Monday, July 5, 2021

Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed paper at affordable prices!

Dolphins, according to an article by "Sobran's", have an "unexplained dark side". They kill members of their own species without any apparent reason. Most people do not think of dolphins in this way. We think of "Flipper" and how cute and sweet it was. Therefore, all dolphins must be this way. Dolphins have also been known to bite humans. This is very disturbing information. No one knows why dolphins do this. Maybe it is because food might be scarce, or a male might be jealous of the young getting attention from the female. Many other animals in nature kill their young and sometimes eat them. To the human mind, this concept occurs to us as "unnatural", as opposed to our way of having children, then raising them with love, nurturing, and understanding. However, we should not cower from seeing the same thing in human nature. The word abortion, according the Merriam-Webster dictionary, means the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Many women today do not understand fully what an abortion is, but continue to kill their unborn children. Although perceived as a means of birth control, it should be illegal because it is immoral and men and women should face the responsibilities of their actions.Nearly half of unwanted pregnancies and more than one-fifth of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion. Since 16, statistics on abortions and abortion providers have not been available. (AGI) According to an article released by The Alan Guttmacher Institute, "abortion incidence and the number of abortion providers continued to decline during the 10's but at a slower rate than earlier in the decade". From 16 to the year 000, the number of abortions fell by three percent to 1.1 million from 1.6 million. Through surveys of the A. Guttmacher Institute, major developments may have had a major impact on unintended pregnancy levels and, therefore, abortion levels. Teenagers' level of sexual activity has decreased, while the use of contraceptives has increased. The abortion rate declined from . per 1,000 women aged 15-44 in 180 and 7.4 in 10 to .4 in 16. (AGI) In addition, the number of abortion providers has declined by eleven percent. This results in limited access to abortion services, therefore, decreasing the number of abortions, also. The number of providers in the United States fell from a high ,00 in 18 to about ,000 in 16, and the proportion of counties without a provider increased from 77% in 178 to 86% in 16. (AGI)

Many arguments can be used in order to put an end to abortion. One of the oldest arguments is the religion standpoint from Christian values. I believe I would have to agree with the author of the "Why Christians Should Oppose Abortion", an article from the Internet web site, Christian Internet Forum. He says, "abortion is killing of the innocent". Konig also believes "abortion is parents killing their own children". I do not think it could be said any more straightforward than that. In God's eyes, a fetus is the same as a child. In the book of Exodus, chapter 1, verse , the Hebrew word yeled is used to refer to a child in the womb, whereas, usually it is used to refer to children. There are also scriptures that indicate that human life belongs to God, not to us, therefore, prohibiting abortion. Job, chapter ten, verses eight through eleven reads, "Your hands formed me and made me and made me altogether…You have clothed me with flesh, and have knit me together with bones and sinews"(meaning tendons or nerves). Psalm, chapter 4, verse 1, states, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it". Later in the New Testament, Acts 17, verse 5 says because He "made the world and all things in it." One of the most popular of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shall not kill", thus prohibiting people from harming others or themselves. Abortion supporters and those who have had an abortion violate this law. These people seek to change one of the most fundamental values of our society. Pro-choice under this stance is equated with "playing God" and murder.

Custom writing service can write essays on Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed

Critics of anti-abortion, also known as "pro-choice" have arguments of their own. Pro-choice believe the woman has a right to make her own decision of whether or not to have a baby, because it is the woman's body. Their basis for this is that the decisions a woman makes about her body lie solely in the realm of private decision-making. Thus, the government should not play a role in influencing that decision. (Center for Reproductive Rights website) Pro-choice advocates also believe abortion bans discriminate against women. (CRR) They believe this infringes on their human rights and "has the effect of denying women access to a procedure that may be necessary for their enjoyment of their right to health". If a person would use this argument, then they should take the necessary precautions of not getting pregnant in the first place, therefore, enjoying your "right to health". The third stand I found is that pro-choice advocates do not view the unborn fetus as individual, separate from the mother. The web site for NARAL, The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights League, states the current Administration has "demonstrated a lack of concern for the rights and well-being of pregnant women in the name of anti-choice politics by proposing insuring the fetus as a separate individual". I do not understand the reasoning behind this statement. I believe this is all very selfish and undermining of the scripture from the Bible.

There have been laws put into place restricting access to abortion since Roe vs. Wade, the decision made in 17 that made it a women's constitutional right to end her pregnancy. ( In Arkansas, the woman must receive mandatory state-directed counseling and then wait until the next day before the abortion is provided. I think this is fair. I feel that maybe some abortions might not happen because this counseling is provided. (State Facts About Abortion Arkansas, Alan Guttmacher Institute) The second law is that "the parents of a minor must be notified before an abortion is provided". (AGI) Finally, public funding is only available when the woman is involved in cases of incest, rape, or life endangerment.

There are so many ways to go around having an abortion. First, there are normal birth control methods. It is very easy to obtain the birth control pill. If a woman or young girl does not have insurance or cannot afford to go to her doctor, she can go to a local county health department to receive help or get them free. She can also talk to her doctor about other methods of birth control. Second, there is adoption. So many people in this country cannot have children and so many women are aborting babies that could be loved and cared for. There is also the ancient concept of abstinence. So many people have the notion that sex is some kind of necessity in life. Young kids should be taught that this is the best way to avoid getting pregnant outside of marriage. Finally, should a woman decide to have sex and then accidentally get pregnant, she should take the responsibility of giving the baby a well nurtured and loving life.

I do not think abortion is in the best interest of anyone but the selfish mother who has willingly destroyed the life of an unborn baby. I truly believe that women who have undergone an abortion have infringed on the life of another human being in order to satisfy their own needs. Human life now comes with a price tag. It is no longer regarded as sacred but is seen as a disposable entity when "the going gets tough". Abortion is immoral and should not be governed as a means of birth control when the mother or father does not want to take responsibility, therefore, it should be outlawed.

Please note that this sample paper on Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 2, 2021

The Secret of Alantis

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Secret of Alantis. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Secret of Alantis paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Secret of Alantis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Secret of Alantis paper at affordable prices!

The legend of the lost continent of Atlantis has long been regarded as a pure myth. This essay will show that not only did the continent exist, but also that it existed approximately 100 kilometers west of Europe, in the vicinity of what is now the Azores Islands. After examining the writings of the ancient philosopher Plato, Otto Muck's book, entitled The Secret Of Atlantis, and various writings on the Bimini Road in the Bahamas, this essay will prove that the lost colony of Atlantis is indeed more then a mere Hollywood myth.

Plato first mentions Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critas, which were written approximately 55 BCE. According to records, Plato heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather who in turn heard it from Solon, the Athenian statesman of the 7th century BCE. Plato described Atlantis as, "a highly civilized society, one that could boast achievements well in advance of its age, that sank beneath the waves in a single catastrophic event." According to legend, the first inhabitants of Atlantis were the offspring of a mortal woman and Poseidon, the god of the sea. More accurately, the first people were those that evolved from primates in the area.Plato writes, through his narrator, Critias, about the advancements and luxuries of Atlantis. He states that Atlantis was about 100 kilometers west of Europe and that is was beyond the Straight Of Gibraltar, or the'Pillars of Hercules', as it was known in ancient times. Many different historians and geologists in history have acknowledged the'Pillars of Hercules' to be the Straight of Gibraltar. In fact, even today it is generally agreed upon that they are two in the same. Plato's description of Atlantis could put it no where else but in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coasts of Portugal and Morocco.

Otto Muck was a historian who believed that Plato's account of Atlantis was truthful. In his book, The Secret of Atlantis, he studies and examines the Azores Islands and how they provide further proof that Atlantis once existed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Crude pottery and weapons were discovered on the Azores and suggest that Neanderthal man, the precursor of Cro-Magnon, once inhabited the island. He concluded that the Azores has been inhabited by intelligent life for a very long time.

Custom Essays on The Secret of Alantis

Muck also believes that the behavior of a certain type of eels that live in the waters of Central America help to prove that Atlantis existed in the middle of the Ocean. The eels will float for three years with the Gulf Stream until they reached Europe, where they will swim up freshwater streams and rivers. Ten to Fifteen years later, they mate and make the trip back to their origin. Muck states that the eels used to stop and mate in the freshwater of Atlantis, which wouldn't of been that far away from their homes. When Atlantis disappeared, they instinctively continued until they found Europe. That is the only explanation for why they would travel so far when they could easily find freshwater to mate much closer then anywhere in Europe.As further proof of the authenticity of Plato's account, many of Earth's civilizations at the time of Atlantis's destruction have written about a great natural disaster that caused a great continent to disappear. The Egyptian and Aztec cultures both have accounts of this event, which also leads to the theory that the survivors of Atlantis spread to the east and west to take up habitats in Egypt and Mexico. Muck states that the striking similarities between the pyramids of Egypt and those of the Aztec are too great to be considered coincidence. He also defines his argument with the facts that the Basques of Spain and the Mayan Indians spoke the same language, had similar facial features, the same tools and even the same sports..

The Bimini Road is an underwater arrangement of rocks of the coast of Bimini, a small country in the Bahamas, which appears to be a sunken road that was once part of the ancient city. The'road' starts about half a kilometer off the coast. Six meters below the surface lie the stones, some as big as boulders. Most are rectangular in shape and seem to be fitted together, linked, as if for some purpose. They form roughly two parallel lines, about fifty-five to sixty-five meters apart, facing southwest to northeast for a half kilometer in the shape of a giant letter'J'. Many of the reports about this structure by skeptics are of the'Atlantis is impossible' variety. Most of these reports have never had any exploration of the area at all to base their arguments on.

Some argue that the stones are merely just beachrock, but the formations of the road are impossible to form by beachrock. In places where one stone is placed on top of another, or a series of stones are placed in circles, beachrock is an impossible argument. No matter how you look at it, the stones were obviously placed there by something other then nature. Add the fact that the direction of the road would more or less lead to the exact location of Atlantis according to Plato, and it becomes obvious that the Bimini Road was indeed a part of the ancient lost city.

After examining the above points, it is obvious that despite all of Hollywood's attempts to make Atlantis into a fairy tale, this ancient civilization did exist. Plato wrote many, many things during his life, and many are still held in high regard amongst professionals as detailed accounts of history. There is no reason to take his account of Atlantis as written in Timaeus and Critas any differently. Otto Muck took already known facts and expanded on them. His explorations have led to further proof of Atlantis's existence. The Bimini Road, under no circumstances, can be thought of as being man-made. Furthermore, the road would lead right to where Atlantis once was. The only conclusion of these facts is that Atlantis existed near what is now the Azores Islands, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, just as Plato said it did. Bibliograph.Author Not Available, Volcano, Young Students Learning Library, 1 January 1.Author Not Available, Unofficial Atlantis Homepage [online] Available http// 4 December 00.Davis, M. Dale. Civilizations in History. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, 1.Flaherty, Thomas H. Lost Civilizations The Magnificent Maya "Cities Buried in Forests, Desolate, Without a Name" Time-Life books, .Flaherty, Thomas H. Lost Civilizations Wondrous Realms of The Aegean "In Search Of Legendary Kingdoms" Time-Life Books, .Hasley, William D. "Atlantis" Collier's Encyclopedia Volume of 4. Macmillan Educational Company, 18.Lennon, Troy. "Mystery of Atlantis" The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, Australia) 1 July 00.McDonald, Tim. "Bimini Rocks Could Hold Key to Atlantis" The Toronto Star, 1 October 00.Muck, Otto H. The Secret of Atlantis (Publisher not available.

Please note that this sample paper on The Secret of Alantis is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Secret of Alantis, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Secret of Alantis will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, July 1, 2021


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on suicide. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality suicide paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in suicide, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your suicide paper at affordable prices!

Suicide is something that always caught my eye. I always wondered what could be so good in committing suicide. People usually attempt to commit suicide from depression. Suicide is when a person ends his life thinking there is no way out of his problem. I was so curious about this topic I wanted to know more about the people who commit suicide and how they had the carriage to end their lives by their own decisions. Suicidal attempts are found everywhere in the world. One time, I got to a point that I couldn't take it anymore but then life turns around and after a few days its back to normal. I know that a lot of people commit suicide every year, but why.One reason that supports the argument is the fact that everyone should have a right to choose whether or not they should live or die. In this country we believe in civil liberties. People have the right to wear what they want, say what they want, worship whatever they want, and do whatever they want as long as it does not offend or harm someone else. So with all of these rights, why dont people have the right to choose whether they live or die.A second reason that supports the argument is that for terminally ill patients, life may become full of suffering and pain. One way to relieve the patient from pain and suffering is through physician-assisted suicide. Why does the patient need to continue living in agony and die in such a painful manner? Why can we not simply end their pain and suffering now and give them a painless death.A third reason that supports the argument is that if patients are allowed to request to not be resuscitated in life threatening situations, that is a form of suicide. Thus, if that is legal, physician-assisted suicide should be as well. The patient is asking their physician to lethally treat them and to not resuscitate them. Isnt that the same thing.

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One reason against physician-assisted suicide is that life is sacred and it is morally wrong to take it away from someone, regardless of the reason. Thus, even though the patient and the physician may fully understand and accept the consequences of physician-assisted suicide, it is still considered to be wrong and immoral.A second reason against physician-assisted suicide is the fact that terminally ill patients and the elderly may be coerced into physician-assisted suicide by struggling family members and medical providers. If things are looking dim, the patient has probably accepted the fact that they are going to die and want to relieve their family members and friends of the additional stress that prolonging their life may cause, even if the patient himself is still unsure if they sincerely want to die today.A third reason against physician-assisted suicide is one that is spoken by several members of the medical profession and their reason is that the integrity of the medical profession would be crippled because it is based on helping people, not harming them. Physician-assisted suicide is saying the profession is giving up on that patients life and is unable to help them any more so the last result is to simply end their life in order to alleviate the pain..

Please note that this sample paper on suicide is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on suicide, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on suicide will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

William Blake

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on William Blake. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality William Blake paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in William Blake, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your William Blake paper at affordable prices!

Blake contrasts good in "The Lamb" with evil in "The Tyger." The title of the first poem instantly implies goodness because of its correlation with Christ, the symbol of all that is righteous and pure in the Christian worldview. Blake encourages this association through his language and imagery. He characterizes the lamb in "clothing of delight" and with "tender voice," and then refers to the lamb's maker (Christ) as having the same name and being meek, mild and innocent as a child. On the other hand, the tyger is portrayed as sinister and dark, having "fearful symmetry." The two poems are very similar. Both ask questions about the creatures' origins; both use sensual images to characterize the animals. Blake does not express a preference for either the Lamb or the Tyger, nor does the speaker. Blake's ambiguity is consistent with his argument in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell that contraries are necessary to human existence. By not making one creature superior over the other, he places equal value on both the good and the bad. Blake also uses "The Lamb" and "The Tyger" to suggest that even the Creator knows that balance is necessary to humanity, and therefore He created opposing forces of good and evil, dark and light, to maintain the world's existence.Blake holds human instinct and man's natural sense as the highest sources of knowledge. He considers religious faith and conventional morality fetters that inhibit man's inherent creativity and potential. Blake believes that man will instinctively do what is best for himself by simply following his own desire. Religious knowledge only hinders instinct, eventually stunting creativity and personal growth. Blake does applaud certain sciences and philosophies, like those of Swedenborg, in his poetry, so he must find outside sources of knowledge somewhat important, but he clearly considers man's instinctive, sensual and natural knowledge most valuable.Blake considers human nature intrinsically good because the carnal and selfish desires every person is born with are not really evil, but only labeled as such by "the Church." In Songs of Innocence, Blake portrays the world through the innocent and pure eyes of children, but in Songs of Experience, we see the world through the eyes of corrupted adults. This corruption is caused by society. The world of children before corruption is happy and carefree, even in the face of strife, but after continued abuse and restraint by institutionalized religion and social convention, the child grows into a dark and twisted individual. Blake also believes that man naturally seeks what is pleasurable to him, and attaining pleasure allows a man to reach his creative and intellectual potential. Restraint of desire is responsible for the evils of the world. This concept is clearly expressed in several of Blake's works, particularly in his Proverbs of Hell "He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence." and "Expect poison from the standing water.".In Blake's mind, society is cold, cruel and destructive. In Songs of Experience, Blake places blame for poverty and other ills on society. Society has been the cause of the world's degradation and has a responsibility to care for its victims. "Holy Thursday" in Songs of Experience is a criticism of society's mistreatment of its poor and orphaned children. Society owes something to these children. On the other hand, individuals are responsible for their own welfare only. People know what is best or at least what is most felicitous or pleasurable for themselves, and their only obligation is to fulfill their own desires. Society, particularly the clergy, have a responsibility to separate themselves from the public, remove their constraints, and allow members of society to function in their natural, sensual state.

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Please note that this sample paper on William Blake is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on William Blake, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on William Blake will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Breaking with tradition

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on breaking with tradition. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality breaking with tradition paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in breaking with tradition, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your breaking with tradition paper at affordable prices!

.Internet Relationship.

The internet today has revolutionized the way people think, feel, and interact. They now have cyber feelings, cyber crimes, and virtual love. Almost anything that can be done in person can be done through the internet. Shopping, watching movies, and now dating all done with no human interaction. Typing messages and emails back and forth are a way for people to interact without facial expression, voice infliction, or eye contact.

Virtual relationships that blossom from everyday internet messaging and chat rooms are precisely what their name implies virtual. People are easily intoxicated by the power of being anonymous. These virtual relationships can usually end up in one of two scenarios. In one scenario the two people involved are more honest with each other than they would be in the real world. After all, there is the shield of the internet to protect them. Alternately, one or both of the individuals will lie about themselves and their lives. Why not? All there is in the way of identification is a screen name, and in some cases a profile that can be altered to say whatever that person wants. What is there to stop anyone from assuming the role of a doctor, or a lawyer?

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LewThis is not a condemnation for internet relationships. A major argument supporting internet relationships is that they are more intellectual than physical. This incites a type of nostalgia for some people. A relationship in which the intellectual aspect far outweighs the physical appeals to older individuals. The fact that the relationship is based almost entirely on typed conversation does not sway them. These relationships create the feel of an old fashioned courtship. In today's fast-paced, exciting world, people seldom have the time for a long and leisurely courtship. With internet relationships there is only imagination, so there can only be a long and drawn out courtship. Offline interactions are quicker to bloom due to the fact that there was something physical about the person that enticed you. Internet relationships are also more difficult to maintain because there is only the person's conversation to identify with. Some virtual relationships actually do cross over into the real world, but only a small percent of them survive. A meeting is usually arranged and the individuals meet face to face. This is the point when people realize that without the shield of the internet to protect them, they are not so bold. The conversation is not as good and the same spark just is not there.

There are also certain dangers involved with a virtual relationship. These problems often stem from the fact that people are indeed anonymous. The cyber-world is just as full of criminals as the real world. Cyber criminals are sometimes even more devious than their real-world counterparts. A cyber criminal will start a virtual relationship with a person just for the chance to rob them blind. While a person is blissfully typing to a potential suitor, that suitor is stealing their identity by hacking for personal information. Today people keep a lot of personal information on their computer. Information such as bank statements, credit card numbers, and even social security numbers can be stolen from a computer while online. While there are precautions that can be taken to protect a computer from such attacks, it is much easier for criminals to steal information in a virtual relationship. These criminals often generate fake online accounts that cannot be traced, even by the internet service providers. Extreme caution should be taken while engaging in an online relationship.

Virtual relationships can be both good and bad in today's society. If honesty is the keystone the relationship can be wonderful. It can bring back standards of courtship that have been long forgotten. If, however, deceit and lies are present from the beginning it will be hard to maintain any semblance of a decent relationship. Caution should be exercised from the start when dealing with anonymous internet users. In the end a virtual relationship is what each person makes of it..

Please note that this sample paper on breaking with tradition is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on breaking with tradition, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on breaking with tradition will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Athenian Democracy

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Athenian Democracy. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Athenian Democracy paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Athenian Democracy, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Athenian Democracy paper at affordable prices

Athenian Democracy

Athens was truly a very democratic society. Democracy is definitely the best and most noble form of government if it is disclosed properly. All of the Athenian citizens have a voice in their government, there was plenty of power in Athens, and their democracy unifies them all.

Unlike Spartans who are an oligarchy, Athenians have a big say in their government. Equality is a very important thing in Athens and allows everyone to have the same rights. All citizens of Athens, which are men over thirty born in Athens, were able to vote. The Athenians believed in the constitution that stated that the democratic government was in the hands of the many not the few. Being free gave them a special energy in life.

Athens had so much power being an imperialist city-state. When men were trying to control the city-state too much people would cast votes to get rid of the tyrant for ten years. This is called ostracizing and it helped to eliminate anything that would be a threat to the society or its democracy. It was known that no other government could compare to Athenian democracy because it was so powerful. "Our military training too is different from our opponents'… For our trust is not in the devices of material equipment, but in our own good spirits for battle" (Pericles' Funeral Oration.) This quote describes that Athenian soldiers found more strength in themselves than in weapons and war. The individual man in Athens was considered more intellectual than ones in Sparta and not just treated like a soldier with no emotions..

Custom Essays on Athenian Democracy

Democracy in Athens tended to unify everyone in the polis. Athenians are better quality citizens because of their knowledge from education. They are more whole-hearted, logical people. " Since even the Athenians, while under a despot, were not superior in war to any of their surrounding neighbors, but, as soon as they got rid of their despots, became by far the first of all" (George Grote.) This quote shows that when the Athenians were under the control of a dictator, they did not perform well. When there were no dictators the people were free with many more rights and became the top democratic society. Athenians stuck together to keep their government strong, stay actively involved, and no other government could compare to them. Democracy allows the power of the government to be in the hands of all the people, lets everyone have a voice in important issues and helps people to be unified in Athens. Athens truly was a democratic society...

Please note that this sample paper on Athenian Democracy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Athenian Democracy, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Athenian Democracy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Neutrality Deceives in Thomas Hardy's Neutral Tones

If you order your paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Neutrality Deceives in Thomas Hardy's "Neutral Tones". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Neutrality Deceives in Thomas Hardy's "Neutral Tones" paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Neutrality Deceives in Thomas Hardy's "Neutral Tones", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Neutrality Deceives in Thomas Hardy's "Neutral Tones" paper at affordable prices

Thomas Hardys poem, Neutral Tones, immerses itself in subtle hints of neutrality, from descriptions of nature to usage of color, when describing the end of a relationship. The relationship appears to have been inevitable through the exhaustion of time and has ended amicably. However, that neutrality does not necessarily evoke impartial or even distant emotions with regard to the break-up. The break-up instead causes the main character of the poem to hold strong, lasting bitterness towards love. The poem, therefore, suggests that neutrality is considered by some to be a favored solution. Neutrality, while separating one from problems, lacks feeling, explanation, and reason, and in attempting to accept that, more pain is felt rather than not. This implies that in a relationship, neutrality is capable of causing just as much pain as actual inflicted physical and emotional pain because one must accept the neutrality with ease and without answers.

The first stanza of the poem serves as context for the rest of the poem. Through the use of naturalism, the winter day described in the first stanza becomes a reflection of the relationship itself. Because the setting is on a winter day, it is implied that there is a dreariness to their relationship (line 1). Had the scene taken place on a spring day, the season of love, there would be more hope for the relationship. Whereas spring represents vibrancy and life, winter represents the end of the year, and the death of the living things that spring has cultivated. The relationship described has clearly reached its own winter day, and their love is dying. A white sun looks upon this winter day, and it is described as being chidden of God (line ). Chidden means to be reprimanded or punished, and therefore, it is as though God is punishing the sun to shine is very brightest an intense, glaring white light. This contrasts with the dreariness associated with winter. Since the sun is being forced to come out from its seasonal hibernation, it is as though aspects of the relationship need to be brought to light and examined. The final image of the stanza is of an ash tree. It is interesting to note than an ash tree is used instead of a pine tree or a weeping willow. The word ash itself brings about the imagery of the remains of a fire. Associating fire with passion, the tree seems to be the remains of the relationship after the passion has passed. What remains of the relationship is still loosing its leaves to the starving sod (line ). Lasting relationships endure even after the passion and lust is gone, but this falls apart. Through use of words like gray and starving, a very bleak and exhausted picture arises. The relationship seems to have run its course, as many relationships do, and the narrator seems to look upon it as a black and white photo, with a neutral stance.

Stanza two delves into details about the narrators relationship, from where it stood in the past to its condition in the moments prior to the break up. Apparently, the relationship was filled with tedious riddles . . . years ago (line 6). Describing their problems as tedious riddles displays that the relationship had once been filled with complicated, unanswerable questions. Those riddles, through the passage of time, seemed to have been forgotten. Now, the narrator describes the other persons eyes as being the same eyes that rove over riddles long ago (line 5). Their relationship has returned to its former uncertain state. The narrator claims that words are played between the two (line 6). This word usage makes the exchange seem more lighthearted than it really is because of the use of the word played. It is as though the narrator is attempting to give the relationship a neutral stance because when one is playing, there is less at stake than, say, when one is competing. By taking describing the exchange as nothing more than word play, the narrator is avoiding actually ever dealing with what is said. It seems as though what is said in the exchange is not as important as the fact that the exchange itself takes place. This exchange is a sign that their love or relationship is fading, and for the narrator, that is enough to more or less lose their love..

Serving to seal the break-up, stanza three uses images and symbols of death, as seen below (lines -1.

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The smile on your mouth was the deadest thin.

Alive enough to have strength to die.

And a grin of bitterness swept thereb.

Like an ominous bird a-wing . . . .The narrator focuses on the other person through his/her eyes in stanza , and now his/her smile. These are the parts of a person that are often the most expressive. Through the description of the mouth, it is further reiterated that the relationship has run its course, although reasons are not revealed and blame is not placed on either party. The narrator simply describes the other persons smile as alive enough to have strength to die (line 10). It does not take strength to die, therefore, the smile is not alive at all. The relationship has finally been exhausted of all its emotion and motivation after the several years that it has lasted. Suddenly, the smile turns into bitterness . . . like an ominous bird a-wing (lines 11-1). This is reminiscent of a vulture, a bird that is a symbol for death, circling overhead. However, it is a grin of bitterness, which foreshadows what the narrator is about to feel. Up until this point, neutrality has been maintained when it comes to the narrators feelings about the relationship. It seems as though the narrator wants as peaceful of a break-up as possible simply because the relationship has run its course. Few telling words are exchanged, and feelings are not expressed, except for a grin of bitterness, which foreshadows the narrators feelings in the future.

The final stanza differs from the other three stanzas in that it is no longer the narrator reflecting upon the relationship. Instead, the narrator uses the following lines to express his/her feelings years later (lines 1-16.

Since then, keen lessons that love deceives.

And wrings with wrong, have shaped to m.

Your face, and the God-curst sun, and a tree,.

And a pond edged with grayish leaves.The narrator comes away from what he/she attempted to make a peaceful break-up feeling anything but neutral. Instead, he/she feels that love itself has deceived him/her and is ultimately wrong. The relationship had lasted for years and ended simply because it had faded. It seems as though the narrator wanted the relationship to work, and now cannot fathom why it eventually failed. The images of the last stanza reflect the images of the end of love in the first stanza, except for a minor difference. Instead of a sun chidden of God, the sun is now God-curst, an image that is far longer lasting (line 15). Curses are more permanent that reprimands or punishment. In the narrators eyes, the sun was cursed by God to shine down on the narrator and affect all of his/her views on relationships in general. Relationships themselves have lost their luster for the narrator because if even the most neutral of relationships failed to work, how can others.

Hardy criticizes the use of neutrality to distance ones self from feeling and dealing with problems, and in this poem, that problem was that of a break-up. The narrator attempted to end the break-up in a peaceful manner and even tried to look back upon it with the same manner. However, it is apparent in the final stanza that the narrator came away from the relationship scarred and never quite heals. Also, the fact that the break-up itself was neutral and inevitable makes it more painful for the narrator. Had the relationship ended for specific, mentioned reasons, the narrator would not have such a skewed view on love. The narrator would not feel that love deceives because the narrator would know why love couldnt last, why it had to end. It seems as though neutrality is a feeling not to be favored due to the fact that it leads to a lack of answers. Neutrality creates an end without reason which thereby never becomes an end at all, but a continuous path that one must travel on in search of impossible answers..

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