin). We never fail to celebrate each other's traditional new years together. Your parents were so good hosts whenever I went to you house to play with you. Hey, I really think that you are a great friend of mine. Thank you so much for everything! Forget me not, or else you will be in deep trouble.. I'm tired after writing so many things. I think I better turn in early. Take care my friend.Awaiting for your reply.Xiao Mei.1th February 147..

Please note that this sample paper on Racial Harmony is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Racial Harmony, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Racial Harmony will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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