Tuesday, June 15, 2021

To kill a mockingbird

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on to kill a mockingbird. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality to kill a mockingbird paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in to kill a mockingbird, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your to kill a mockingbird paper at affordable prices

Quot.Atticus said to Jem one day, Id rather you shoot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know youll go after birds. Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit em, but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird..That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie.To kill a Mocking Bird could be considered a reliable and unexaggerated portrait of southern American s prejudice because the author Harper Lee based Maycomb the setting for the book and the character Atticus. On the real place and people. Monroeville and Harper Lee s farther who was a lawyer. Monroeville was also Harper Lee s hometown and this gave her reasons to know the socity as deeply as she does. The people of Monroeville and other places in the South America recognised themselves and the part that they played in the society in the book, this illustrates the connection between the society in the 10 and the fictional narrative.Having the book so accurate, the author can then hit the reader with more impact and can express her views on prejudice and discrimination with stronger force and more focus..

Help with essay on to kill a mockingbird

The book investigates many types of prejudice. One is the hatred and fear towards the blacks and the violence between them that could break out at any time, for example the lynch mob. The lynch mob were a group of men that threatened to take the law in their own hands and got together to kill Tom Robinson before his trial. It shows the underground violence that surfaces before the rape case starts. It also shows how the lynch mob feel powerful in a group, because they are able to hide behind someone else. Scout doesn t understand what their intentions are and sees a face in the crowd and names him.'Hey, Mr Cunningham she says singling him out from the group. Mr Cunningham realises this and is put in the spotlight and can t hide behind anyone. He also realises that an innocent little girl has caught him in action. This puts pressure on Mr Cunningham and makes in take in to account for his actions. This is an effective way to combat this type of prejudice, Scout manages to disarm Mr Cunningham, and he has to rethink his actions. essaybank.co.uk wwaa aaw esaaaas ayaa aaba naa kcaa aauk. wwfd fdw esfdfds ayfd fdba nfd kcfd fduk.There are many types of prejudice and they all subtly revolve around the Tom Robinson rape case. For example; when scout meets Mr Dolphus Raymound during the trial she becomes aware that he is a victim of prejudice and that he has become an outcast. This is because he lives his life with a black woman, this is thought to be wrong in society in Maycomb. One of the effects of this is that he pretends to be drunk. Another is that his children are also victims of prejudice as they are mix race they don t fit in with the blacks or whites, because of all this they live in the isolated out-skirts of Maycomb far away from anyone. This also means that Dolphus Raymound does not have to face any of his peers. This shows how cowardly his character is. However, it is the way he tackles with the racism. wwef efw esefefs ayef efba nef kcef efuk. wweb ebw esebebs ayeb ebba neb kceb ebu.The ladies of Maycomb also show prejudice towards individuals. Mrs Merriweather for instance never questions her actions, or what she says. For example, Mrs Merriweather insults Atticus as a misguided person. When she says'I tell you there are some good but misguided people in this town. She later goes on to say,'Folks in this town who think they are doing right, I mean. Now to far be it for me to say who, This show Mrs Merriweather s character and how two faced she is. When Mrs Merriweather insults Atticus in front of Scout, it shows how self-content she is. S6x Visit essaybank ee co ee uk ee for more ee Do not ee redistribute S6x.Miss Maudie combats this prejudice by stopping her sharp and showing her up in front of the other ladies to realise what she has just said. Miss Maudie says'His food doesn t stick going down, does it. This reveals Mrs Merriweather s victim as Atticus. Miss Maudie is open-minded and sticks up for Atticus as she feels that he is doing the right thing. wwbe bew esbebes aybe beba nbe kcbe beu.The rape plot shows the prejudice between the characters. The author subtly shapes the many varieties of prejudices in to the different characters of the town.As of the prejudice there is a clear segregation between the types of people and this is shown through out the book, as the black people are portrayed as servants or workers. The blacks live in their own part of town and have their own church to worship at. When Scout and Jem go to worship there it is frowned upon by Aunt Alexander. The segregation is shown here when scout and Jem arrive at the church as the crowds part to let them through first. The blacks are also segregated in the courtroom as they sit in the balcony further away from the court scene. It portrays to the reader how the prejudice is clearly shown in society. This is how it would have been in southern America in the 10..

Please note that this sample paper on to kill a mockingbird is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on to kill a mockingbird, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on to kill a mockingbird will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been?

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been? paper at affordable prices

Both "The Garden Party" by Katherine Mansfield and "Where are you going? Where have you been?" by Joyce Carol Oates deal with the theme of "coming of age." In "Where are you going? Where have you been?" Connie is a reckless teenager who doesn't want to listen to her parents and misbehaves as often as possible, just like a normal teenager, until an encounter with a strange man shocks her into maturity and to what being an adult really means. Laura, in "The Garden Party" is ignorant and aloof as she takes great pleasure in planning a petty, snobby garden party for her mother. She thinks of it as being adult-like and thinks of herself as being "all grown up" for planning it (and again when she is the one to suggest canceling it), when a first experience with Death causes Laura to appreciate Life..

In "Where are you going? Where have you been?" Joyce Carol Oates uses the themes of Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll to preach the importance of morals and warn youth of the dangers of mind altering substances and promiscuous sex. Although Connie wants to dress and act like a mature adult her childlike impulses still control her actions. She wants to be independent from her parents, yet she is entirely emotionally attached to them and although she doesn't want to admit it her parents control most aspects of her behavior whether it is directly or indirectly. Directly when her mother makes comments insinuating her sister‘s superiority "Why don't you keep your room clean like your sister…You don't see your sister using that junk." (p.16) and indirectly when Connie is affected by her father's absence "Their father was away at work most of the time… He didn‘t bother talking much to them…" (p.16). Connie's first experiences with Arnold Friend are innocent enough. She first sees him at the drive-in, in his gold car, the meeting is so brief that it barely registers in her memory. When he first shows up at her house Connie is self-conscious, not knowing whether to show an interest in him or blow him off. "[Arnold Friend]'You're cute.' [Connie] She pretended to fidget…" this shows Connie's reluctant interest in Arnold. Connie every so often slips back and forth between her child self and her young adult self. This is especially apparent when she is talking to Arnold Friend. Connie reverts into childlike speech and expressions, in an instance when she gets upset with Friend, "'Shut up! Youre crazy!' Connie said. She backed away from the door. She put her hands up against her ears as if shed heard something terrible, something not meant for her.'People dont talk like that, youre crazy,' she muttered." (p.170) This illustrates a typical childish reaction to an unwanted conversation, the repetition and defensive actions. Connie's transition into maturity comes when Arnold Friend petitions her to come with him "The place where you came from ain't there any more, and where you had in mind to go is cancelled out."(p.17) Connie is in that stage between childhood (the place that isn‘t there anymore) and adulthood, (where she had in mind to go) stuck in formative teenage years, a sort of confusing limbo which she can't escape from. In the end, Connie actually proves her maturity when she sacrifices herself for the sake of her family.

In Katherine Mansfield's "The Garden Party" Laura Sheridan is a naive young woman who is trying to please her mother yet attempting to be independent of her. She wants to have her own opinions and responsibilities. She doesn't hold the same ideals of the rest of her family. She isn't influenced by class divisions "It's all the fault… of these absurd class distinctions." (p.0) However, she has no evidence to support why she feels any connection with the lower classes, besides her limited interaction with the workmen. She is in such a rush to appear as an adult, that her immature manner shows right through. "Of course Laura and Jose were far too grown-up to really care about such things." "All the same, two minutes later Jose and Laura were licking their fingers with that absorbed inward look that only comes from whipped cream." (p.) When the Sheridan's find out about Scott's death Laura anticipates canceling the party, which is fairly irrational since the Sheridan's weren't by any means close to the Scott family. Laura's mother expresses the fact that "It's only by accident we've heard of it. If someone had died there normally- and I can't understand how they keep alive in those poky little holes- we should still be having our party, shouldn't we?" (p.5) which is a statement that is a bit heartless, but is also true. When Laura finally sees the dead workman in his home, she is shocked to see how beautiful death is, which in turn, makes her appreciate how marvelous life is.

Each story illustrates the importance of appreciating life for what it's worth. Connie sacrifices herself to save her family because she now realizes that adults have to make sacrifices, no matter how big or small. Laura comes to accept death as a part of life, and therefore realizing that parties and pastries are not all there is to it. It may not be that Laura and Connie have grown into "adults," but they have come to terms with adult feelings and the responsibilities that adults have..

Custom Essays on Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been?

Please note that this sample paper on Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been?, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Coming of Age: The Garden Party and Where are you going? Where have you been? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, June 14, 2021


If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on mikes. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality mikes paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in mikes, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your mikes paper at affordable prices!

Racism seems to be everywhere more than two cultures reside. Many people have been prejudiced by their race at least once in their life. Unfortunately, many people live their lives being discriminated because of their color. Racism is categorizing a group of people of the same cultural background. The hatred towards so many innocent people usually had to do with a few arrogant and unintelligent people. One determined man, Hitler, started the atrocity of the Holocaust. An estimated 5,800,000 people died. This era of horrible racism ended at the end of the Second World War.The economic rise in the early America began when the slaves were sold to landowners. These working possessions were forced to work and after sevonce in their life. Unfortunately, many people live their lives being discriminated because of their color. Racism is categorizing a group of people of the same cultural background. The hatred towards so many innocent people usually had to do with a few arrogant and unintelligent people. One determined man, Hitler, started the atrocity of the Holocaust. An estimated 5,800,000 people died. This era of horrible racism ended at the end of the Second World War.The economic rise in the early America began when the slaves were sold to landowners. These working eral years they were "set free". Hatred among most people towards the black people expanded for many years. After the laws prohibiting the segregation of African Americans in the United States, America still deals with unjust hatred. Racism seems to be everywhere more than two cultures reside. Many people have been prejudiced by their race at least once in their life. Unfortunately, many people live their lives being discriminated because of their color. Racism is categorizing a group of people of the same cultural background. The hatred towards so many innocent people usually had to do with a few arrogant and unintelligent people. One determined man, Hitler, started the atrocity of the Holocaust. An estimated 5,800,000 people died. This era of horrible racism ended at the end of the Second World War.The economic rise in the early America began when the slaves were sold to landowners. These working possessions were forced to work and after several years they were "set free". Hatred among most people towards the black people expanded for many years. After the laws prohibiting the segregation of African Americans in the United States, America still deals with unjust hatred..

Custom Essays on mikes

Please note that this sample paper on mikes is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on mikes, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on mikes will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, June 11, 2021

Stop Smoking-Expository Paper

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Stop Smoking-Expository Paper. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Stop Smoking-Expository Paper paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Stop Smoking-Expository Paper, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Stop Smoking-Expository Paper paper at affordable prices!

Once I quit smoking, I knew it was the right thing to do. The average smoker will greatly benefit from successful quitting for these reasons risks of cancer are significantly reduced, physical endurance can be regained, and your life span will cease to shorten.

0,000 people died last year. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing more than 400,000 deaths each year and resulting in an annual cost of more than $75 billion in direct medical costs. Nationally, smoking results in more than 5.6 million years of potential life lost each year.

Most people who begin smoking are in high school or college, but some begin at a younger age. Every day, nearly 5,000 young people under the age of 18 try their first cigarette, and approximately 80% of adult smokers started smoking before the age of 18 (New York Times). Moreover, 6.4 million children living today will die prematurely because of a decision they will make as adolescents the decision to smoke cigarettes (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion).

On the bright side, high schools and colleges across America are banning smoking on campuses, and colleges are making dormitories non-smoking; not just for fire safety. In addition, many colleges are also banning college students from charging cigarettes onto their campus cards

Order custom research paper on Stop Smoking-Expository Paper

Some young people tend to believe that smoking low-tar, low-nicotine cigarettes will make a difference. In essence, this usually does little good. Because nicotine is so addictive, if you switch to lower-nicotine brands you'll likely just puff harder, longer, and more often on each cigarette. The only safe choice is to quit completely (Web MD).

Doctors deal with the long-term effects of smoking every day since there are so many hospitalized from smoking. 540 billion cigarettes are consumed each year. If you are a smoker, did you know you are smoking 00 poisons? The top four poisons you're most likely smoking are Arsenic, Cyanide, Carbon Monoxide, and Formaldehyde--you know, the fluid used to preserve dead bodies. The sad thing is, you probably didn't know that when you were smoking your first cigarette.

Disturbing yet true, 0% of cancer deaths are linked to smoking. The most common cancers caused by smoking are lung cancer, larynx cancer, heart cancer, oral cavity cancer, esophagus cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer and or failure, pancreas cancer, and stomach cancer. Last but not least, non-smokers have been known to get lung cancer from second hand smoke..

Fifty million Americans smoke. You know you've been trying to quit smoking for a long time, and believe me, there are many benefits that come from quitting. One benefit is the money you will save. Add up all the money you didn't spend on cigarettes, lighters and cough drops. According to Smoker's Anonymous, In twenty-five years, each smoker could have had an estimated $8,000 dollars of free spending money. And for hospitalized smokers who are dying, each one spends an estimated amount of $10,100 dollars a year on their prolonged death.

Another benefit you will instantly regain is your sense of smell. Full time smokers lose their sense of smell up to 0% after one year of smoking (New York Times). Also, you will regain your endurance. A few high school football players at my school started smoking their sophomore year. They either got demoted to a lower string on their team or quit. Still in denial as to why their football careers are gone, smoking is the root of their problem; it ruined their lung capacity. It is also effecting others that have to be around their bad habit.

Most importantly, one should quit for the most obvious reason. Cancer is nearly a guarantee if you never quit smoking. There is no "loophole" when it comes to quitting chewing tobacco and snuff are proven to be more harmful or equal to the long-term effects smoking.

Quitting is the only answer. When I quit smoking, my withdrawal symptoms were horrendous. Constantly coughing up toxins and phlegm from my lungs was quite painful, but it was definitely worth it. Whenever I am around second hand smoke, I am very pleased with my choice because I am not the one making a stink. My car smells better, my respiratory system is performing better while I am playing sports. I don't have to waste time by going outside once an hour to smoke, and I'm saving a good grip of cash. Smoking takes away from your attention span when you get a craving; now it is easier for me to stay focused. Everyone should take action on the problem of smoking. By not smoking, you can make yourself and others feel delighted and in control. You are stronger than the cigarette. (The End.Grade from English 11 ProfessorA.Health--Quit Smoking Outlin.Thesis Once I quit smoking, I knew it was the right thing to do. The average smoker will greatly benefit from successful quitting for these reasons risks of cancer are significantly reduced, physical endurance can be regained, and your life span will increase.I. Statistic.

A. How many people smok.

B. Mortality rate.II. High School and College Lif.

A. Starting rate.

B. Colleges make dorms and campuses non-smokin.

C. Colleges ban cigarette purchases on campus card.III. Long Ter.

A. Wrinkles, decreased lung capacit.

B. Cancer.

C. Lifespa.IV. Benefits to Qui.

A. Mone.

B. Smell and nos.

C. Reduced risk to cancer, agin.

D. Endurance & Lung capacit. Http//www.WebMD.com.

Please note that this sample paper on Stop Smoking-Expository Paper is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Stop Smoking-Expository Paper, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Stop Smoking-Expository Paper will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Abstract on F.S. Berry, Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330 paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330 paper at affordable prices!

From 180 to 11 there was a large increase in the number of state agencies that began to use strategic planning to increase their productivity. This article grew out of a lack of detailed study as to what conditions were causing the increase of strategic planning. Berry identified four reasons that state agencies are likely to adopt strategic planning, " (1) early in gubernatorial administrations, () under conditions of strong fiscal health, () when agencies work closely with private sector businesses, and (4) as the number of neighboring state agencies that have already adopted strategic planning increases".The Definition if Strategic plannin

Order custom research paper on Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330

At the time this article was written, strategic planning was a relatively new process. It was a method for managers to increase productivity and efficiency by tying responsiveness to citizens, quality services, employee empowerment and a planning process that is tied to the organization's mission and values. The author goes on to define Strategic Planning as "a process that has four basic features (1) a clear statement of organization's mission; () the identification of the agency's external constituencies or stakeholders, and the determination of their assessment of the agency's purposes and operations; () the delineation of the agency's strategic goals and objectives, typically in a - to 5-year plan; and (4) the development of the strategies to achieve them". She then proposed 6 hypotheses to support her findings.Fiscal Health

Berry's first hypothesis is that " the fiscal health of an agency affects the likelihood of the agency adopting strategic planning". More specifically, she feels that agencies with strong financial standing will be more likely to use strategic planning because they have the capital to resource and implement strategic plans. Conversely, organizations that are in financial trouble will cut back on programs and initiatives in an attempt to save money. She does concede that there is existing literature that reports the opposite.Agency Siz.

Her second hypothesis states "the larger an agency the more likely it is to adopt strategic planning". She found that large organizations have a tendency to be more innovative than smaller organizations. Her studies point to the larger organization which typically would have a more diverse staff of specialists and professionals who work together to create new ideas.Leadership cycl.

Berry feels that the timelines of politics also plays a significant role in the likelihood of strategic planning. Since the governor of a state and the administrators and politicians play a large role in the change of an organization, the coming and going of leadership will impact the willingness of an organization to foster innovation. This brings us to the third hypothesis, " In the gubernatorial administration cycle, agencies are most likely to adopt strategic planning in the year after a new governor is elected, second most likely is in the year after a governor is re-elected, and least likely in the year of a gubernatorial election". The adoption of strategic planning immediately following an election is due to the new leadership wanting to put a "symbol of their personal leadership" on the organization. Also, the first year of a governor's new term is when most new agency directors will be appointed and the most change in policy will take place in conjunction with the new governor's agenda.Agency Orientatio.The forth and fifth hypotheses relate directly to the way an agency does business. The fourth is "Agencies that work closely with private sector businesses are more likely to adopt strategic planning than agencies that do not". She feels that those agencies that are in constant contact with private sector businesses are more likely to be familiar with strategic planning management techniques. The fifth hypothesis is based on the type of customer that an organization has. Berry feels that a true service oriented organization will be better suited to strategic planning. She states "the greater the extent to which an agency delivers its services directly to the citizens as opposed to other state agencies or local governments, the more likely it is to adopt strategic planning".Regional Diffusio.The final Hypothesis states, "Agencies are more likely to adopt strategic planning as the number of'sister' agencies in neighboring states that have adopted strategic planning increases". Her reasoning for this is that regional government often looks to each other for policy trends. This lends to the tendency of agency directors looking at their neighboring state agencies for ideas on how to better themselves.Conclusio.

The remainder of the article is devoted to the raw data that was gathered during Berry's research. This article provided some good points for the employee of state agencies to make a case for implanting Strategic Planning in their agencies. The underlying theme appeared to be the need for state and governmental organizations to adopt more private sector business practices. She does end with a caution that private sector practices do need to be modified to ensure that they supports the unique characteristics of public service...

Please note that this sample paper on Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Abstract on F.S. Berry, "Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of StrategicPlanning (State), Public Administration Review 54 (July/August 1994): 322-330 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Levi's jeans advertising

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Levi's jeans advertising. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Levi's jeans advertising paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Levi's jeans advertising, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Levi's jeans advertising paper at affordable prices!

International marketing communication.Critique of a Global Marcoms Campaig.Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans Campaig.Introductio.

Help with essay on Levi's jeans advertising

This paper is going to access an international organization¡¦s marcomss and critic its current ineffective marketing campaign as well as giving recommendations for its future marcom campaigns. Levi¡¦s had been chosen as the organization to be accessed and giving suggestions. There are several reasons for choosing Levi¡¦s, firstly; Levi¡¦s is most popular brand of jeans selling worldwide. Secondly, Levi¡¦s traditionally spend huge amount of money on its marcom campaigns. Thirdly, Jeans market is becoming more competitive nowadays as the emergence of designer brands and more fashion jeans brands..This paper will be divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of whole paper which will discuss about the reason of choosing Levi¡¦s and the structure of this paper. The second chapter is the background information of Levi¡¦s and its external and internal audit, the simple history background and development of Levi¡¦s and its external and internal audit with a focus on the marcom will be discussed. The third chapter will be included the critique of Levi¡¦s Type 1 Campaign and recommendations. The last chapter is conclusion.Background of Levi Strauss & Co.Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&CO.) is the first company produces jeans in the world. Founded in 185 by Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss is one of the worlds largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 100 countries..Today, the Levis trademark is one of the most recognized in the world and this can reflect Levi¡¦s strong and effective campaign through out the world for a long time. However, not every marcom campaign is effective..Levi Strauss & Co. employs a staff of approximately 1,400 people worldwide, including approximately 1,500 people at its San Francisco, California headquarters..Levi Strauss & Co. is a worldwide corporation organized into three geographic divisions.VLevi Strauss, the Americas (LSA), based in the San Francisco headquarter.VLevi Strauss Europe, Middle East and Africa (LSEMA), based in Brussel.VAsia Pacific Division (APD), based in Singapore (www.levistruress.com.External Audi.„XIndustry trend.The growth of the jeans is slow down during 10s. According to Business Week¡¦s report on 000 the jeans market has risen by some 4%/yr since the mid-10s. Although the jeans market is growing, the market share of the major player Levi¡¦s losing its market share from 10s throughout 000s world wide. According to the same report by Business Week Levis jeans market share may have decreased from 1% to approximately 17% in the last decade, estimates by analysts. The reason that Levi¡¦s loss its market share might be because Levi¡¦s rely on single brand products Levi¡¦s 501 for more than 10 years and also the similar advertising and marcom campaigns make audiences feel bored with them.In addition the jeans market is becoming more and more competitive. Since the strong competition come from the jeans competitors such as Lee, Wrangler, Diesel and Pepe. Competition from the fashion brands such as Gap, competition from the designer brands such as Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo, Paul Smith and Armani. Therefore, the jeans market¡¦s competition is becoming tough and the effective marketing campaign can be very important tool to gain the market share.„XTarget consume.Traditionally, male is more important than female in jeans market. Since males buy more jeans than female but the situation is changing the growth of the female¡¦s jeans market is faster than male¡¦s (see table 1). From the table we expected the sales of the women¡¦s jeans market will become more important in the future.The Jeans Market 000-00..Percentag.001 000of chang..

Mens jeans sales $6.18 billion $6.00 billion+..

Womens jeans sales $4.80 billion $4.51 billion+6..Source Mintel International Group Ltd.„XCompetitors and their communication strategies and effectivenes.The main competitors in the market will be Lee and Wrangle from the United States both owned by VF Corp and Diesel from Italy. They all active and success involved in marcom campaigns..Le.Lee has used online films to reposition a brand. Lee has proven to be one of the more skilled Web-film marketers. In fall of 000, Lee created a Lee Dungarees campaign. The company e-mailed 50,000 consumers, age from 17 to , with short movies featuring villainous characters. It then built online games and websites based on those villains, and eventually unrolled a TV campaign that showed the link between Lee Dungarees and the villains. That campaign saw one fourth of those who opened the e-mails (http//www.business.com/articles/web/0,165,47,00.html).Wrangle.Wrangler runs 5 Western commercials along with six new spots for its Hero brand. Print ads will run in magazines such as Sports Illustrated and People. Wrangler will also run ads in womens magazines because 70% of the purchases of male products are done by women..Wrangler spent GBP 15million on European campaigning. There are two rodeo riders who are the stars of a television advertising campaign for Wranglers. Substantial sales are at stake. In the UK market alone, more than m pairs of jeans at a value of more than GBP 00 million were sold in the 1 months to the middle of last year (Financial Times London, 17)..Diese.Diesel was one of the first companies to have a major presence on the Internet (www.diesel.com) - opening its site in 15. Today the site contains information about all Diesel clothing collections, as well as its licensed products, plus a complete archive of all Diesel advertising. Members of the Diesel Club receive new information, exclusive previews and regular updates via email. 1 - BIMA (British Interactive Media Awards), Winner - Virtual Store; Design Councils Design Effectiveness Awards, Winner - Virtual Store and email marketing database; Design Week Magazine Awards, Multimedia Graphics, Finalist - Virtual Store; 000 - Design Week Magazine Awards, Site award 55DSL (www.diesel.com).Internal Audi.„XProduct-market.The main product of Levi¡¦s is jeans and the market will be mainly youth market which is youngster age between 15 and 5. Although, Levi¡¦s also consumed by middle age people since they used to wear Levi¡¦s jeans when they are young, Levi¡¦s marcom campaign mainly target young people.„X Location.Since, the main consumer of Levi¡¦s is young people age from 15 to 5. Majority of youngsters in between this age group may in schools or universities. However, small proportion of this age group may be working.„X Success of previous communication.Levi¡¦s had been involved in marcom for a very long period of time. Most of the marketing campaigns had been successful in terms of sales and brand image. However, consistence of using same method of TV advertising campaign with out creative ideas, new elements and new Medias. Levi¡¦s suffer from a slum of sale during 10s. Until, late 10s the company starts to apply creative ideas and different channels and methods of carry out marcom. For example, Award-winning ad campaign makes Engineered Jeans the brand leader (http//www.designcouncil.info/picturedesk/ge-pdfs/levisbbh.pdf).„X Role/contribution of marcoms (strategically and tactically.The role of marcom for Levi¡¦s is very vital since the jeans market is becoming more and more competitive and the young consumers¡¦ taste also change quickly. The contribution of the marcom to Levi¡¦s can be say ¡§invaluable¡¨ since the marcom campaign make Levi¡¦s to become a most recognized jeans brand globally. That also contributes to the Levi¡¦s brand equity as well as brand image..Background of Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans Campaig.This year 00 is the 150 anniversary of Levi¡¦s. In order to celebrate this imperative year of Levi¡¦s had launched brand new jeans which is Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans. The marcom campaign to support the launch of the Type 1 started on February, 00 and this campaign is running globally with integrated marcom tools. This campaign is the most expensive marcom campaign that Levi¡¦s had been launch in its history. ¡§The multi-million pound campaign, for its Type 1, jeans is the most expensive yet - although the company is refusing to disclose the exact cost¡¨(British News, 00). However, Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans Campaign seems not an effective campaign which will be discussed and recommendations will be given in the next part.Critique of Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans Campaign and Recommendation.VTarget Audienc.„ The Type 1 campaig.The target audience of Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans Campaign is both male and female aged from 15 ¡V 5 and fashionable, cool and sexy. Most of people in this group already had experience with Levi¡¦s and its product and the positive attitude toward Levi¡¦s and its product also expected due to the pervious successful marcom¡¦s campaigns. The target audience for the jeans market is often clear. However, it is also the most difficult group to communicate, since their taste and fashion is change more quickly than what you think..„ Recommendation.In my opinion Levi¡¦s have not problem to identify their target audience but more communication may needed to keep up with the target audience such as face to face interview or focus groups can be carried out by marketing departments in different countries. In addition, the type 1 jeans also produce for kid¡¦s market and Levi¡¦s also consumed by many middle age people. However, majority of Levi¡¦s marcom campaigns only focus on young people. These two markets may be also important to Levi¡¦s in the future. Levi¡¦s have to consider launching individual marcom campaigns for them. VObjective.„ The Type 1 campaig.The objectives of the Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jeans campaign are as follo.1.To celebrate 150 years anniversar..To boost the sale of new Levi¡¦s Type 1 Jean..To increase brand equit.„ Recommendation.The objectives of Levi¡¦s in the future could be more focus on building up consumer loyalty and brand image. Jeans is a low involvement decision product, which means the purchasing of jeans is a symbolic projection and emotive appeal. Thus build up consumer loyalty and brand image and equity by frequently marcoms are necessary. Also, remember the objectives have to be easy to measure. Usually, sales is the most popular indicator to be measured..VStrateg.„ The Type 1 campaig.The strategy of Levi¡¦s Type 1 campaign used Super Bowl to get the attention of target audience about the launch of Type 1 jeans driven them through SMS and TV to visit Levi¡¦s Web site and answer questions about Type 1 Jeans. The prize of Super Bowl include a pair of ¡§world¡¦s most valuable Type 1 jeans¡¨ cost USD $85,000 and Cash USD $65, 000. However, the company did not consider some technical problems such as if too many people surfing on the web site at the same time; the display of the website will become very slow. Also, sometimes super bowl is not a cost effective method to launch a new product..„ Recommendations-TV.Super bowl is not a new strategy to get attention of target audience but its cost effective had been argued. Levi¡¦s could give a number of prizes rather than a super bowl, since many people may consider the chance of wining a prize. More chances of wining a price more people will be attracted to join the game. Levi¡¦s should not try to attract too many people to surf their web site at the same time, it is very dangerous for their target audience to have bad experience when the server is too slow that will cause negative image of the company. VMessag.„ The Type 1 campaign- Message conten.Generally, the message content of the campaign of Type 1 jeans is to inform target audience that Levi¡¦s produced a breed new bold jeans. However the way to present message in an appealing manner is ineffective in Type 1 Campaign. In TV ad use fear ¡§mice people¡¨ (see appendices 1) and music but on the poster and web site use cool, sexy model and also surrealism in the film available (see appendices )on-line which it totally different from the TV ad for same campaign Type 1 jeans campaign. Type 1 jeans TV ad did not encode the message well to audience until the end of the ad shows ¡§Levi¡¦s A Bold New Breed Jeans¡¨. The target audience seems difficult to decode the message from the ad until last.„ Recommendations- Message conten.Levi¡¦s have to use similar appeals to present message content for a campaign otherwise the target audience may confuse about the content of the message and the whole brand image. Fear can be an effective appeal but sometimes does not work or even damage the brand image and this has to bear in mind.„ The Type 1 campaign- Message structur.The message of the Levi¡¦s TV ad and films online for type 1 campaign both has a very strong start and giving main message at the end. That make sense since the Levi¡¦s jeans is a low involvement product is suitable to use a strong start to have a primacy effect. However, too strong or not a suitable start will destroy whole campaign. For example, Levi¡¦s use ¡§mice people¡¨ as a actor for its TV ad for Type 1 jeans. Imagine how many people scare of or hate mice. Once they saw mice in the TV they may turn off TV or change channel. That is a big risk for Levi¡¦s in this campaign..„ Recommendations- Message structur.Levi¡¦s have to consider the suitable ways to start the message. The best way to get young people¡¦s attention may not be fear, it could be sex. Levi¡¦s had been using sex in its campaign and it is quite successful and that may gain success again.„ The Type 1 campaign- Message forma.Type 1 jeans campaign use traditional Levi¡¦s symbol as the semiotic through out the campaign. This Levi¡¦s symbol already becomes the most popular symbol in the jeans market globally..„ The Type 1 campaign- Message sourc.The message source of the Type 1 jeans campaign is not consistent. In TV ad us.¡§mice people¡¨ but in the poster and web site use cool and sexy model to present th.message. Mice people is not effective at all and also the cool and sexy model alread.used in many of the Levi¡¦s campaign..Recommendations- Message sourc.Levi¡¦s may consider using the most influential in young people to be the source of the message source in the future. ¡§David Beckham¡.VTypes of marcom.„ The Type 1 campaig.Levi¡¦s Type 1 campaign use advertising and direct marketing as the method to communicate with their target audience. Advertising will be included TV and cinema, print and in store and direct marketing will be SMS. These media will be discussed in detail in next section. The choice of advertising and direct marketing seems a good match according to the strengths and weakness.Advertising Direct marketing.AdvantagesDisadvantages Advantages Disadvantages.Mass coverage Non personalPersonal Limited coverag.High degree of control on messageDifficult to measure Build relationship in long ter.Raising awareness of consumer product Work best in collectivistic cultur.Source lecture power point by Dr. Sha.However, nowadays young people become more and more individualism so the advertising may not work best for young people..„ Recommendation.Levi¡¦s had long been involved in the public relation and social responsibility in order to build up its brand image and equity. However, the company may consider launch some specific public relation or social responsibility campaign for individual campaign. By using advertising, direct marketing and public relation for a campaign the company can enjoy the benefits of integrated marcom such as synergy and greater market precision.VMedi.„ The Type 1 campaign-TV and Cinem.The Levi¡¦s use a gang of mice people (see appendices 1) and humans, who kidnap a cat belonging to a wealthy woman and hold it to ransom in it ad. This is a 60 seconds ad showed on February, 00. Although, this ad is a creative idea, it is totally unsuccessful. Since, the image of the mice is not match the product ¡§jeans¡¨ or brand ¡§Levi¡¦s¡¨ and also cause anxiety. This may cause negative image on the Levi¡¦s brand image. According to some study TV is not popular among young people nowadays and most of people will skip ads (Solomon, 16).„ Recommendations- TV and Cinem.Using TV advertising to target young people now may not be as effective as past. Since, young people now have more choice of entertainments than past. According to Wang 001 suggested that using internet become a more popular leisure activity among adolescents. Levi¡¦s have to spend less money on ineffective media and to found effective media to reach their target audience such as Web page, SMS and E-mail some of them Levi¡¦s already using but have to keep up dated with the changes. In addition, chosen an actor to represent Levi¡¦s and its jeans is very important to its brand image. Levi¡¦s should choose the actors which fit the brands image and the product. For example, the 185 advert featuring Nick Kamen stripping to his boxer shorts was credited with boosting yearly sales by 800%. However, the most influential people among young population around the world now may be David Beckham. „ The Type 1 campaign-Magazine.The magazine had been used for the Type 1 campaign in the USA. Levi¡¦s launched print ad in Swimsuit Issue magazine. This is a popular magazine among youngster. However, the name of the magazine Swimsuit Issue seems not match the image of Levi¡¦s.„ Recommendations- Magazin.Levi¡¦s can launch their print ad in both male and female fashion magazine. It is because more and more male fashion magazine available in the market now and traditionally female fashion magazine is a good way to reach female audience. As I mention pervious female jeans market is growing faster than males. However, these magazine should be targeted youth market same as Levi¡¦s. In addition, according to Bogart, 18 about 0% of students read their college newspaper at least one day a week in the USA. Levi¡¦s could try to post their print ad in college newspaper.„ The Type 1 campaign-Web sit.Levi¡¦s use web site as a communication media to increase the awareness of Typ.1 jeans. The Web site for Type 1 jeans in Europe and the US contain in the mai.Levi¡¦s page but in Japan and Taiwan they have separate page for Type 1 jeans and th.design also quite different. Especially the Type 1 Jeans we site in Taiwan is not matc.go with the Levi¡¦s image sexy. The web page show a female model shaving her lon.hair (see appendices ). In the main Levi¡¦s web site there are five simple onlin.games for Type 1 jeans, the games is not attractive at all since it is too simple.„ Recommendation.15Levi¡¦s should make the web site design consistent through out its international web site and small adjustments have to be make according to different nations. Levi¡¦s should consider cooperating with electronic or computer game producer to produce more interesting and entertaining games with the actors wear Levi¡¦s jeans. Since, playing electronic and computer game may be the most popular leisure activities for young people globally..VTiming of implementatio.„ The Type 1 campaig.Levi¡¦s launching Type 1 campaign on February it seems not a good or suitable time to launch global marcom campaign. As American planning to attack Iraq and every day news seems negative to America. Because people wondering its aims of attacking Iraq. The atmosphere all over the world is becoming tense and the image of America also becoming negative in many countries. Levi¡¦s chose this time to launch its campaign is not a good decision and also make the campaign less effective..„ Recommendation.Levi¡¦s have to consider the external environment when they want to launch campaign especially, international campaign which is more important to realize the potential impact of the external environment. If the company found that is not a good time for its marcoms campaign, they should found another period of time to launch...Reasons for giving above recommendations.The recommendation giving above had considered the intense competition in the jeans market, the trend in the market, the behavior of the target market and also the ability of the company. In the future the company has to keep up with the change of the behavior and the taste of the target consumer. Also keep pace with the technology changes which can be apply for the marcoms in a more cost effective way.Conclusio.Levi¡¦s had been in the jeans market for 150 years and the company had create a very strong brand image and equity by its marcoms. However, this Type 1 jeans campaign seems not a very effective campaign in this year. The company has to carry out more research to understand their target consumers and communicate more with their advertising agency in order to carry out effective marcom campaign. In the future, marcom expect to be more important for Levi¡¦s, since the strong competitors also invest heavily in marcoms to gain consumer loyalty. Levi¡¦s should apply new technology in a right way into their marcom campaign in order to maximize marcom¡¦s effectiveness. Referenc.Malone, S. (00) ¡¥By The Numbers¡¦, Women¡¦s Wear Daily, , 61.Palmieri, J.E. (17) ¡¥Adding More Mass to Its Mass Market Share¡¦, Fairchild Publications, 7, 511.Rossiter, J.R & Percy, L. (17) Advertising Communication & Promotion Management, nd edition, Singapore, McGraw-Hil.Smith, A. (17) ¡¥MARKETING / ADVERTISING / MEDIA Return to the wild frontier Wranglers European challenge to Levis jeans bucks the campaign trend its rival has set¡¦, Financial Times London,.Solomon, M.R (16) Consumer Behavior Buying Having and Behavior, rd Edition, United States, Prentice-Hall.Levis Type 1 Jeans Print Campaign to Break in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, 1-Feb-00, Business Wir.Mice models aim for jeans sales success, Jan 0 00 British New.(000) ¡¥Can Levis Be Cool Again?¡¦, Business Week, p14.http//www.dmc.co.uk/index.php?bz0yN.http//www.internetnews.com/IAR/article.php/15604.http//media.guardian.co.uk/advertising/story/0,74,77185,00.htm.http//www.levistrauss.com/about.http//www.wirelessadwatch.com/news/00/news00018.shtm.http//www.trendcentral.com/trends/trendarticle.asp?tcArticleId=74.http//saltyt.antville.org/00010.http//www.ananova.com/business/story/sm_74147.htm.http//www.fashionwindows.com/visualprofiles/00/levis.as.http//quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/wed/bo/Bca-levi_s-jeans.RmLs_DFD.htm.http//www.clickz.com/feedback/buzz/print.php/15657.http//www.imediaconnection.com/content/news/01060c.as.http//www.tdctrade.com/mne/garment/garment00401.ht.http//www.diesel.co.http//www.designcouncil.info/picturedesk/ge-pdfs/levisbbh.pd.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Anylazation of tony soprano

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Tony Soprano, the son of Johnny Boy Soprano was, born in 15. He grew up in Newark and West Orange, New Jersey. "Violence was a standard component of his childhood he once witnessed his dad and uncle chase down and viciously beat a guy for being late with a numbers payment; another time he watched Johnny Boy amputate a debtor's finger with a meat cleaver. Johnny Boy utilizes his fists at home, too; although he never struck his two daughter, when Tony transgressed his father would send him flying. Tony's mother, Livia, dealt with emotional beatings; depressive and paranoid, she was incapable of affection- she once threaten to plunge a fork into his eye and constantly told Tony he'd never amount to anything. But the coup de grace came years later when Tony put her into a nursing home; she conspired with Junior to have him killed." (www.hbo.com). Now, Tony is married to Carmella, whom he met in high school. They have two children together, Meadow and A.J. junior. Tony tells people he is in the waste management business, but in all reality he is the head boss of the DiMeo family. The largest criminal organization in New Jersey. He is currently seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi to be treated for his panic attacks. Dr. Melfi believes the causes of the attacks are from built up anger, guilt and grief. Over all this pretty much sums up Tony Soprano and how he grew up.

One of the theories I felt Tony Soprano went well with was Adler's theory of striving for person superiority. According to Adler there is, "one dynamic force behind people's behavior it is striving for success or superiority" (Feist pg. 66). As stated in the book, "Some people strive for superiority with little or no concern for others. Their goals are personal ones, and their strivings are motivated largely by exaggerated feelings of personal inferiority. Some people create clever disguises for their personal striving and may consciously or unconsciously hide their self-centeredness behind the cloak of social concern" (Feist pg. 68).

In one episode Tony Soprano and the other capos decide that he should take over the family while letting Uncle Junior think he's running things. In this episode Tony was pretending to be concerned for the well being of his uncle and the other members of his "family". He was hiding his "self-centeredness behind the cloak of social concern", and was acting concerned for the well being of others. He acted like he cared and did not want anyone in the "family" to get caught up with the police. He also did not want his uncle to feel incompetent or incapable of being able to be the mob boss. In all reality Tony Soprano just wanted to be the mob boss. This is one way how Tony created a cleaver disguise. He pretended to care about everyone when all he really cared about was his personal gain.

Another cleaver disguise Tony Soprano has is his cover up job that he tells people he does so they will not know he works in the mafia. His cover up job is in the waste management business. Even his cover up job has to be something of a higher status. Tony Soprano tells everyone he works in the waste management business, even his own children. In one episode Meadow, Tony's daughter tells Anthony Jr. what their dad really does for a living. Anthony Jr. had no clue that his own father was involved in the mafia he really believed that his dad was in the waste management business. This is another example of how Tony Soprano created a cleaver disguise or lie in order to succeed further in his personal striving for becoming the leader of the mob.

Custom Essays on anylazation of tony soprano

Tony Soprano is continuously having intimate relationships with women other than his wife, Carmella. In one episode "Tony is experiencing a side affect of Prozac which is impotency. He meets the beautiful Isabella, the exchange student from next door. It turns out Isabella is a figment of his imagination." (http//organizedcrime). This is one of many examples of how Tony Soprano acts on his "exaggerated feelings of personal inferiority" (Feist, 68). If Isabella was real it would be fair to make the assumption that Tony would have tried to get physically involved with her. He would do so with no remorse, and also without taking his wife's feelings into consideration of how she would feel if she found out what her husband is doing. He feels that he is not only superior in his work life, but also in his home life and he can do as he pleases without thinking of how others would feel about his actions.

In another episode "Tony's wife, Carmella and his new girlfriend strike up a friendship, and Tony breaks up with her. Gloria threatens to go to Carmella. He then has Patsy Parisi visit Gloria who warns her to disappear." (Http//organizedcrime) . Tony does not care about these women's feelings; his only concern is his happiness and well being. He did not break up with Gloria because he saw the light, and realized that cheating was wrong. He did not leave Gloria because his family meant more to him than some woman on the side, because Tony has many women on the side. He broke things off with Gloria because he did not want his wife to find out because then it would start yet another fight between then. A fight that could be avoided if he broke things off with his mistress, which he did and with no remorse to how the mistress felt. Tony did not care because he had no feelings involved in the relationship between him and the mistress. She meant nothing to him, but a woman on the side. This is yet another example of how Tony acted on his "exaggerated feelings of personal inferiority."(Feist, 68)..

The second theorist I chose was, Horney. I chose the Basic Anxiety The neurotic needs theory. As stated in the book, "In 14, Horney tentatively identified ten categories of neurotics in their attempts to combat basic anxiety. The ten categories of neurotic needs over lapped one another, and a single person might employ more than one" (Feist,160). Tony Soprano has the neurotic need for power. According to the book the neurotic need for power is, "Power and affection are perhaps the two greatest neurotic needs. The need for power is usually combined with the needs for prestige and possession and manifests itself as the need to control others and to avoid feelings of weakness or stupidity" (Feist, 161). The second neurotic need Tony Soprano has is the neurotic need for perfection and unassailability. As stated in the book the neurotic need fro perfection and unassailability is, "by striving relentlessly for perfection, neurotics receive "proof" of their self-esteem and personal superiority, They dread making mistakes and having personal flaws, and they desperately attempt to hid their weakness from others." (Feist, 16).

In one episode, "Jackie robs a card game, kills the dealer and shoots Furio. When Tony finds out he realized he has to take care of what happened. Jackie begs Tony to save his life and Tony declines. Tony lets Ralph Cifaretto, who ran the card game settle the score with Jackie Jr. Raphine whacks the boy. Tony had to go through with the murder or other wise he would be showing a weakness which he can not do. In his line of work he always has to show authority and can not show emotion or others will lose respect for him resulting in a loss of power. This is only one example of how example of how of how Tony feels the "need to control others and to avoid feeling of weakness or stupidity" (Feist, 161).

In another episode, "Tony is too busy talking to a girl he drops his guard enough to allow two hit men to take a couple of shots at him. He manages to waste one of them, and turns down an offer to join the witness protection program" (http//organizedcrime). If Tony did not take care of this problem himself, the other members in his family would not look up to him. Some may even lose respect for him if he was to join the witness protection program. Therefore Tony chooses not to join the witness protection program "to avoid feelings of weakness or stupidity" (Feist, 161).

In another episode, "Tony Soprano, a capo in the New Jersey mob secretly begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi , after suffering from anxiety attacks." (http//organizedcrime) Tony Soprano has to secretly receive treatment for his anxiety attacks because he has to "hide his weakness from others." (Feist,16). If Tony Soprano was to let the "family" know of the anxiety attacks he would look weak and the "family" members would think that being the mob boss is a job Tony can not handle. Which may result in Tony losing his position as the mob boss, and that would take away from his personal superiority.

In another episode, "Tony's boss, his Uncle Junior, wants to use a restaurant belonging to a friend of Tony's to murder Pussy Malenga, but Tony has the restaurant blown up instead." (http//orginizedcrime). This is yet another example of how Tony Soprano receives "proof" of his personal superiority." He goes above the boss' decision of having someone murdered, and blows the place up instead. He does this to prove not only to himself, but to others of just how superior he really is.

Overall, I do feel both of the theories come to the same conclusion. I do not feel that in this case, with this individual it is possible to choose one theory over the other. I strongly feel that both theories fit Tony Soprano equally. The broad conclusion of both theories is that Tony Soprano can not deal with failure or being average. He has to be superior in what ever he does. Tony Soprano will also do what ever it takes to maintain that superiority, no matter who he has to hurt.

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