Monday, June 28, 2021

King Louis XIV(spanish)

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on King Louis XIV(spanish). What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality King Louis XIV(spanish) paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in King Louis XIV(spanish), therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your King Louis XIV(spanish) paper at affordable prices

Introduccio. In this work I wanted to investigate but in depth the life and political of the outstanding personages related to France and its revolution. Among the personages that analyzed they were Napoleon Bonaparte, Luis XIV and Luis XVI. The personage of Luis XIV called me but the attention by the abundancía of information and by the interesting thing of his life. It interests me to know and to cause to know you, the reader on the efficacy of the reign of Luis XIV. My hypothesis is that Luis XIV was a very efficient king in sense políico and economic. I expect to test this hypothesis. Known as the King Sun, Luis XIV was born in Saint-Germain-in_Spade in the year 168. Was the third monarch of the family borbona, and reigned for 7 years (164-1715). Was the monarch that but time lasted in the power. Was the unexpected son of Luis XIII and of Ana of Austria. , Since never they conceived any son during their real years of marriage. In 164, before complying the five years, his father died, and Luis XIV inherited the crown, attended by his mother Ana of Austria and the Cardinal July Mazarino, who was the financier of their father. Al to inherit the throne to so short age, this he did not have the formal education of other princes, that learned the latin, historía old, rhetorical and the arts. His education consistío in the practical needs of the reign, as the historía of France, his monarchy and military matters. Itself it permitío of adolescent to participate in military attacks and to observe battles since a prudent distance. Tambien study political arts. Its mother it dío a good Christian education, which its catholic faith increased it. During the first years of reign, France was dominated for a series of rebelliones known as the Fronde(1648-165). These rebelliones took place in the cities but important, and they consisted of aristocrats attacking al government of the Cardinal Mazarino and of Ana of Austria. In an occasion Luis was about to be captured and by need was removed out of Paris and himself escondío in the fields of France. This rebellión had a negative impact in Luis, that fear gave it of the rebelliones. As tambíen displeasure took it by Paris, decidío to build a palace in Versailles, where tambíen moved all its government. Its marriage was fixed for diplomatic need. The majority of the European nations they achieved an agreement of peace in 1648 finishing the war of the thirty years. In 165 Mazarino arrived at an agreement with the pact of the pyrenees, that reconocío the French territories cattle. Its marriage went with Maria Teresa, older daughter from of the King Felipe IV of Spain. The marital arrangement stipulated that excluded that the heirs of Maria Teresa inherited the Spanish throne as soon as Felipe IV paid it its gift. That gift never went full in its totality. Luis never I renounce the inheritance of the Spanish throne. That factor would help to influence the political one Frenchwoman then in the reign of Luis XIV. When Mazarino murío in 1661, Luis declared that would govern in France without a prime minister, historic unprecedented fact. It interested to possess a kingdom absolutista, believing that its powers were derived from God and alone himself toward head before God. Although this it was an absolute monarch, entendío that should reign with the dispositions required by law and the customs of his kingdom. He consulted a great deal with his noble and ministers, and he met frequently with the members of his high counsel. The Palace of Versailles that was built between 1661 and 168 was filled of images of glory of Luis XIV. This project I carry a load of 0,000 men working in its construction and a great fortune of the real treasure by decadas. This palace went part of an artistic renaissance that flourished with Luis XIV. Although it was not educated artistically, this promoted the work of a range of artists, architects and writers. Although it preferred to Versailles that to Paris, this contributed to the reconstruction of Paris after the rebellión of the Fronde. Among the projects, a new wing was included al palace of Louvres, The construction of Them Invalides to lodge military veterans, and to build an Observatory as a new scientific place of investigation. Also this it created three French academies, Institut of France, to support the study of the beautiful arts, languages and sciences, LçAcademie of Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres(166), which supported the experimental work of astronomos, chemical, and medical French and helped to coordinate and to disseminate its discoveries and finally, L'Academie of Beaux Arts (1648). During the early phase of its reign, Luis had three objectives, to reorganize the administration of the government, reabastecer its national treasure, and to establish borders of the ones that can defend of the attack of its enemies. In the first instance, this worked hard to control strongly the variety of departments, regions, and ducados that together they composed to France. Revivío the official, regional use of managers who were envoys toThe provinicias with instructions to establish order and real justice cash. Although agents of the central government, The managers worked very closely with the local nobility and the legal institutions to establish effective administration. The administrative power of various aristocratic localities was challenged for the managers, who they administered the justice but fairly because they did not have ningun personal interest to advance. The managers also organized you force local to suppress revolved and rebelliones, that was a constant part the political life of the Century XVII French. In the financial area, Luis entrusted to Colbert, its minister of finances. This itself vío with the difficult task to collect taxes for a king that had the extravagant flavor to create wars and constructions. Carrying out that the tax set already was very high, Colbert, worked to find new ways of finding real tax, especially of those derived from the exchange. An example of these is the rate in merchandise imported. This rate would be able to enlarge the treasure and to protect French merchandise of competencía foreign al to do the foreign but costly merchandise. Tambien Colbert saw the French colonies as a market for French products. This concept, known as mercantilismo, formed the base for favorable economic impulse during the average phase of the reign of Luis XIV. Developed new industries. These at the same time, they demanded workers trained and salary increases for these employees. This salary increase freed the weight of the taxes, especially for the poor class. Support of manufacturación domestic I carry to improvements in the transportation. These roads went you build you, the rivers were dredged to maintain them navigable and the first French channels were built. To expand the international exchange, Colbert stimulated to the French to establish commercial companies as the English and the danes. Although France was one of the ultimos in the busqueda of products and markets of the foreign exchange, the French companies slowly took a crucial part of the deal. To facilitate this foreign exchange, Colbert expandío the naval one Frenchwoman, that crecío in a ten percent in a room of century. The naval one a weapon of war went also. Atravez of the century XVII, France fought for military supremacy. Although the largest state of the continent, with a population of 1 million, France was surrounded by the control of the Spaniards and the Hapsburgos Austrian. The family Hapsburgo controlled to Spain, Austria, and the majority of the low countries. (Belgium, Luxembourg, and the countries nórdicos), as the majority of Germany and Italy. Although the power Hapsburgo surpassed its glorious epoch, still posaba a threat for the French security. As result Luis XIV took careful attention in the military matters. This worked with its ministers Micheal It Tellier and son, the Marqu z of Louvois, to enlarge the French defenses. They expanded the size of the I exercise French of 100,000 in 1661 to 00,000 in 1688 and then to 400,000 in 170. Also they built strong in crossings of rivers and they conquered towns of position estratón strategic very important. Luis always dreamed with transmitting its heirs the Spanish throne, but its political soldier was not that of expanding the French territory. Its position was exclusively defensive, that of assuring the French borders and of moving away the Spanish influence of strategic towns of importance. In the war of the refund (1666-1667) Luis assured The countries nórdicos Spanish as the gift that Felipe IV, already passed away, it did not pay for the marriage of its daughter with the king of France. In 1685, Luis XIV took a step that sorprendío the paísses protestant of Europe and affected deeply to France. This revokó the edict of Nantes and prohibited the protestant adoration. The majority of the protestant citizens they fled to England and Holland, which deprimío of great way the French economy. In the 1680, the king sun already had lost great part of his majesty. This he worked in a way painfully energetic atravez of his life, ignoring illnesses and counsels of his doctors. Alone a broken arm deprived it of not being mounted more to horse, and the drop impeded it its long walks by Versailles. Was carreteado to its throne or loaded to its carriage. In 168 Maria Teresa, its first wife, passed away and Luis married in secret with the Marquesa of Mainteinon, Francoise dçAubign . In 1711 its older son fallecío and a year despues the death of its older grandson it siguío. You finalize them three decades of the reign of Luis XIV they were some of constant wars. France was considered a world power, and its fortress threatened other European nations. The catholic powers, especially, Austria, they were fearful of the plans of Luis on the Spanish possessions. The protestant countries feared a religious war. England, Holland, Denmark and Austria they united to form the league of the Hapsburgs and to declare the war of the league of the Hapsburgos to evade any French aggression. The French managed to conquer to Barcelona. In 16 and 164, Luis requirío the obligatory military service of the peasants for contrarestar the low soldiers and the famina abounded. In 167 Luis was obliged to seek a tried peace of Ryswick. Aqui himself it cedío Alsace to France, but France should return all the Spanish possessions in its power. In 1700, the king Carlos II of Spain did not have heirs males, al to die, the Spanish throne passes by hand from the the Duke Felipe of Anjou, grandson of Luis XIV. But with the war of the Spanish succession, the Spanish power was divided fairly among France, Spain, Austria and Great Britain. France and Spain never they were a single monarchy. In 1715 Luis XIV dies exactly despues of the end of the war, and was happened in the throne by its great-grandson, Luis XV.Conclusion.

Order College Papers on King Louis XIV(spanish)

Luis XIV was a great king. He managed to enlarge the political status of France, increase his economy and he managed to pass inheritance to his heirs. This he reinforced his government and he unified his government under a single religion. This also it was a controversial king when attacked to all the protestant citizens. Al to try to bring glory and wealth to France, this he caused a great deal of suffering to the poor class Frenchwoman. The king Luis XIV murío believing that it carried to France to the summit, and if it achieved him. Alt, G.(Ed)(001). Louis XIV. In Microsof t Encarta Encyclopedia 001.Electronic versio.Good, D. (Ed)(1). Louis XIV In Compton's Encyclopedia .Electronic versio.Bernier, Olivier. Louis XIV A Royal Life. Doubleday, 187..Campbell, Peter Robert. Louis XIV, 1661-1715. Longman, 1..Cronin, Vincent. Louis XIV. Harvill, 17..Mitford, Nancy. The Sun King. Harper & Row, 166. Reprint, Penguin, 15. Well-illustrated biography of the French king.Wolf, John B. Louis XIV. Norton, 168. Thorough account of Louiss life and times.

Please note that this sample paper on King Louis XIV(spanish) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on King Louis XIV(spanish), we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on King Louis XIV(spanish) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Catch 22

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on catch 22. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality catch 22 paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in catch 22, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your catch 22 paper at affordable prices

Catch-.I would have to say that Joseph Heller's Catch-, was at least enjoyable to read. There were several aspects about it that made it good and bad at the same time. First, I think the most important thing aspect to look at, is that Heller makes death, a traditionally sickening topic, a humorous event. It is humorous because of the way he illustrates who is crazy. I assumed that Yossarian was the insane one in the beginning. Now, I can't say that I am sure. I like how this book makes the reader think. Who really is crazy? Does anyone know? Yossarian is doing anything he needs to, to survive. Does that make him insane? In my eyes, he is living on instincts, the way he should. The threat of death keeps him going. He is not insane. So who is insane, the reader, the writer? I don't feel that I can answer that. If anything, I think all of the above. It is neat to see how one would act when faced with death. I think what Heller was trying to say is that when someone knows they are dying, nothing makes sense to them. When we see people that know they are dying, we think that they don't make sense. So, we can't really know who is making sense. It's very tricky in that way. This at least kept me awake and thinking while reading it. I think the main conflict of the story, was between humanity and the rules. We are forced to do something by law then we pay the ultimate price for it. The best part is that we do it all for the idea that we are protecting those laws. The idea of a Catch- is interesting. It's like saying, A person has the right to do anything that another person cannot stop them from doing. This catch appears throughout the entire book. It was quite evident when the Italian woman is talking about the Military Police. It is also clearly evident when Yossarian is walking down the stairs. He is cursing Catch-, although he doesn't believe in it. There is no real explanation for Catch-, that's the catch. It can only be defined as Catch-. When Yossarian discusses with Colonels Cathcart and Korn, it is easy to see the Catch-. This situation shows that a Catch- causes a person to betray all the values that they have. All this time, I've been trying to explain what I feel about the book, when I don't know how I feel. This Catch- is so strange that my thoughts about it keep changing as I type, changing the way I feel about the book as a whole. It's very odd. I liked the book, but the ideas in it are so marveling that I'm not sure what to think. How Heller wrote this impresses me. His use of the Character Yossarian causes the reader to examine oneself, and also examine the idea of insanity. Overall, I'd have to say that this book is definitely good to read, but my feelings are still questionable. I hate to see a book such as this go to waste in the end, lie so many others. There is no reason for it to end this way. It just shows a lack of imagination. There is no sense of individuality in the books ending. IT was simply bad guy dies and loses. There is nothing that is different from any other form of book All of the above stated things are true..

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Please note that this sample paper on catch 22 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on catch 22, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on catch 22 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, June 25, 2021


If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on sociolinguistics. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality sociolinguistics paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in sociolinguistics, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your sociolinguistics paper at affordable prices

A bilingual individual provides rich field for sociolinguistic study.With reference to your personal experience as a speaker of two languages, support the above statement.

While it is the case that speakers of a single language control various styles and levels of the language, it is very common that people develop some knowledge and ability in a second language and so become a bilingual. A bilingual is a person who has some functional ability in a second language. In fact, a bilingual individual provides rich field for sociolinguistic study. The way a second language is acquired, as well as the domain or register in which it is used are regarded as important phenomena in which sociolinguistics is interested

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When talking about a bilingual person, it is important to know first the way each language is acquired; whether it is a mother tongue or a language being learned. In fact, this greatly affects the ability of using the language as well as the domains in which it is used. For example, concerning myself as a speaker and user of two languages, which are Arabic and English, the language I use is always according to the domain and function in which it is used. As for the Arabic language, which is my mother tongue, I always use it at home and in most of my daily activities because of my having a strong command of it and because of the society that I live in whose individuals are mostly native speakers of Arabic. On the other hand, I sometimes also use the English language, which I have learned as a result of having my whole education in English. Thus, I use the English language in an educational use, or when dealing with foreigners. Therefore, the use of the English language, which is a second language, which is a second language, is somehow limited, not like the use of the mother tongue..

It is noteworthy that the choice of a certain language to be used depends on the domain as well as the person being addressed. This explains my use of the English language in college while using the Arabic at home. Moreover, even at home when foreigners come to visit us, I find myself talking to them in English and switching to Arabic when I start talking to my sister or when I answer the phone. In fact, this is due to my having abilities in both languages and knowing which language is to be used according to the audience design.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that it is very rare for a bilingual to have equal abilities in both languages. For instance, despite the fact that I am a native speaker of the Arabic language, most of the time I fail to use Arabic in making any calculations or solving arithmetic problems. In fact, this is due my having learned mathematics in English. Thus, English has become the language that is related to maths and calculations.

Therefore, it can be concluded that bilingualism is not just a phenomena, however, it is interrelated with other sociolinguistic aspects. That is why a bilingual person has been regarded as an important field for sociolinguistic study...

Please note that this sample paper on sociolinguistics is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on sociolinguistics, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on sociolinguistics will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, June 24, 2021

The way it goes/

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The way it goes/. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The way it goes/ paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The way it goes/, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The way it goes/ paper at affordable prices

If we were to define these physical actions as "Tae Kwon Do," any country might claim credit for inventing Tae Kwon Do. There is, however, scant resemblance between Tae Kwon Do, as it is practiced today, and the crude forms of unarmed combat developed in the past..Modern Tae Kwon Do differs greatly from other martial arts. In fact, no other martial art is so advanced with regard to the sophistication and effectiveness of its technique or the overall physical fitness it imparts to its practitioners..

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Since the theories, terminology, techniques, systems, methods, rules, practice, suit, and spiritual foundation were scientifically developed, systematized, and named by the author, it is an error to think of any physical actions employing the hand and feet for self-defence as Tae Kwon Do. Only those who practice the techniques based on the author's theories, principals and philosophy are considered to be students of genuine Tae Kwon Do...Tae Kwon Do is a modern, international martial art based on over ,000 years of Korean tradition. Literally means the "way of the hand and foot," an accurate description since Tae Kwon Do practitioners are equally adept with hand strikes and kicking techniques..Tae Kwon do is famous for its powerful leaping and spinning kicks, though students also learn close-quarters hand fighting, throws, joint manipulation and other basic elements of self-defense. This style of martial arts was practiced in Korea for centuries, but the name Tae Kwon Do was coined by General Choi Hong Hi in the 150s when he unified the various styles into one Korean national martial art...As a relatively modern martial art, Tae Kwon Do includes an advanced understanding of human physiology. Great attention is given to proper positioning of feet and joints so as to deliver strong techniques without injuring oneself. Such considerations are not as common in older martial arts and knee and back injuries often result. In Tae Kwon Do, students who already have bad knees or backs should see an improvement after even a few months of practice..Although Tae Kwon Do provides effective self-defense skills, many people today study it for other benefits, among them cardiovascular fitness, increased mental energy and greater self-discipline. It is an efficient and stimulating way to keep fit, and something the whole family can do together. As you progress in Tae Kwon Do , you also discover that the mental and emotional balance required to excel in Tae Kwon Do carries over into your daily life, helping you focus and cope with the problems you may face...

Please note that this sample paper on The way it goes/ is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The way it goes/, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The way it goes/ will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Othello-Love & Obsession

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on othello-Love & Obsession. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality othello-Love & Obsession paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in othello-Love & Obsession, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your othello-Love & Obsession paper at affordable prices

Love in it's purest form can be a creative force, but if it is impinged upon elements which cannot be controlled, it becomes obsession, which is destructive. This is clearly proved in Shakespeares' "Othello," and related material, which deal with love being a creative force, and obsession being a destructive force, but when love merges into obsession it can become bitter and disturbing.When love is pure, it is creative, because it fulfilling and joyful. In Othello, the creation of the bond between Desdemona and Othello is beautiful. It is passionate, romantic and honest."She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them." This description of their love, depicted by Othello, is enchanting. Their love was based on a purely romantic image.In (Act I, Sc. III, L17-16), Othello says a beautiful speech about how he and Desdemona united. They share a creative love that can fight many obstacles just so they can be together. When they are united as one, they don't need anyone to accept them, because they will always have each other. Their love is creative, because Desdemona could have chosen any man, but she chose Othello, who is from a different race and who is a great deal older that her. And it wasn't their looks that attracted them to each other-it was their hearts. Desdemona fell in love with Othello's intriguing stories of bravery and endurance, while Othello fell in love with Desdemona's innocence.

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The love between Othello and Desdemona is very poetic.."If after every tempest come such calms, may the winds blow till they have wakened death. And let the laboring bark climb hills of seas Olympus-high, and duck again as low as hell's from heaven. If it were now to die,'twere now to be most happy." The language used in this quote from Othello shows how beautiful, dedicated and overwhelming their love is. He would go through hell, as long as she would be waiting on the other side for him. It's overwhelming, because Othello never thought it was possible that he could be loved this way, and that Desdemona would return his love. A contemporary version of this is clearly seen in the song " Little Words" by Nu Flavor."I was waitin' for a sign from you hoping you'd feel the same way, too. When you looked at me and smiled my heart was goin' a thousand miles." Just like Othello, the singer wants to have his love returned, and he wants to be noticed by his love.Emilia's love for her husband, Iago, leaves her nothing but regret and deep despair. Emilia, out of love for her husband, Iago, betrays Desdemona and steals her precious handkerchief. Emilia does this "to please Iago's fancy" (Act III, Sc.III, L0-5). By the time Emilia realises her horrible mistake, Desdemona is dead which could possibly be partly due to Emilias misgivings. Similar aspects of love being impinged upon elements which cannot be controlled are revealed in "Here on Earth" by Alice Hoffman. March leaves her husband for her long-time love Hollis, not realising that he is corrupted by obsessive jealousy and rage. By the time March realises her horrible mistake, there's no way out..Cassio's love and admiration for Othello leaves him constantly striving to regain Othello's love and respect. Even after being dismissed by Othello, Cassio still loves and shows the utmost respect for Othello by saying "I would rather sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with… so drunken…officer." Cassio's love is creative, because he doesn't let it become impinged by hate or bitterness. Similar circumstances are seen in Alice Hoffman's "Here on Earth," when Alan's love and admiration for his father leaves him constantly striving to regain father's love and respect, trying to follow in his father's footsteps until his love becomes corrupted because of the obsession for his adopted brother Hollis. Alan's father treats the two brothers equally, which makes Alan more and more angrier.Obsession is a destructive force, as can be clearly seen in the novel Othello. One of its main characters, Iago, is blinded by obsession, which leads to him being a devious schemer of destructive and evil happenings."I hate the Moor." This is clearly the driving force behind Iago's obsessive nature, which is clearly revealed in his first sililoquys in Shakespeare's Othello. In Iago's first soliloquy we learn that it is his desire for revenge that urges him on to carry out his plan. "It is thought abroad that'twixt my sheets h'as done my office." Iago wants revenge even though he is unsure whether his wife has committed adultery with Othello. Iago just uses the rumour as an excuse. He hates the Moor, and he will do anything he can do to feed his destructive nature.Thus do I ever make my fool my purse.For I mine own gained knowledge should profan.If I would time expend such snip.For my sport and profit (Act I, Sc. III, L 7 4-77).Iago comments on how he is using Roderigo as part of his devious plan. He doesn't care that he is being selfish, and turning Roderigo into a poor man. Iago is prepared to use the good qualities of other characters who trust him, then twist their trust and regard for him and use it to make revenge reality.."He holds me well; the better shall my purpose work on him." Iago plans to use the respect Othello has for him to his advantage, which shows Iago's evil nature.Iago plans to use Cassio's charm, manners and good looks to frame Cassio and Desdemona together in an adulterous manner. Iago wants to destroy Cassio just so he can get his job."Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the world's light." This proves how destructive Iago is, especially since he knows his plan will bring pain and misery to others.The novel "Mother Love, Deadly Love" by Andrea Peyser contains similar aspect of obsession. Susan Smith's love is rejected when Tom Findlay ends their relationship, because he doesn't want to raise her kids. In reaction to this, she drowns her children. She deceives the whole world by saying someone has stolen her car with her children in it. She appears hopeful that her children are still alive, but it is truly just a cruel plan of hers so she can get away with the murder. Her obsession for Tom caused this monstrosity to happen, and left the entire nation glued to their television sets, praying for a happy ending to this tragedy..In Iago's second soliloquy, Iago's obsession with revenge is revealed more than in the first soliloquy. He thinks that both Othello and Cassio have committed adultery with Emilia, and he becomes quite paranoid and repetitive of these ideas. "I fear Cassio with my nightcap too." He's obsessed with the thought of who's having sex with his wife, and this idea is pushing him to become condemnatory."Make the Moor thank me, love me and reward me…and practicing upon his peace and quiet, even to madness." Iago's plan is becoming more detailed with the intense build-up of his obsession, and he is focusing on how he will carry it out. This can be seen in contemporary pieces such as Alice Hoffman's "Here On Earth." After living as a poor young boy on the streets, having to beg each and everyday, as an adult Hollis becomes obsessive, hungry for power and revenge. He becomes the richest man in the county, after ending his ruthless career in the racehorse industry. He was paid by racehorse owners to kill their horse for compensation. After paying off his debt to Alan, he buys the town in which he and March grew up in, which buys him immediate respect from the same local residents who looked down on him when he was a young man. He notices that the townspeople come to him when they need money for something, but he's still not happy. He wants March, but when he asks her to come to him, she turns him down.When March and Hollis finally reunite, their obsessional love for each other lead to adultery, and a torrid affair. March is so caught up with Hollis that she ceases to care about anything else, that she has a husband that loves her dearly, and that her teenage daughter Gwen has fallen in love with her cousin, Alan's son Hank. March stops looking after her daughter and even stops looking after herself, because all she cares about is Hollis. She doesn't even lift a finger when Hollis starts beating her and her daughter.Just like Iago feels about Othello, Hollis wants March to thank him, love him and reward him. Thank him for actually taking her back, and waiting all these years for her. Love him because he's so powerful and important, and reward him for never forgetting her. Of course, things don't go according to plan.In (Act II, Sc. I, L 6-), Iago tells how his jealousy for Othello is eating away at his insides. The jealousy is eating away at Iago and making him deadly. This can also be seen in the novel "Here on Earth," by Alice Hoffman. Hollis, a main character, becomes so obsessive over his wife that he becomes blinded with jealousy whenever March, his wife, would visit her friends and be independent. He cuts off the water at her home so that she has to live with him, he sabotages her car so that she can't travel into town, he intercepts her mail and cuts off the telephone communications, just so March will definitely never be able to leave him. He becomes so overwhelmed with obsession for her that he destroys her life..Feelings of insecurities, in the characters, further develop out of their love or attachment to a certain character. Othello's love for Desdemona was so deep he could not bear the thought of another being with her. He felt insecure in his own position and this added to his insanity. Brebantio, Iago and finally Othello see the love between Othello and Desdemona as unnatural..Desdemona finds herself and her self-worth in question after Othello's cruel treatment to her. She says " And his unkindness may defeat my life, but never taint my love" (Act IV, Sc III, L15-160). Shakespeare makes the characters think love will bring them the most joy, but it actually brings them the most pain and suffering. This is done to portray that uncertainly of all that is in life and to make one think more about putting all ones faith, or hope in one object or person..In Othello, the most prominent emotions of love, jealousy and finally hate and obsession lead into one another to further intensify each and bring about a most tragic end. Hate and jealously are responses to insecurities felt over the beloved of each character. In turn, all the emotions bring total destruction to any peace of mind or happiness that any of the major characters may have..Similar aspects of obsessive love and built-up emotions are seen in "Mother Love, Deadly Love" by Andrea Peyser. It chronicles the true story of how Susan Smith murdered her own two baby sons. A woman who, as a high school senior, had been voted "friendliest person." The school, where "she learned so well how to hide the demons raging within..As she grew older, everyone came to think she was the best mother too. Nobody ever saw her raise her hand or her voice to her children. Then again, no-one knew what was going on her mind, either..Just like Othello struggled with his raging emotions, Susan Smith had the same problems. "The friendly mask she plastered on for the neighbours all but disappeared…Susan Smith gave in to the wave of self-pity and anger crashing inside her."By the end of the drama, Othello, the once loving husband, has become a green-eyed monster. He is so filled with obsessiveness and jealousy that he does not even listen to Emilia's repeated denial of an affair between Desdemona and Cassio. He kills Desdemona, then afterwards kills himself due to regret and shame..Othello says, "My wife! My wife! What wife? I have no wife..O, insupportable! O heavy hour.Methinks it should now be now a big eclipse.Of sun and moon, and that th'affrighted globe.Should yawn at alteration." (Act V. Sc. II, L7-101).The play turns a heroic Moor into a villainous Moor. This is exactly what Shakespeare wanted to prove, that pure love can turn to hate and obsession, and admiration can turn to jealousy. Most importantly, Shakespeare demonstrated that everything good in life (love) can turn into something bad (obsession).Therefore, love in it's purest form can be a creative force, but if it is impinged upon elements which cannot be controlled, it becomes obsession, which is destructive. This is clearly proved in Shakespeares' "Othello," and related material, which deal with love being a creative force, and obsession being a destructive force, but when love merges into obsession it can become bitter and disturbing..

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The Puritan Revolt and the Glorious Revolution

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In the 17th century, England was marked by two revolutions known as the English Revolution or the Puritan Revolt and the Glorious Revolution. The Puritan Revolt was a conflict between the English monarch and the Parliamentarians, which resulted in the establishment of a republican commonwealth (¡°English Civil War¡±). In 1688, the Glorious Revolution broke out, an event that culminated in the removal of King James II and the establishment of Parliament power over the monarch (¡°The Glorious Revolution¡±). Through these two revolutions, the English monarchs realized that they were responsible to their people.

Ill will between the English monarch and the Parliamentarians evolved gradually ever since James VI of Scotland succeeded Queen Elizabeth I in 160. As King James I of England, he had little understanding of its Parliament or the changing conditions of England (Lee and Paik). In addition, he inherited an enormous royal debt and a religiously divided nation when he succeeded to the thrown. As a king, he hardly summoned the Parliament. Moreover, when he needed to raise funds, he levied his own impositions instead of using Parliament-approved revenues (Lee and Paik). He introduced his concept of divine rights of monarchy, which strained his relationship with the Parliament even more. Under this concept he stated that the monarch had divine right to authority and was only responsible to God, rebellion was the worst political crime, and if a king ordered something evil, one should react with passive disobedience and be ready to accept penalty for not following orders (Lee and Paik).

Along with his ruling policies, his religious policies aroused opposition from the Parliament. The Puritans (made up most of Parliament) requested the monarch to reform the English Church. In response, James I displayed anti-Puritanism and supported the Anglican episcopacy (Lee and Paik). Furthermore, James I aroused suspicions of showing favoritism to the Catholics. He settled peace with Spain, which was a fervent Catholic nation, attempted to limit penal laws against Catholics, and arranged his son¡¯s marriage with the daughter of Henry IV of France, a Catholic monarch (Lee and Paik). When James I died, the succeeding king inherited these bitter feelings between the English monarch and the Parliament (Lee and Paik).

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The next king-in-line was Charles I. Like his father James I, he levied his own tariff and duties, collected discontinued taxes, imprisoned those that didn¡¯t pay, and posted troops in private homes (Lee and Paik). Hence the Parliament presented the king with the Petition of Right in 168, which stated the king cannot force loans or taxation, imprison freemen without due cause, and allow troops to be billeted in private homes. Apparently the king was not pleased with this, so he dismissed the Parliament and did not summon them until 1640 (Lee and Paik). During this period of time, Charles I attempted to impose religious uniformity in Scotland. The Scots resisted and rebelled. Due to this incident, Charles I was forced to call the Parliament due to a lack of resources for war. The Parliament demanded that they would not help unless the king removed the causes of political and religious grievances; Charles refused. Hence the Scots defeated the English army, and Charles unwillingly summoned the Parliament once more, vowing to follow their demands (Lee and Paik).The Parliament convened in 1640 was known as the Long Parliament because it stayed in session for nearly twenty years. During this session, the Parliament abolished the courts that had enforced royal policy, prohibited levying of taxes without the consent of the Parliament, and compelled the king to summon the Parliament every three years (Lee and Paik). The Parliament presented the Grand Remonstrance to the king, which summarized popular and parliamentary grievances against the crown. In response, Charles I invaded the Parliament in an attempt to arrest his opponents, but he failed. He left London and raised an army, while the Parliament also raised their own army. A civil war engulfed England for the next four years (Lee and Paik).Led by Oliver Cromwell, the Parliamentary army defeated the English monarch and established their own form of government called the Puritan commonwealth (Coleman). Under this form of government, the monarchy and the House of Lords were abolished and the Church of England was weakened. In addition, a one-house Parliament was made supreme, aided by a council of about forty men with Cromwell as the leader of the Commonwealth. Cromwell sponsored a program of religious toleration, put down rebellions in Ireland and Scotland, and revived the English navy. When there was dissension with the Parliament, he disbanded it, just like the previous monarchs (Coleman). Cromwell, as the Lord Protectorate, introduced a military dictatorship, and his rule was no more effective than Charles¡¯s rule and was just as harsh and detested (Craig 58). Hence, when he died in 1658, the monarchy was restored (Coleman).The Glorious Revolution soon followed the restoration of the monarchy in England. England returned to the ¡°status quo of 164, with a hereditary monarch, a Parliament that met only when the king summoned it, and the Anglican Church, with its bishops and prayer book, supreme in religion.¡± (Craig 58) However, King Charles II had secret Catholic sympathies and favored religious toleration (Craig 58). As a result, the Parliament passed the Clarendon Code, which reestablished Anglicanism. In response, Charles II issued a Declaration of Indulgence in 167 nullifying all laws against Roman Catholics and non-Anglican Protestants. In reaction to this declaration, the Parliament issued the Test Act, which excluded Roman Catholics from all public offices. This act aimed mainly at James, the king¡¯s brother, who was the heir to the throne and a devoted Catholic.When James II became king of England, he made changes within the government to befit the Catholics and removed supporters of the Anglican Church. At this time, the Parliament wished for Mary, James¡¯ Protestant daughter, to succeed James II. However, a son was born to James II by his Roman Catholic wife, a male Roman Catholic heir (Craig 50). To prevent further Catholic monarchs from coming to the throne, the Parliamentary opposition invited William III of Orange, Mary¡¯s husband, and Mary to invade England to preserve the Anglican Church and parliamentary government (Craig 50).When they arrived in 1688, they were received without opposition, and James fled to France. In 168, the Parliament declared William III and Mary II the new monarchs of England, bringing an end to the Glorious Revolution (Craig 50). During their reign, they issued a Bill of Rights that established Parliamentary rule, limited the powers of the monarchy, and granted civil rights to the English nobility. The monarchs were to rule by the consent of the Parliament and be in subject to laws (Craig 50). The Glorious Revolution was a victory for the aristocracy due to the fact that only the privileged classes were given civil rights and although there was shared power in the government, not everyone¡¯s voice was heard.Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are two eminent philosophers of the 17th century England. They hold opposing views regarding human nature, political authority, and rebellion. Thomas Hobbes views humans in a pessimistic manner, believing that ¡°people are innately selfish and grasping,¡± (Perry) and he states that competition and dissension characterize human relations (Perry). Hence he believes that only absolutism can achieve peace and a civilized life among humans. Since power is given to one person, all man must follow his will and judgment. If they do not follow that person¡¯s will or judgment, they can be reasonably called rebels (Perry).On the contrary, Locke regards humans as essentially good and humane. He believes that all humans are born with natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Hence he supports a political government that can protect the natural rights of humans, that being a constitutional government, ¡°in which the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed and the state¡¯s authority is limited by agreement¡± (Perry). Regarding rebellion, he states that those who fail to protect the natural rights of humans are the true rebels because they have been chosen to protect the rights of humans but have failed (Perry). Craig, Albert, et al. The Heritage of World Civilizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice.

Hall, 000.¡°English Civil War.¡± [Online available] 1 May 00.Perry, Marvin, Joseph R. Peden, and Theodore H. Von Laue. Sources of the Wester.

Tradition. nd ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin Co., 11.¡°The Glorious Revolution.¡± [Online available] 1 May 00.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2021


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There she goes again, to dwell in her own little hole of a basement. She sit there everyday in the same manner, panicked and not wanting to be bothered. Frantically, she does things that she deems important, minding her own business, and tending to personal matters that is viewed by myself, her father, as meaningless and unimportant, unlike her chores that she has been neglecting for the last couple of months. I tell you, something has come over her. She used to be on top of everything, and now, she just slacks off! I guess that is all that I can get from her, I mean she is a teenage after all. She is always talking to her boyfriend on the phone. I mine as well get it surgically put to her ear, if her skin doesn't grow around it first. My daughter is very much mindless, as she forgets the most simplest of tasks, but she is off in her own world, a world in which I gravely wish she would snap out of and come back to reality.

Shes arguments and raised voices, and would go to any length to end it, which I believe is just another weakness of hers. Always running away from things that is. Not only running away, but defensive as well. It annoys me to no end how she can not just face a "heated" argument. Such childish behavior from her is all I ever get anymore…I wonder what happened to the daughter that I once knew. The young was so full of energy, and such life. What a spirited young I used to have, and now, just a young women who dwells in her own world, slowly slipping away from the real world, and writing away her passions of nonsense.

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