Monday, June 7, 2021

Rape or Escape

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Rape or Escape. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Rape or Escape paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Rape or Escape, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Rape or Escape paper at affordable prices!

In last decade or so suddenly a virtually unknown crime was introduced in the United States. This crime was labeled acquaintance rape sometimes known as date rape. Was this a crime or was this an escape for women with loose morals that had sex and then regret? Are women more educated and understand that no means no and if so what did us poor women believe before, that no means yes? The meaning of no didn't change but the definition of rape did. The definition was changed to meet women's needs to help them explain their guilt.. I do not dispute that rape is a horrible experience and that it should be punished with the harshest punishment available. I do however, as a woman, dispute the fact that women were not intelligent enough to know ten or twenty years ago that if a women said no they did not mean yes..In a Ms. Magazine publication in 185, Koss asked women to look at their situations again and read the fine print about would be considered rape. Many of these women did not consider these incidents to be rape but later changed their opinion due to the definition. They changed their mind but yet the majority of them stated they had or would sleep with their "attackers" again. This should make many victims of rape angry. Take a look back to times were unwed mothers were looked down upon, look at the victims of rape back then. Some of these victims were so ashamed of being raped they gave up their children born from rape to hide the shame of being raped. Where are these women to stand up and say this is a farce? I'm sure that these women will tell you they wouldn't go back to have sex with these criminals. Just because you know someone does it make rape any less of a crime? Nobody should believe that because you know someone it is okay for an acquaintance to tie you up and have their way with you. This should not be a sexual encounter that you want to repeat..The definition of rape has changed in some states; such as California unwanted kissing can be considered as a sexual assault. If you are on a date with a man he has to ask if he can kiss you prior to leaning over and attempting the. These are the times we are in. When does this stop? Do we continue to allow these laws to be changed because someone was ashamed that they kissed an ugly man at the bar and decide to have him charged in order to protect their pride. This is the case in some of these incidents. There are women that openly admit that they decided the next day they did not want sex with that person. You should not be able to make up your mind after the fact and in some states it is perfectly legal to do so if you did not commit to a yes or no the night before

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As women we need to stand up and show that we are not fragile shards of glass and be responsible for our actions. Men should be accountable for their actions but so should women. Rape needs to be clearly defined and there shouldn't be a separation between date rape and rape. Rape is rape, no is no and that has never changed. We need to stop sugar coating the laws to excuse our behaviors by putting clear-cut guidelines and laws into affect that cannot be used as an escape for loose morals..

Please note that this sample paper on Rape or Escape is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Rape or Escape, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Rape or Escape will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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To be Human is to be free

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on To be Human is to be free. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality To be Human is to be free paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in To be Human is to be free, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your To be Human is to be free paper at affordable prices!

The two Iranian sisters had big dreams. They had ambitious career goals. One loved computer games. The other liked to chat on the Internet. But these werent any run-of-the-mill sisters...This pair happened to be joined at the head. For 8 years, Ladan and Laleh Bijani had somehow managed to live two separate lives in one body. But finally, it seemed like there had been too many compromises. Already, the pair had acceded to Ladans wishes to study law, even though Laleh wanted to become a journalist. So they decided to undergo a risky, separation surgery...Buy custom To be Human is to be free term paper

Long before they were wheeled into the operation theatre, the sisters knew their survival was in doubt. Yet they went ahead in the hope that they would emerge liberated from a life spent in captivity. In effect, they had preferred death to living in bondage. The twins embodied humankinds perennial quest for liberation. They may have been in a physical union, but they were two individuals, two completely separate people..It was their right to live separate, and despite an ethics debate on whether the surgery should have even been performed, it remains that they were fully informed and capable of giving their consent. As they told a news conference, they had wanted to be separated from the moment they opened their eyes. More touching, though, was their simple desire to see one another without the aid of a mirror. Commend them for their courage...Yet, is it not this courage that sets the human apart from the millions of other species that crowd this planet? On Thursday, Ladan and Laleh, joined in life, returned to their homeland in two coffins achieving their dream of separation only in death. This is not just a gripping story; this is a tribute to the spirit of freedom the one thing that has driven humankind to greater and greater heights...

Please note that this sample paper on To be Human is to be free is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on To be Human is to be free, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on To be Human is to be free will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, June 4, 2021

The war to end all wars

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The war to end all wars. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The war to end all wars paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The war to end all wars, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The war to end all wars paper at affordable prices!

Europe became two groups of countries one called the Triple Entante, which was Britain, Russia, and France they knew that they were in a good position. And they desperately wanted to weaken Germany and stop it becoming a very powerful country. The other country that was surrounded by the triple entante was Austria-Hungary and they felt, threatened by the Russians and the nationalism of the Balkans, So they made an alliance with Germany and was called the Triple alliance.On June the 8th 114. Gavrillo Princip who was part of a well-known terrorist group called the Black Hand, and he fired two shots at the car of Franz Ferdinand. The first killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the second killed his wife, Countess Sophia. After this event Austria-Hungary was very annoyed with Serbia and blamed them for the killing of the archduke. They accused the Serbian government of helping Princip.This annoyed Serbia because it was not actually their country. It was a small group Bosnian Serbs.Austria Hungary then declared war on Serbia because they knew that German allies would stand by them..On the th July the Russian army got ready to help Serbia defend itself against the Austrians. On the next day Germany had sent a threat to Russia ordering them not to help Serbia. Because Austria-Hungary didnt like Serbia this caused Germany to declare war on Russia. Germany also decided to send some of there army towards France and Belgium because they were a part of the triple entante along with Russia. On the rd and 4th of August Germany invaded France and was just starting to invade Belgium. But Britain ordered Germany to leave Belgium. Germany refused to leave Belgium so Britain declared war with Germany.

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On the 6th August Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia, because they helped Serbia when Austria-Hungary previously declared war on Serbia. Also Austria-Hungary had had previous conflicts with Russia about the Balkans.A military plan was meticulously produced by Germany by general count Alfred von Schlieffen before the start of the war. It was a lot weaker in practice than the Germans had expected because they were slowed down by fierce resistance in Belgium. The British succeeded against Germany at the Battle Of Mons and gradually pushed them back towards the east of Paris.Meanwhile the French were able to send the Russians money to develop their army faster. Which the Germans did not expect. The Germans had to send two divisions of the army to try to stop them on the Eastern front.There was a deadlock on the Western front by the end of September 114 because both sides dug trenches, which eventually stretched from the channel coast to the Swiss border. The war of movement was over.On the 11th of November 118 Germany had lost the war and was stopped from trying to invade Europe..It was nicknamed The Great War because it was the first war that had involved guns and tanks. People say that the war was an excuse for Germany to try out their new weapons and explosives. Millions of people lost their lives in the Great War and they wont be forgotten.We all have a moment of silence to remember the people that fought and died in the war, on the 11th of November every year.World war 1 was named the war to end all wars it's a shame it didn't. .

Please note that this sample paper on The war to end all wars is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The war to end all wars, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The war to end all wars will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Compare the two poems.

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Compare the two poems.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Compare the two poems. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Compare the two poems., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Compare the two poems. paper at affordable prices!

Teresa Hocking 10A.History Essa. Which factors were most significant in the progress of medicine between 1400 and 1750.In this essay, I am going to look in depth at all the factors, which aided with the progress of medicine between 1400 and 1750. I am going to look at each factor in detail and evaluate what I think is significant about the factor. At the end of the essay, I will conclude which factor, I think played the most significant role in the progression of medicine between 1400 and 1750. The factors may not have had an immediate effect on the progression, however, I will evaluate on the significance of the factor depending on the effect it made, whenever the effect was realised and valued.

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The Medical Renaissance was a period of time, which was used as the rebirth of ideas and theories. The word renaissance means a rebirth or reinvention of an idea or something. Throughout the medical renaissance, many major breakthroughs in health were made.

The first factor, which I will investigate, is war. Although war is commonly recognised as something bad, which only has negative effects; it is underestimated how many major medical breakthroughs have been made through war and experiences at war. War is known as a thing, which decreases health levels, and anyone who went to war was thought to definitely be injured or even die. This was, in fact true, however war was also an ideal experience for a doctor to have as they could gain a lot of knowledge through treating the injuries. An example of this would be Ambroise Par . Ambroise Par was an army surgeon who was with the French Army when they were at war. It was believed that gunshot wounds were poisonous and that the only way that you could prevent the poison from infecting the whole leg would be to cauterise the wound. This involved applying boiling oil to the wound, thus killing the poison. Par followed this idea, until he was left in a situation, which meant that he could not. The oil ran out and Par was left to use his own methods. He mixed up an ointment, which he had learnt from one of the many books, which he had read. Par applied this ointment to the wounds of the constantly arriving soldiers. It worked and consequently, instead of screaming in pain, the soldiers whom he had treated were resting comfortably. Par went on to change the beliefs about the treatment of another common war injury; bleeding. The usual treatment for bleeding was to press a red-hot iron, called a cautery on the stump of the limb. This sealed the blood vessels, therefore stopping the patient bleeding. However, what it also sealed, were the bacteria inside the wound. This in turn caused an infection to occur in the patient, leaving him very ill or even dead. Par 's theory was that if you tied the arteries to stop them bleeding with silk threads, known as ligatures. This worked and proved a better method than the one which had been followed originally...

Please note that this sample paper on Compare the two poems. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Compare the two poems., we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Compare the two poems. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Qualities of a woman

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on qualities of a woman. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality qualities of a woman paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in qualities of a woman, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your qualities of a woman paper at affordable prices!

qualities of a woman One Woman, One Vote With the passing of the 14th Amendment in 1868, all persons were guaranteed the right to equal protection under the law. What followed in section two of that very same amendment caused a great deal of chaos in the years to come. The second section of this amendment narrowed the media has portrayed women as passive individuals. In today¡¦s society not much has changed there are plenty of people (men and women), who feel a woman¡¦s place is in the home. This is just one of the many value assumptions that people think women duties are. For many years, I considered my home to ...For generations and generations there has been conflict over the duties of women. Since the beginning of time society and the media has portrayed women as passive individuals. In today¡¦s society not much has changed there are plenty of people (men and women), who feel a woman¡¦s place is in the hom Identity Crisis Maxine Hong Kingstons The Woman Warrior presents the struggles of a Chinese-American woman growing up as she attempts to reconcile two cultures, a female devaluing Chinese culture and influences by an American culture, while developing her own identity as a Chinese-American. Using ...Noras Transformation (From child to woman).The play entitled ¡§A Doll¡¦s House¡¨, by Henrik Ibsen, deals with the issue of a woman¡¦s role in society. More specifically, the subordinate role women play in comparison to that of their husbands. Women, at that time, were mainly given the impression that one should support her husband through whatever ...

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Woman in Black.... Mrs. Drablow. He travels to gloomy and mysteriously silent Crythin-Gifford. He attends Mrs. Drablows funeral and sees a thin, pale, and sickly woman walking around the graveyard. His curiosity of this vision and the towns peoples extreme secrecy of Mrs. Drablows history leads him to her house Eel ...Marie Antoinette, Woman to Scapegoat..

Please note that this sample paper on qualities of a woman is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on qualities of a woman, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on qualities of a woman will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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King of the Bingo game

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on King of the Bingo game. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality King of the Bingo game paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in King of the Bingo game, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your King of the Bingo game paper at affordable prices!

Ralph Waldo Ellison was born March 1,114 in Oklahoma City, his parents named him after the American poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. From the time he was a young boy, he wanted to be a musician. Throughout his earlier days, he performed different odd jobs in exchange for trumpet lessons and worked as an elevator operator for two years to save tuition money. Due to the fact that he was unable to afford a train ticket after being awarded a music scholarship to Tuskegee Institute, he hopped trains from Oklahoma City to Alabama. At the end of his third year at Tuskegee, Ellison left Alabama for Harlem where he tried unsuccessfully to find work to pay his senior year's tuition. It was here that he befriended Richard Wright who became a major influence in Ellison's development as a writer. Although Wright published Ellison's first review, it wasn't until traveling to Cincinnati to stay with his sick mother, that he would become more serious about writing and write his first short stories.Ralph Waldo Ellison was born March 1,114 in Oklahoma City, his parents named him after the American poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. From the time he was a young boy, he wanted to be a musician. Throughout his earlier days, he performed different odd jobs in exchange for trumpet lessons and worked as an elevator operator for two years to save tuition money. Due to the fact that he was unable to afford a train ticket after being awarded a music scholarship to Tuskegee Institute, he hopped trains from Oklahoma City to Alabama. At the end of his third year at Tuskegee, Ellison left Alabama for Harlem where he tried unsuccessfully to find work to pay his senior year's tuition. It was here that he befriended Richard Wright who became a major influence in Ellison's development as a writer. Although Wright published Ellison's first review, it wasn't until traveling to Cincinnati to stay with his sick mother, that he would become more serious about writing and write his first short stories..Ralph Ellison's "King of the Bingo Game," written in 144 combines two levels of narration, the is a statement of supreme irony. The road North does not lead to freedom, the process of being saved does not lead to heaven, and the work ethic has no reward, except jail, bereavement or insanity. Major themes throughout the story are insanity, separateness of black from white, loneliness, the lack of names, cultural signals about belonging and possession. Although the story is fiction, it depicts real life situations...

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Please note that this sample paper on King of the Bingo game is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on King of the Bingo game, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on King of the Bingo game will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Be a model for a day

If you order your custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on be a model for a day. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality be a model for a day paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in be a model for a day, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your be a model for a day paper at affordable prices!

1. Introduction.Supre` was first formed in 184 by Hans Van der Meulen and his wife Helen. The company started outselling fashion, which was targeted to the older generation. However in 18 the company changed direction and from discounted stores they moved to smaller boutique stores with high energy teams, cool and up to date fit outs and the latest disco music featuring smaller clothes aimed at the 1-5 year old market. Supre` thrives on new challenges of keeping their image strong through promotions and many other factors that contribute to the way they are seen through their own eyes, but more importantly, the customers..One of Supre`s well known qualities in attracting customers is doing outrageous promotions that are ever changing. This assists in presenting the image of energetic, fun and excitement that Supre` wants to project. Younger girls enjoy getting involved in promotions that are going on at any given time.The retail buying team of Supre` which includes Marcella Andrews and head buyer, Georgina Taskin spend many hours in the planning process of special promotional events. The following promotional event that will be focus on is called "Be a Modal for a Day".

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This promotional event will give girls under the age of 18 the experience, fun, glamour, excitement and catwalk energy of being a model for a day through Supre`. The day costs just $4.50 and this includes a professional make-up session, a mode.workshop and individual and group choreography resulting in a live fashion parade. All applicants will be dressed in Supre` clothes and Kliens accessories for the fashion parade. Locations of the fashion parades will be set in shopping centres around Australia and entrants have the chance to be a star and have their 15 minutes of fame. Registration and payment can be done through filling out an application form at any Supre` store or online at the Supre` website. Advertising will be done in Dolly magazine along with an application form that can be sent to Supre`s head office.. Planning ProcessThe planning process will be the central instrument for directing and coordinating the "Be A Modal For A Day" special event. From previous promotional events within Supre` retail buyers, Georgina and Marcella have followed a flow-chart which provides a simple planning approach. The following is a planning process of "Be A Modal For A Day" using Supre`s flow-chart outline..1 Event Project Definition/Objectives.· Purpose of event Youth fashion promotion, Supre` image.development, Modeling industry development, Profitability. . Organisational Development/Work Breakdown/Task Analysi.· Committee formation, Policies and priorities, delegation of task.schedule/timeline.. . Market Research · Segmentation - local and national.Target Market - 1 to 18 year old females, fashion conscious teenagers.. .4 Event Development · Timing, Action plan, Obtain partner modeling agency, Support services.Obtain sponsorship(s), cooperating shopping centers.. .5 Evaluatio.· Evaluation of planning criteria/methods, Event timing andplanning implications, Feedback to modeling agency, sponsors,.shopping centres.. .6 Management Review · Hans van der Meulen and wife Helen review planning,decides on weather to implement or not. . Time Line To Ensure Success..1 Six months prior to even.·Approach Garlick's Modal and Management Agency Pty Ltd about being a partner in the special promotion event, "Be A Modal For A Day".·Approach sponsors from previous events and request funding. Sponsors will include, Dolly, Libra, Bonne Bell, Golden Circle, Kliens, Civic, Colorado and Definitive Multimedia Solutions..·Check the Supre`s events calendar and Garlick's events calendar for open dates and times.·Check calendar so that the event will be in school holidays as target market is 1 to 18 tear olds.·Select major shopping centres where fashion parades will be held.·Contact the Marketing Manager of selected shopping centres and put forward the idea of "Be A Modal For A Day" promotional event. Inform marketing manager of proposed dates for fashion parades.·Once there has been a response and acceptance from Garlick's Modal and Management Agency, the sponsors and marketing managers contracts can then be prepared.·All paperwork should be completed and submitted to the appropriate person such as Georgina Taskin in Supre`s situation or the Marketing Manger in a shopping centre situation..·Submit the special promotion "Be A Modal For A Day" to the events calendar so there will be no double bookings or confusions... Three months prior.·Contact sponsor Definitive Multimedia Solutions who updates the Supre` web site. Explain to them what is needed on the new "Be A Modal For A Day" website. Clarify that applicants need to be able to register online and pay through credit card facilities. Give Definitive Multimedia Solutions a one-month deadline..·Produce a flier that includes details of the promotion and a registration form. Approach a copy centre and give them a one moth dead line to produce all the.·Produce a page of advertisement for Dolly magazine and give it to them requesting it goes into next month's copy and then for another two months..·Produce information packages giving full details of the day and location. These will be sent out to applicants upon arrival of their payment and registration.·Supre` computer department will set up a new barcode in all Supre` registers to let applicants be able to pay their $4.5 in stores.. Two Months Prior.·Advertisement hits the public. Web site is up and running, fliers are in stores across Australia and Dolly magazine has "Be A Modal For A Day" on its third page..·Make sure Garlick's Modal and Management Agency are up to date with their time-line, which includes things like organizing staff (make-up artist and modelling teachers), disc jockeys for the parade, ect...4 Two Weeks Prior to the event.·Make arrangements with Marketing Managers of the shopping centres to put up Supre` Fashion Parade Pasters and to announce the promotion over the loud speakers. ·Report any change.·Publicize, Publicize, Publicize..5 One Week Prior to the even.·Look over all registration forms to get applicants details such as size, height, ect. Then organise their Supre` clothes that they will wear for the fashion parades..·Choose accessories from sponsor, Kliens that will be borrowed for the fashion parades...6 Day of the Event.·Arrive early to delegate tasks.·Take notes on improvements that could be made for the next event..4. Preparation of Researc.Preparing research before the timeline is put into action is a necessity that must be meet. To be successful you need to research your potential buyers of the promotional event as well as communicate with them. All partners, sponsors, and shopping centres also need to be researched before they are approached to make sure they are suitable for the "Be A Modal For A Day" event..4.1 Potential Buyers.A research survey could be set up on Supre`s Internet site as well as in the stores. Each of the surveys will get customers to provide their names and their geographic regions and household nine-digit ZIP code. The reason for this is so that research can be done to see where the maximum potential buyers are so that a fashion parade can be in that local shopping center..Through these surveys Supre` will be able to develop a fairly high effective research study that allows precision targeting of Supre` buyers and potential buyers..This approach will study exactly what buyer's preferences are in not just fashion but prices, location of stores and their views on the modeling industry..4. Garlick's Modal and Management Agency Pty Lt.Before making a deal with Garlick's obviously Supre` will need to research their background to see if they are a reputable, profitable and have high-quality image that coincides with Supre`s. Supre` will need to research Garlick's target market as for the event to be a successful for both business they need to be targeting the same audience. Research could be done through interviews of Garlick's executives or employees as well as evaluating their online website. Supre` could possibly request statistics on age groups of modals as well as financial statements of the past 5 years..4. Sponsors.All sponsors in "Be A Modal For A Day" have previously sponsored Supre` in other promotional events. Therefore under past research on how these sponsors benefited Supre` we can make decisions whether we want them to be a part of "Be A Modal for a Day"..4.4 Shopping Centres.Obviously a Supre` store will need to be open for business within the shopping centre where the fashion parades will be held. Research needs to be done to see financially what stores are preforming the best within Australia. This shows that there is a great deal of Supre` buyers already within this shopping centre therefore it could be a good venue for the parades. Research on the actual shopping centres will also need to be prepared to see how much they will charge, how it can be promoted across the centre and what position in the centre will be vacant for the parade..5. Promotions and Advertisemen.Retail buyers will usually use the normal promotional tools such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct and online marketing tools and public relations to reach consumers. Supre` will use some of these tools in their advertising and promotion however as we are not mass marketers and we only target 1 to 18 year olds, not all of these tools are needed..5.1 In-Store Flier With Attached Registration For.The fliers for this promotion will reach every store in Australia. They will be double sided, bright fliers or pamphlets on glossy paper. In addition to the use of the in store fliers as a buyer I will communicate the running of the promotion to everyone who might help sell the "Be A Modal For A Day" event. This mainly focuses on Supre` staff including mangers, full times and even just casuals. Obviously this could not be done in person so a fax would be sent out explaining all details of the new promotion. It would be addressed to the whole store and should be posted up in a readable place, however the manager will be responsible if all members of the Supre` team are not informed. The reason why fliers will go into all Supre` stores is so that the target market can be reached as quickly as possible. Supre` staff will also be able to give all their personal selling skills about the promotion which will be a compliment to the fliers..5. Advertisement in Dolly Magazin.The advertisement in Dolly will be print media with non-personal communication channels that carry messages without personal contact. It will have all the details of the modelling promotion and information on how to register and make your payment. The similarity between Dolly magazine and Supre` is that they are both targeting the same audience. This is one of the main reasons why Supre` chooses to advertise in their magazine because they know around 1 to 18 year old females will be reading this. Another advantage through this public relation is that consumers will see the special "Be A Modal For A Day" event as'news' rather then as a sales-directed communication.5. "Be A Modal For A Day" Online Web Site.This web site will be a link off Supre`s main website and Garlick's Modal and Management Agency website. It will have all the details and registration form. Applicants will also be able to pay over the Internet though their parents credit card. Due to the emergence of technology the approach of online marketing has increased dramatically. For this promotion an online website was chosen for young girls or their parents who aren't able to make it into a store. Although there is still a very large issue in privacy Supre` will use this web site as more of a direct follow up and an adjunct to their main advertising as stated in section 5.1 and 5.. 6. Products To Be Promoted.When choosing what products to promote it is very important to look at what season we are approaching and what are the "looks or trends" for that time of year. At this time of the year, September, Supre`s Spring Fashion Collection 00 will be used..6.1 Supre` Spring Fashion Collection 00.The products of Supre`s spring collection will be used in all the fashion parades. The collection will be divided into many themes so that the applicants are all matching and the parade will run smoothly. This will also give the applicants a chance to decide on what style or trend they would like to modal during the parade. By having a selection of different themes the girls will get the chance to feel comfortable, sexy and confident in there own choose. These sections will include; Sporte`, Bohemian Denim, Navaho Indian, Pretty in Pink, White Stars, and Dazzling Diva. Refer to Appendix One. The reason why these products where chosen is because they are the new trends for Spring and they will be promoted whilst the applicants are up on stage modelling them across all different shopping centres in Australia..6. Garlicks Modelling and Management Agency Services.As a partner in this promotion Garlicks services will be promoted during the parades. The audience will be introduced to what Garlicks actually provided as well as their locations in Australia. This service will also be promoted by having pamphlets available for females and males that are interested in the modelling industry..6. Kliens Accessories.All applicants' will be modelling and promoting Kliens accessories. Kliens is a sponsor of "Be A Modal For A Day" and have funded Supre` in putting this event on. In return the fashion parades will support and promote Kliens accessories.6.4 Bonne Bell Lip glos.All applicants will be wearing Bonne Bell Lip Gloss, as they too are sponsors on this promotional event and therefore there products need to by supported as well..7. Negotiation with Suppliers.Today, more than ever, those in the buying function and other key people charged with the responsibility of investing their companys money must be knowledgeable about the ways to maximize these investments. Supre`s management has placed increasing demands on its buying team to cost effectively purchase its goods and services for "Be A Modal For A Day" event. In fact, Supre` distinguishes the buying function as the area of greatest profit contribution. One clear-cut way of achieving these goals is to discover ways that will help you to improve your negotiation skills. The following is a checklist of negotiation skills that will need to be meet to gain success whilst organising the "Be A Modal For A Day" event.7.1 Checklis.7.1.1 Prepare Supre` needs to take time before the negotiations to determine what are the goals and how important they are. E.g Would Supre` be willing to give up certain goals in exchange for others? Supre` needs to know exactly what they need to achieve in there negotiation, and be prepared to get it..7.1. Set Limits The most obvious limit Supre` will set is in terms of how much they will spend. By assessing their financial situation and budgets they will be able to set a limit on how much they can truly afford to spend. Of course, they must be willing to re-assess their limits if they find that there consistently unable to obtain the deal from Garlick's or any other of the suppliers that they want..7.1. Justify the Offer If an offer below the stated price is made the buyer in this case Supre` should be prepared to justify it. When such justifications are presented Garlicks or the other suppliers might be convinced to consider the offer..7.1.4 Cooperative Advertising Often, as a condition of purchasing the buyer attempts to get the supplier to agree to share in the merchant's advertising expenses. In this case Garlick's mainly but also the other suppliers will be getting publicity from this promotional event. Therefore the other businesses are inclined to share the expenses for a number of reasons. Firstly, without the contract their business might not go further and secondly, it will provide expose to the Supre`s target market that is generally unavailable to outside suppliers.7.1.5 Confirm your agreement To ensure the understanding of Supre`s final agreement matches the other partys understanding, confirm the agreement first verbally, and then in writing..7.1.6.Move on if you cant close the deal Despite all Supre`s efforts to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, some deals are just not meant to be. If this is the case, and theres nothing you can do to bring negotiations to a successful close, then Supre` will simply walk away. By breaking off negotiations, you show your clients that youre serious, and they may very well make the final concessions necessary to close the deal. If not, then Supre` can also start their research again for other suppliers.8. Conclusion.

Overall there are many contributions to be made and aspects that have to be looked at when planning a special promotional event such as "Be A Modal For A Day". It is generally the buyer such as at Supre` who makes the contract and brings whomever is necessary to the event to make it profitable, memorable and successful. Cooperation and communication between partners and sponsors also plays a big part in planning a successful promotional event. Knowing what your partner's time-line and plans are a necessity for you to be able to do and follow your own. It takes a lot of work, time and energy to organise a promotional event. A retail buyer needs to be productive and creative in order to develop promotional concepts such as" Be A Modal For A Day". If this is done adequately not only does the buying function gain success but the business, as a whole will gain exciting benefits too.WORD COUNT ,.. Bibliograph..1 Primary ResourcesAndrews, M., Assistant Buyer Supre` Pty Ltd, 0th September 00..Taskin, G., Supre` Pty Head Buyer, conversation, 15th August 00..Van Der Meulen, N., Victorian State Manager, conversation, 14th August 00.Van der Meulen, H., Managing Director of Supre` Pty Ltd, conversation, 1st March 00.Kyoti. J., Victorian Area Manager of Supre` Pty Ltd, conversation, 0 March 00.Lopez. J., National Sales Manager of Supre` Pty Ltd, conversation, 0 March 00.. Secondary Resources.Diamond, J AND Pintel, G., 001. Retail Buying, 6th ed. New Jersey Prentice Hall..Packard, S, Winters, A.A, Axelrod, N., 176. Fashion Buying and Merchandising, 1st ed. New York Fairchild..Berman, B, Evans, J.R., 001. Retail Management A Strategic Approach, 8th ed. New Jersey Prentice Hall... Online Resources.Supre` Pty Ltd [online], Available Accessed 0th September 00.Be A Modal For A Day [online], Available http// Accessed 0th September.Garlicks Model and Management Agency [online], Available http// Accessed 0th Septembe.10. Appendix One.10.1 Supre` Spring Fashion Collection 0.1. Introduction.Supre` was first formed in 184 by Hans Van der Meulen and his wife Helen. The company started outselling fashion, which was targeted to the older generation. However in 18 the company changed direction and from discounted stores they moved to smaller boutique stores with high energy teams, cool and up to date fit outs and the latest disco music featuring smaller clothes aimed at the 1-5 year old market. Supre` thrives on new challenges of keeping their image strong through promotions and many other factors that contribute to the way they are seen through their own eyes, but more importantly, the customers..One of Supre`s well known qualities in attracting customers is doing outrageous promotions that are ever changing. This assists in presenting the image of energetic, fun and excitement that Supre` wants to project. Younger girls enjoy getting involved in promotions that are going on at any given time.The retail buying team of Supre` which includes Marcella Andrews and head buyer, Georgina Taskin spend many hours in the planning process of special promotional events. The following promotional event that will be focus on is called "Be a Modal for a Day".This promotional event will give girls under the age of 18 the experience, fun, glamour, excitement and catwalk energy of being a model for a day through Supre`. The day costs just $4.50 and this includes a professional make-up session, a mode.workshop and individual and group choreography resulting in a live fashion parade. All applicants will be dressed in Supre` clothes and Kliens accessories for the fashion parade. Locations of the fashion parades will be set in shopping centres around Australia and entrants have the chance to be a star and have their 15 minutes of fame. Registration and payment can be done through filling out an application form at any Supre` store or online at the Supre` website. Advertising will be done in Dolly magazine along with an application form that can be sent to Supre`s head office.. Planning ProcessThe planning process will be the central instrument for directing and coordinating the "Be A Modal For A Day" special event. From previous promotional events within Supre` retail buyers, Georgina and Marcella have followed a flow-chart which provides a simple planning approach. The following is a planning process of "Be A Modal For A Day" using Supre`s flow-chart outline..1 Event Project Definition/Objectives.· Purpose of event Youth fashion promotion, Supre` image.development, Modeling industry development, Profitability. . Organisational Development/Work Breakdown/Task Analysi.· Committee formation, Policies and priorities, delegation of task.schedule/timeline.. . Market Research · Segmentation - local and national.Target Market - 1 to 18 year old females, fashion conscious teenagers.. .4 Event Development · Timing, Action plan, Obtain partner modeling agency, Support services.Obtain sponsorship(s), cooperating shopping centers.. .5 Evaluatio.· Evaluation of planning criteria/methods, Event timing andplanning implications, Feedback to modeling agency, sponsors,.shopping centres.. .6 Management Review · Hans van der Meulen and wife Helen review planning,decides on weather to implement or not. . Time Line To Ensure Success..1 Six months prior to even.·Approach Garlick's Modal and Management Agency Pty Ltd about being a partner in the special promotion event, "Be A Modal For A Day".·Approach sponsors from previous events and request funding. Sponsors will include, Dolly, Libra, Bonne Bell, Golden Circle, Kliens, Civic, Colorado and Definitive Multimedia Solutions..·Check the Supre`s events calendar and Garlick's events calendar for open dates and times.·Check calendar so that the event will be in school holidays as target market is 1 to 18 tear olds.·Select major shopping centres where fashion parades will be held.·Contact the Marketing Manager of selected shopping centres and put forward the idea of "Be A Modal For A Day" promotional event. Inform marketing manager of proposed dates for fashion parades.·Once there has been a response and acceptance from Garlick's Modal and Management Agency, the sponsors and marketing managers contracts can then be prepared.·All paperwork should be completed and submitted to the appropriate person such as Georgina Taskin in Supre`s situation or the Marketing Manger in a shopping centre situation..·Submit the special promotion "Be A Modal For A Day" to the events calendar so there will be no double bookings or confusions... Three months prior.·Contact sponsor Definitive Multimedia Solutions who updates the Supre` web site. Explain to them what is needed on the new "Be A Modal For A Day" website. Clarify that applicants need to be able to register online and pay through credit card facilities. Give Definitive Multimedia Solutions a one-month deadline..·Produce a flier that includes details of the promotion and a registration form. Approach a copy centre and give them a one moth dead line to produce all the.·Produce a page of advertisement for Dolly magazine and give it to them requesting it goes into next month's copy and then for another two months..·Produce information packages giving full details of the day and location. These will be sent out to applicants upon arrival of their payment and registration.·Supre` computer department will set up a new barcode in all Supre` registers to let applicants be able to pay their $4.5 in stores.. Two Months Prior.·Advertisement hits the public. Web site is up and running, fliers are in stores across Australia and Dolly magazine has "Be A Modal For A Day" on its third page..·Make sure Garlick's Modal and Management Agency are up to date with their time-line, which includes things like organizing staff (make-up artist and modelling teachers), disc jockeys for the parade, ect...4 Two Weeks Prior to the event.·Make arrangements with Marketing Managers of the shopping centres to put up Supre` Fashion Parade Pasters and to announce the promotion over the loud speakers. ·Report any change.·Publicize, Publicize, Publicize..5 One Week Prior to the even.·Look over all registration forms to get applicants details such as size, height, ect. Then organise their Supre` clothes that they will wear for the fashion parades..·Choose accessories from sponsor, Kliens that will be borrowed for the fashion parades...6 Day of the Event.·Arrive early to delegate tasks.·Take notes on improvements that could be made for the next event..4. Preparation of Researc.Preparing research before the timeline is put into action is a necessity that must be meet. To be successful you need to research your potential buyers of the promotional event as well as communicate with them. All partners, sponsors, and shopping centres also need to be researched before they are approached to make sure they are suitable for the "Be A Modal For A Day" event..4.1 Potential Buyers.A research survey could be set up on Supre`s Internet site as well as in the stores. Each of the surveys will get customers to provide their names and their geographic regions and household nine-digit ZIP code. The reason for this is so that research can be done to see where the maximum potential buyers are so that a fashion parade can be in that local shopping center..Through these surveys Supre` will be able to develop a fairly high effective research study that allows precision targeting of Supre` buyers and potential buyers..This approach will study exactly what buyer's preferences are in not just fashion but prices, location of stores and their views on the modeling industry..4. Garlick's Modal and Management Agency Pty Lt.Before making a deal with Garlick's obviously Supre` will need to research their background to see if they are a reputable, profitable and have high-quality image that coincides with Supre`s. Supre` will need to research Garlick's target market as for the event to be a successful for both business they need to be targeting the same audience. Research could be done through interviews of Garlick's executives or employees as well as evaluating their online website. Supre` could possibly request statistics on age groups of modals as well as financial statements of the past 5 years..4. Sponsors.All sponsors in "Be A Modal For A Day" have previously sponsored Supre` in other promotional events. Therefore under past research on how these sponsors benefited Supre` we can make decisions whether we want them to be a part of "Be A Modal for a Day"..4.4 Shopping Centres.Obviously a Supre` store will need to be open for business within the shopping centre where the fashion parades will be held. Research needs to be done to see financially what stores are preforming the best within Australia. This shows that there is a great deal of Supre` buyers already within this shopping centre therefore it could be a good venue for the parades. Research on the actual shopping centres will also need to be prepared to see how much they will charge, how it can be promoted across the centre and what position in the centre will be vacant for the parade..5. Promotions and Advertisemen.Retail buyers will usually use the normal promotional tools such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct and online marketing tools and public relations to reach consumers. Supre` will use some of these tools in their advertising and promotion however as we are not mass marketers and we only target 1 to 18 year olds, not all of these tools are needed..5.1 In-Store Flier With Attached Registration For.The fliers for this promotion will reach every store in Australia. They will be double sided, bright fliers or pamphlets on glossy paper. In addition to the use of the in store fliers as a buyer I will communicate the running of the promotion to everyone who might help sell the "Be A Modal For A Day" event. This mainly focuses on Supre` staff including mangers, full times and even just casuals. Obviously this could not be done in person so a fax would be sent out explaining all details of the new promotion. It would be addressed to the whole store and should be posted up in a readable place, however the manager will be responsible if all members of the Supre` team are not informed. The reason why fliers will go into all Supre` stores is so that the target market can be reached as quickly as possible. Supre` staff will also be able to give all their personal selling skills about the promotion which will be a compliment to the fliers..5. Advertisement in Dolly Magazin.The advertisement in Dolly will be print media with non-personal communication channels that carry messages without personal contact. It will have all the details of the modelling promotion and information on how to register and make your payment. The similarity between Dolly magazine and Supre` is that they are both targeting the same audience. This is one of the main reasons why Supre` chooses to advertise in their magazine because they know around 1 to 18 year old females will be reading this. Another advantage through this public relation is that consumers will see the special "Be A Modal For A Day" event as'news' rather then as a sales-directed communication.5. "Be A Modal For A Day" Online Web Site.This web site will be a link off Supre`s main website and Garlick's Modal and Management Agency website. It will have all the details and registration form. Applicants will also be able to pay over the Internet though their parents credit card. Due to the emergence of technology the approach of online marketing has increased dramatically. For this promotion an online website was chosen for young girls or their parents who aren't able to make it into a store. Although there is still a very large issue in privacy Supre` will use this web site as more of a direct follow up and an adjunct to their main advertising as stated in section 5.1 and 5.. 6. Products To Be Promoted.When choosing what products to promote it is very important to look at what season we are approaching and what are the "looks or trends" for that time of year. At this time of the year, September, Supre`s Spring Fashion Collection 00 will be used..6.1 Supre` Spring Fashion Collection 00.The products of Supre`s spring collection will be used in all the fashion parades. The collection will be divided into many themes so that the applicants are all matching and the parade will run smoothly. This will also give the applicants a chance to decide on what style or trend they would like to modal during the parade. By having a selection of different themes the girls will get the chance to feel comfortable, sexy and confident in there own choose. These sections will include; Sporte`, Bohemian Denim, Navaho Indian, Pretty in Pink, White Stars, and Dazzling Diva. Refer to Appendix One. The reason why these products where chosen is because they are the new trends for Spring and they will be promoted whilst the applicants are up on stage modelling them across all different shopping centres in Australia..6. Garlicks Modelling and Management Agency Services.As a partner in this promotion Garlicks services will be promoted during the parades. The audience will be introduced to what Garlicks actually provided as well as their locations in Australia. This service will also be promoted by having pamphlets available for females and males that are interested in the modelling industry..6. Kliens Accessories.All applicants' will be modelling and promoting Kliens accessories. Kliens is a sponsor of "Be A Modal For A Day" and have funded Supre` in putting this event on. In return the fashion parades will support and promote Kliens accessories.6.4 Bonne Bell Lip glos.All applicants will be wearing Bonne Bell Lip Gloss, as they too are sponsors on this promotional event and therefore there products need to by supported as well..7. Negotiation with Suppliers.Today, more than ever, those in the buying function and other key people charged with the responsibility of investing their companys money must be knowledgeable about the ways to maximize these investments. Supre`s management has placed increasing demands on its buying team to cost effectively purchase its goods and services for "Be A Modal For A Day" event. In fact, Supre` distinguishes the buying function as the area of greatest profit contribution. One clear-cut way of achieving these goals is to discover ways that will help you to improve your negotiation skills. The following is a checklist of negotiation skills that will need to be meet to gain success whilst organising the "Be A Modal For A Day" event.7.1 Checklis.7.1.1 Prepare Supre` needs to take time before the negotiations to determine what are the goals and how important they are. E.g Would Supre` be willing to give up certain goals in exchange for others? Supre` needs to know exactly what they need to achieve in there negotiation, and be prepared to get it..7.1. Set Limits The most obvious limit Supre` will set is in terms of how much they will spend. By assessing their financial situation and budgets they will be able to set a limit on how much they can truly afford to spend. Of course, they must be willing to re-assess their limits if they find that there consistently unable to obtain the deal from Garlick's or any other of the suppliers that they want..7.1. Justify the Offer If an offer below the stated price is made the buyer in this case Supre` should be prepared to justify it. When such justifications are presented Garlicks or the other suppliers might be convinced to consider the offer..7.1.4 Cooperative Advertising Often, as a condition of purchasing the buyer attempts to get the supplier to agree to share in the merchant's advertising expenses. In this case Garlick's mainly but also the other suppliers will be getting publicity from this promotional event. Therefore the other businesses are inclined to share the expenses for a number of reasons. Firstly, without the contract their business might not go further and secondly, it will provide expose to the Supre`s target market that is generally unavailable to outside suppliers.7.1.5 Confirm your agreement To ensure the understanding of Supre`s final agreement matches the other partys understanding, confirm the agreement first verbally, and then in writing..7.1.6.Move on if you cant close the deal Despite all Supre`s efforts to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, some deals are just not meant to be. If this is the case, and theres nothing you can do to bring negotiations to a successful close, then Supre` will simply walk away. By breaking off negotiations, you show your clients that youre serious, and they may very well make the final concessions necessary to close the deal. If not, then Supre` can also start their research again for other suppliers.8. Conclusion.

Overall there are many contributions to be made and aspects that have to be looked at when planning a special promotional event such as "Be A Modal For A Day". It is generally the buyer such as at Supre` who makes the contract and brings whomever is necessary to the event to make it profitable, memorable and successful. Cooperation and communication between partners and sponsors also plays a big part in planning a successful promotional event. Knowing what your partner's time-line and plans are a necessity for you to be able to do and follow your own. It takes a lot of work, time and energy to organise a promotional event. A retail buyer needs to be productive and creative in order to develop promotional concepts such as" Be A Modal For A Day". If this is done adequately not only does the buying function gain success but the business, as a whole will gain exciting benefits too.. . Bibliograph..1 Primary ResourcesAndrews, M., Assistant Buyer Supre` Pty Ltd, 0th September 00..Taskin, G., Supre` Pty Head Buyer, conversation, 15th August 00..Van Der Meulen, N., Victorian State Manager, conversation, 14th August 00.Van der Meulen, H., Managing Director of Supre` Pty Ltd, conversation, 1st March 00.Kyoti. J., Victorian Area Manager of Supre` Pty Ltd, conversation, 0 March 00.Lopez. J., National Sales Manager of Supre` Pty Ltd, conversation, 0 March 00.. Secondary Resources.Diamond, J AND Pintel, G., 001. Retail Buying, 6th ed. New Jersey Prentice Hall..Packard, S, Winters, A.A, Axelrod, N., 176. Fashion Buying and Merchandising, 1st ed. New York Fairchild..Berman, B, Evans, J.R., 001. Retail Management A Strategic Approach, 8th ed. New Jersey Prentice Hall... Online Resources.Supre` Pty Ltd [online], Available Accessed 0th September 00.Be A Modal For A Day [online], Available http// Accessed 0th September.Garlicks Model and Management Agency [online], Available http// Accessed 0th Septembe.

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