Monday, May 31, 2021

Sound and Fury

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Sound and Fury. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Sound and Fury paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Sound and Fury, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Sound and Fury paper at affordable prices!

On March the third; Is Theatre Limited presented Sound and Fury in the Newstead College Auditorium to a handful of college students. Ryk Goddard, who is also a main actor in the performance, along with talented percussionist Josh Green, directs Sound and Fury. With the excited suggestions from audience members Ryk and Josh presented an unrehearsed intriguing performance, which some students found mildly amusing. They used many techniques to engage the audience, in set, sound and lights..

The performers used many different methods in set, in an attempt to entertain and captivate audience members. The stage was set up in sections, with different instruments and props in the front and back corners of the stage. This meant the action could take place in a variety of areas, which thus allowed for the audience to be watching attentively, wanting to know to where Ryk and Josh were moving to next. Ryk and Josh were also weary not to stay in one area for too long, and not carry the story from that area to another area. An example of this is the God sequence, behind the backdrop. Ryk stayed there for a period of time to establish the character and story but then moved to somewhere else for quite a while. He then returned to behind the backdrop to finish off the story. Josh also moved around so that the same instruments weren't being heard over and over, which would ultimately bore the audience members. He also made sure that the sequence of instruments used wasn't repeated either.The instruments were a very mesmerising aspect of the set. Instruments ranged from bongos to bells, tin fences to a rubbish bin and windpipes to a whistle. Because so many instruments were used the audience became very aware of all the instruments and the sounds each one made. Ryk and Josh made sure that the audience recognised the change between instruments by using them to assist in presenting the mood and depth of what message they were introducing with soft, quick, loud or slow music. An example of this was shown when Ryk was speaking slowly, and was obviously in a very subdued mood. Josh changed the music to also be very slow and deep to match and emphasise Ryk's performance and character. However, Ryk and Josh had to always keep a close eye on each other and the issue the other was trying to present so their performance could be in sync. This was an awful system, as it meant that during the show one would be a small step behind the other or looking over their shoulder for inspiration and reinforcement from the other. Ryk and Josh disguised this very well though..Many other sound techniques were used in an attempt to intrigue, entertain and fascinate the audience. Ryk also used a microphone to distort his voice to assist in presenting certain moods or messages. This at times was an annoying technique as it was hard for the audience to work out what Ryk was actually saying. An example of this was when Ryk was talking about Global Warming. During this section Ryk overused the microphone as well which lost the concentration of the audience members. Also because Ryk overused it the impact it should have had on the audience was lost. Some, however, still enjoyed it. When Ryk was talking without the assistance of the microphone Josh was very careful not to be too loud, so that he didn't drain out what was being said and in the same way Ryk was being sure he was speaking louder than the instruments. Thus this meant attention was not lost through misunderstanding.

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Lighting was also used in an attempt to entertain the audience throughout the performance. However this was not a very effective technique as the lights were a spontaneous effect which sometimes did not match the mood when it was first introduced. Towards the end of the mood the lighting would match and then it would change and the lighting would fall behind again. An example of this was when Ryk was being God. Oodles of white light was used, flashing up high to show the importance of him being "God". The lighting also looked very unprofessional as even when an actor wasn't in an area light was flashed on that part of the stage. The intention was to create a specific type of effect but it just made the lighting look dodgy. The same colours were used continuously and very repeatededly, in the same kind of sequence. Thus in conclusion the lighting was a very ineffective technique, which amused and delighted the audience minutely.The audiences' involvement in the performance was a major contributor that allowed the audience to be amused and delighted by Ryk and Josh. Ryk was very manipulative of the audiences' suggestions and slyly changed ideas to what he thought would be better or easier to present. An example of this was when people where making suggestions on something that was really annoying, for the second performance and people were calling out "Ferrets!". At the end of the suggestion time, Ryk said that the next performance would be on mobile phones, a topic none of the audience members had mentioned. However, this type of interaction and suggestion process allowed the audience to feel like Ryk was a "cool guy and friend" which made them, unconsciously, enjoy the performance a lot more as they felt that they knew him as a person.Although some areas of Sound and Fury were not entertaining, amusing or delightful the performance, on the whole, was generally enjoyed by most students. It could be seen that both actors were very talented and presented ideas from the audience in a very unique and imaginative way that, unconsciously, made them enjoy the show..

Please note that this sample paper on Sound and Fury is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Sound and Fury, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Sound and Fury will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, May 28, 2021

The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job.

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job. paper at affordable prices!

Should education only provide students with a value system, a set of ideas, just as the speakers assert? Without any preparation for jobs, how would these students compete in a increasingly competitive society. Although this claim is not entirely without support, it runs contrary to our western view of the modern educations purpose which is emphasized as a means of both cultivating students minds and preparing them for the job market. My view can be greatly substantiated by the following discussions.Schools should teach values. Teaching values is a difficult task, but it is a crucial task. Nothing happens automatically; after all, there is no genetic transmission of virtue of value. Yet this is not to say that only to insert values and ideas into students brains. The genuine education at any level should aims at cultivating students creative thinking and developing their personality. So, there is no escaping the fact that students need as examples teachers who know difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and who themselves exemplify high moral purposes. By exposing students to good character and inviting their imitations that education provides them a moral foundation and value system. Only in this way can education fuel and guide students creative thinking as well as escape the embarrassing situation that only stuffing knowledge into students brains and making the recite those so-called moral examples. Along this road, the conscious, committed effort of adults can help students¡¯ healthy characters. But is this enough? No, on the other hand, there is another purpose modern education..Preparing students for the job market becomes more and more important in this era of rapid social and technology change not only for the students themselves but also for the society as a whole to develop continuously. After all, todays students will become doctors, lawyers, engineers or teachers tomorrow. Only by depending of their own technique and skill of some specific jobs can they make a living in the future competitive society. Moreover, society also needs skillful citizens to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation. Consequently, through preparing students for jobs, education supplies the immediate specific needs of society so that the work of world may continue.However, overemphasizing job preparation while ignoring helping students to establish their value system education might deteriorate into training; even would lead to disastrous result. Imagining the world where everyone is equipped with high technique and proficient skill but lacks elementary sense of right and wrong, what will happen? Common sense informs us that with every increase of technology and skill, wisdom become more necessary. Because every such increase can also augment our capacity for evil, if our purpose are unwise. Without standards and judgments provided by value system, there can be no progress. This world is forwarded by having its attention fixed on the best things. And if the world loses the value to judge right and wrong, at least to some degree, then it follows that progress, and character, are in trouble.

Write my Essay on The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job.

Without teaching values, students themselves as well as the whole society will lose directions. Without providing job preparation, there will be no power for students and society to go further. Therefore, there is a very need to combine mind cultivation and job preparation in modern education..

Please note that this sample paper on The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job., we are here to assist you. Your college papers on The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a set ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Evaluation of Return To The Forbidden Planet

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Evaluation of Return To The Forbidden Planet. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Evaluation of Return To The Forbidden Planet paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Evaluation of Return To The Forbidden Planet, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Evaluation of Return To The Forbidden Planet paper at affordable prices!

EVALUATION OF A PRODUCTIO.On I attended a performance of "The return of Return to the Forbidden Planet" which is a comedy musical by Bob Carlton. It is based loosely on the William Shakespeare play "The Tempest" but has touches of many of Shakespeare's works. The story of "The Tempest" has been fused with the idea of 50's B-movies to create and original musical, full of 50's and 60's rock'n' roll songs. My seat was located in the upper circle, front row, very near centre, which would have been a perfect view if it were not for the metal bar. The metal bar is in place for safety reasons, for example to stop people falling into the dress circle, but it also obstructs view to actions which may be happening on stage. Although it is only a small barrier, it is a nuisance and forces people to either stretch up and look over the bar or sink low in the seats and look under. This causes discomfort which can spoil your enjoyment in the theatre. There really is not much that could be done about this as it is an important safety feature in the theatre. In removing the bar, all that could be done is heightening the wall, causing more of an obstruction..

As the introduction stated, "Forbidden Planet" is based on "The Tempest" with hints of other Shakespeare plays. The show begins the moment you walk into the theatre. As you take your seat and look down at the stage you see the set as there is no curtain down. Then members of the cast (in full character) begin to enter the various seating areas and speak to the audience and go over safety procedures. A special safety procedure is then shown Reversing Polarity. Polarity needs to be reversed when the "Klystron Generator" fails. There was audience participation involved as the cast went to the front of the stage and the Captain, Captain Tempest, went over the procedure with the whole audience. When this was done the show got to a start with the narrator setting the scene..

Captain Tempest welcomes the audience on board'The Starship Albatross'. The captain informs his crew that they are getting a new science officer. The new science officer then enters the ship through the air lock and is revealed to be a woman. This shocks the whole of the crew. The science officer then explains that she can do the job just as well, or maybe even better, than any man can. In a short space of time the whole crew warms to their new science officer and accepts the fact that she is a woman. Everyone is getting on fine and a happy atmosphere has been created.Buy custom Evaluation of Return To The Forbidden Planet term paper

Suddenly, the ship runs into trouble and they crew find themselves being pulled, as if by magnates, to the nearest planet. As the captain is telling the crew that there is only one escape pod, the science officer is busy getting herself to it. She escapes leaving the rest of the ship's crew behind. This is shown by using a small model spaceship zooming across an aerial line positioned in the air above the stage. The ship prepares for a crash landing on this mysterious planet..

A man then requests to speak to the ship on the large monitor. They accept and the man introduces himself as Doctor Prospero. The crew wander how he got onto the empty planet, which does not even appear on the ships radar. He recalls a story he and his wife Gloria were scientists who discovered the formula to a drug named "The X Factor". It gave man the ability to create matter using the mind. But, Gloria ran away with the formula and locked Prospero and there infant daughter, Miranda, in a space capsule and send them off. Dr Prospero requests to come aboard the ship and after some hesitation, the captain agrees. Prospero, Miranda and their friendly robot, Ariel, board the spacecraft. Immediately, Cookie, the ships cook, falls in love with Miranda, now 16 years old. But just as quickly Miranda falls for Captain Tempest. Tempest is also very much attracted to Miranda but realises that she is only young and that he cannot follow these feelings for her..

Captain Tempest explains that their science officer has ran off in the escape pod. Ariel offers to help. He beliefs he can locate her and gravitationally pull her back to the ship. He does so and the science officer re-enters the ship. Prospero is shocked to find out that the ships science officer is actually his wife Gloria. The other crew members are shocked to learn this..

Miranda returns, having changed herself from a young looking woman in her own style of dress into a Marilyn Monroe style dress and wig, so as to look more mature, hoping that Tempest will find her more attractive and mature. Cookie also falls for her more and is upset when he learns that Tempests is indeed starting to fall her also.

Gloria strikes a bargain with Cookie. If he can get the "X Factor" formula she will help him get Miranda. Cookie gets the formula, which results in a hilarious comedy sequence with Ariel and Miranda together trying to get the formula from Cookie. It exchanges hands several times before Ariel chews it up and consumes it. Prospero, unaware that the formula is missing, drinks the last of his "X factor" drug to gain strength..

The ship is then attacked by an evil monster which, we discover, Dr Prospero created by his subconscious. He has to go out and destroy it as he created it. The ship then prepares to leave the planet. Captain Tempest and Miranda finally get together and Gloria is forgiven.

I feel that all of the actors were very good musicians but not many actors got the chance to show acting ability also. I will now evaluate some of the actors performances..

My favourite character of the night was Cookie, the ships cook, portrayed by Philip Reed. Cookie was a very loveable character as he reminded me of the pantomime character Buttons very funny, generally in a happy mood and the character that the audience warms to most. Cookie was also like Buttons, in that as hard as he tries, he never gets the girl in the end. Philip Reed did an excellent job portraying this character as he was full of never ending energy. He had very fast, yet relaxed bouncy movement which showed the type of character that Cookie is. I feel he could have improved his American accent as he change occasionally from a northern American state dialect to a southern American state dialect. Other than this his voice had clarity and diction so it was easy to understand the words he was saying. He had a very relaxed tone to his voice, which is also a good way of portraying Cookie. He also knew his surroundings very well which is a great advantage as he is constantly bounding about the set. Philip Reed is also an amazing musician. He effortlessly drifts from instrument to instrument but is more than likely to be found playing his dark blue standard 6-string Ibanez (if I'm not mistaken) guitar as if it is second nature to him. He showed great skill as he performed a mainly improvised guitar solo which included pieces of various songs which, on the night I attended, included a section of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. During this guitar solo Philip Reed successfully attempted such acts as playing while holding the guitar upside down behind his head, strumming the rhythm to a particular part of the tune with his teeth and playing notes by only hitting the string, at the correct frets, with his fingers and not picking it with the plectrum. Philip Reeds singing voice was amazing as it was very strong and all of his words could easily be made out. Other than his accent letting him down at times, Philip Reed put on a great performance which kept the audience at all times entertained.

Another character I was particularly fond of was Ariel, who was portrayed by Fredrick Ruth. Fredrick Ruth also portrayed his character very well. As he portrayed a robot you would expect very static, robotic movements. Also, an added feature to the character of Ariel was that he was on roller skates. This was a good idea as it gave his character something special, to set him apart from the rest of the characters but it also restricted movement on the stairs as he had to skilfully balance on the end of the skates to walk. The roller skates also had great comedy value during the sequence where Ariel and Miranda had to get the "X factor" formula from Cookie, as it allowed him to move very quickly. Many references are made to Shakespeare with lines from his plays being used, but in a way that would suit the particular time period. I found that a lot of these references came from Ariel. Fredrick Ruth's voice was also great. As he was a robot he could not speak in a fluent American accent as the other characters did. He did string words together though but they still had a broken up pattern to them. He had a mainly high pitched voice but it varied, sometimes it even varied during the course of one sentence. At times I found this annoying as I could sometimes not make out words. Being a robot, he didn't have much of a distinctive accent or dialect but with the varying pitch his voice sometimes lacked clarity. He was very humorous and kept the audience in stitches when he made jokes constantly..

My favourite female character was Gloria, the science office, portrayed by Diana Croft. In what may have been just another Shakespeare reference, Ariel said the line "Ill met by starlight, proud Gloria". I feel this is mimicking Oberon from Mid-Summers Night Dream when he said "ill met by moonlight proud Titania". Ariel's line gave me the impression that he is comparing the character of Gloria to that of Titania, as they share qualities such as being power-hungry but not meaning to be bad, and still loving her husband. Diana Croft obviously had an amazing singing voice, with a big problem being her lack of effort to concentrate on words and to just make a good sound. I could hardly understand a word she was singing for example when a song was sung after arrival and it was discovered she was Gloria. At times I am sure she should have been singing when she was making very good little noises!!! Her singing voice lacked clarity but her speaking voice did not have the same problems. She had a very convincing American accent which she kept up the whole way through. Her movement was fine and I also admire her ability to play instruments.

Other characters included Captain Tempest, the Starship captain, portrayed by Ian Conningham. Captain Tempest views himself as a bit of a hero, who holds the crew together. Unfortunately, it is usually Tempest causing the accidents and going into a panic when things are not running smoothly. Ian Conningham was very good at portraying this type of character. He used his facial expressions well, to convey the fact that he is in charge, in a smug but lovable way. His movements were well suited to Tempests nature. As he walked around the stage you could tell by his facial expressions and gestures that he was in charge. This was not abused, as he still had a loveable, approachable personality. Tempest is also a humorous character, which showed at many different places. For example, when he was assuring his crew that everything was going well, as he was holding everything on the Starship together. Tempest was unaware that behind him a series of different disasters and mishaps and disasters were occurring. Ian Conningham was extremely good at this and his timing was perfectly synchronised with what was happening behind him. He used his voice well during the performance. Conningham was another actor with a good American accent which remained constant throughout. He used the tone and pitch of his voice well, as he changed from many different emotions throughout. These include an almost stern tone and lower pitch when he is giving his crew instructions, a softer tone when he first sets his eyes on Miranda and a higher pitch due to shocked when the science officer is discovered to be Gloria. There is also a humours low pitch, husky toned "Barry White" style voice, which Conningham uses when he tries to impress Miranda. Overall a very strong performance.

An actress I was not too fond of was Sarah Beaumont who portrayed Miranda, Prospero and Gloria's daughter. In act one Miranda was a young 16 year old girl who, other than her father Prospero, had never met a man. In act two, the sight of Captain Tempest and Cookie had driven her man-crazy. Sarah Beaumont was great as Miranda's nature changed. She changed from fast paced movements, suited to Miranda's character and age, to be more slow, sexy and seductive movements, suited to an older, mature woman. This was emphasised by gestures she used while trying to seduce the reluctant Captain Tempest in act two. Although there was nothing wrong in her voice, singing and speaking, it just annoyed me - and I'm sure many other people - with its pitch. She had a very high voice which just got on my nerves when she sang songs, such as "Teenager in Love". I found it hard to enjoy Sarah Beaumont's overall performance with her voice. It was very squeaky but other than that, good diction and lots of clarity.

Some of the smaller parts could not be fully evaluated as they did nothing to evaluate in detail other than play music and act as crew members. They include Axel Dent, Health and Safety Officer, portrayed by Aberdeen born Scott Finlay. Cutie Cull, Nail Technician and Beauty Consultant, portrayed by Ally Holmes. Andy Sceptic, Ships Medic, portrayed by Cameron A Gordon and Dee Tergent, Ships Cleaner, portrayed by Wendy Parkin. They each play a variety of instruments including saxophones, keyboards, bass and drums. None of these actors look out of place on the stage as they all did a good job of being part of the ships crew. No one stood out in particular, though..

One of the most unexpected performances of the night was that of famous astronomer, Sir Patrick Moore! Sir Patrick Moore acted as a narrator at the beginning, middle and end of "Return to the Forbidden Planet". He sets the scene then later recaps the story and in another reference towards a Shakespeare play he recites a variation of Pucks closing speech in "Mid Summers Night Dream", but altering it to relate it to "Return to the Forbidden Planet". He was not required in this musical but did make a welcome addition to the "cast".

Through out the whole show only one set was used, the Starship. It was very well designed. Up centre was the air lock which was in three parts one lifting up, two opening out and had stairs inside for easy access to and from the stage. Under the lifting up section was the rotating Klystron Generator. There was a very large walkway along the top where many characters were to play instruments and a drum kit at centre stage right. There were two transporting pods at either side of the stage which formed two other entrances and exits, as opposed to the air lock. The instruments were each placed along the back of the walk way, or in a convenient place to where the actors would be able to quickly pick them up or get into position unnoticed . This was obviously very well planned and worked to the actors advantage. The set also consisted of many knobs, buttons, dials and other items which may be found on a Starship in the future. Most of these were never used or even acknowledged, but all added to the effect of a Starship. There were also many metal objects, such as bars and rails etc. This agrees with the stereotyped "Futuristic" world, where all things will apparently be metal, silver and shiny. This is possibly the reason the colour scheme is mainly made up of space age, futuristic silvers and metallic blues, with one of two touched of green. The backing of the ship was a curved pale silver material along the back of the stage. All of this worked very well as it added to the futuristic effect which I'm sure Bob Carlton, the Artistic Director and Rodney Ford, the Head of Design/Set Designer, were going for.

The lighting was used effectively at many points during the production. Most notably when the ships shields were in use. This was shown with circular shaped Gobos in purple coloured profile spots on the backing materials. Spotlights were used effectively when Ariel was singing solo and when Miranda and Tempest were on the raised platform singing. When the Science Officer made her escape the lights on the stage went to almost blackout, as spotlights were on the small model space shuttle zooming by in front of the stage. This was humorous and was emphasised by the clever use of lighting. Colours used in lighting were much the same as the set colours. When the ship was being attacked by the green monster, green lights were used to help the effect of the monsters presence. Other colours, such as red gels, were used mainly to give atmosphere throughout.

The music in "Forbidden Planet" was sensational. All music was live but unusually each and every instrument was portrayed by members of the cast on stage. The music portrayed was all rock'n' roll music of the 150/60's. Song included popular hits such as "Great Balls of Fire", "Monster Mash", "Good Vibrations" and "Johnny B Goode" to name but a few. For me, the most impressive musician of the night was Philip Reed, who portrayed Cookie, for his stunning guitar solo which I earlier described in detail. It was so amazing that it rendered me almost speechless. His skills had obviously been perfected over a number of years. Cookies praise does not diminish the performance of any of the other actors/musicians. Each drifted seamlessly from playing one instrument to another. This worked well as it gave variety in the performance and showcased the performers talents in other ways than acting and singing..

The costume in "Return to The Forbidden Planet" was very simple but effective. Each member of the starship's crews costume was in a style suited to "Star Trek". They each had blue uniforms, with the starship's logo on them. The only exceptions to this were Cookies apron, as he is the chef, Miranda and Prospero, as they are not part of the ships crew and Ariel, due to the fact that he is not part of the crew and he is a robot. When Gloria returned to the ship, her uniform had cuts and rips over it and her hair was ruffled . This gave the impression that she had been travelling roughly. Miranda went through her transformation from a "girl to a woman", so to convey this she had a hair and costume change and returned looking very much like a young Marilyn Monroe. The make up and costume job on Ariel must have been the most extensive. He had a silver robot suit and was painted with a metallic silver paint on every visible part of flesh on his body. Each of the actors make up worked well. For example, some of the more manual workers of the ships crew had dark colours on their face to represent dirt. Miranda's "transformation" was made much more effective due to the use of make-up. Bright red lipstick and a beauty spot were applied which added to the Marilyn Monroe, seductive image. Prospero's make-up made him look old, and as if he has been living on a deserted planet for years, using heavy shading around the eyes. The old image was enhanced with a long white realistic wig, which gives the impression that his hair has not been cut in years. There was very little in the way of detail to the other characters make, just basic stage make-up to give the face colour under the lights. The costume, hair and make-up overall worked in the actors favour, as well as in the shows favour.

There were numerous props used during "Forbidden Planet". Each of these was used well throughout. The monsters arms were a great idea. This consisted of two inflatable green arms which came through windows in the ship. They were controlled by members of the cast who looked as if they were struggling against the arms, but were actually covering the fact they were pulling ropes to make the ends of that arms come alive. All of the instruments were on stage, acting as props, as they were played by the actors. The starship's crew had ray guns which were realistic looking because the colours, shapes and styles were designed in the futuristic image which "Forbidden Planet" aims to achieve.

In conclusion, "The Return of Return to the Forbidden Planet" was a big success. It is one of the best shows I have attended as it is fun, humorous, full of surprise and excitement and has great songs, which the audience can sing and dance to. It had great music, lighting, setting, acting etc. and I think all of the actors and back stage crew did an excellent job considering the amount of work that had been put in by all of the actors and crew to make the show run as smoothly as possible. For these reasons, I recommend the show to absolutely everyone and anyone looking for a good time at the theatre..

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Lange was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 185 and studied photography with Clarence White at Columbia University. She moved to San Francisco in 118 where she opened up a portrait studio. In the 10s Dorothea Lange photographed the people caught in midst of the Great Depression. Her Lange was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 185 and studied photography with Clarence White at Columbia University. She moved to San Francisco in 118 where she opened up a portrait studio. In the 10s Dorothea Lange photographed the people caught in midst of the Great Depression. Her work is an intense vision of ordinary people in what are the physical and social circumstances of their lives. Lange documented the breakdown of traditional rural life as farm dwellers became impoverished by a long-standing agricultural depression, and replaced by machines in the field. Her work became a classic work of dislocation and exploitation. Lange wanted her photographs to say something to the viewer and cause the viewer to come back and look again and again. Her photographs resulted in the state of California building camps for the migrant workers. Langes innate sympathy and direct vision enabled her to create photographs that are both sensitive and powerful. In 141 she resigned from a Guggenheim Fellowship in order to document the Japanese internment camps. Lange died in San Francisco in 165. work is an intense vision of ordinary people in what are the physical and social circumstances of their lives. Lange documented the breakdown of traditional rural life as farm dwellers became impoverished by a long-standing agricultural depression, and replaced by machines in the field. Her work became a classic work of dislocation and exploitation. Lange wanted her photographs to say something to the viewer and cause the viewer to come back and look again and again. Her photographs resulted in the state of California building camps for the migrant workers. Langes innate sympathy and direct vision enabled her to create photographs that are both sensitive and powerful. In 141 she resigned from a Guggenheim Fellowship in order to document the Japanese internment camps. Lange died in San Francisco in 165. Lange was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 185 and studied photography with Clarence White at Columbia University. She moved to San Francisco in 118 where she opened up a portrait studio. In the 10s Dorothea Lange photographed the people caught in midst of the Great Depression. Her work is an intense vision of ordinary people in what are the physical and social circumstances of their lives. Lange documented the breakdown of traditional rural life as farm dwellers became impoverished by a long-standing agricultural depression, and replaced by machines in the field. Her work became a classic work of dislocation and exploitation. Lange wanted her photographs to say something to the viewer and cause the viewer to come back and look again and again. Her photographs resulted in the state of California building camps for the migrant workers. Langes innate sympathy and direct vision enabled her to create photographs that are both sensitive and powerful. In 141 she resigned from a Guggenheim Fellowship in order to document the Japanese internment camps. Lange died in San Francisco in 165. Lange was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 185 and studied photography with Clarence White at Columbia University. She moved to San Francisco in 118 where she opened up a portrait studio. In the 10s Dorothea Lange photographed the people caught in midst of the Great Depression. Her work is an intense vision of ordinary people in what are the physical and social circumstances of their lives. Lange documented the breakdown of traditional rural life as farm dwellers became impoverished by a long-standing agricultural depression, and replaced by machines in the field. Her work became a classic work of dislocation and exploitation. Lange wanted her photographs to say something to the viewer and cause the viewer to come back and look again and again. Her photographs resulted in the state of California building camps for the migrant workers. Langes innate sympathy and direct vision enabled her to create photographs that are both sensitive and powerful. In 141 she resigned from a Guggenheim Fellowship in order to document the Japanese internment camps. Lange died in San Francisco in 165.

Please note that this sample paper on photography is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on photography, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on photography will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Genetic engineering

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Genetic engineering. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Genetic engineering paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Genetic engineering, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Genetic engineering paper at affordable prices!

Is genetic engineering ethical N.

Is it wrong to want healthier babies? Is it wrong to want more efficient food crops and livestock's? Is it wrong to seek new ways to improve our standard of living through genetic engineering? Yes, it is wrong and unethical. Genetic engineering! What is genetic engineering? It is when the genes of the food you eat or your livestock, and the people you love and see are altered. For many years genetic engineering has been in use, it has been " redesigning" life as we now it, or " Playing God" if you will. Genetic engineering is harmful and dangerous; it affects the world in areas such as the medical fields, our ecology and environment, also affect our agriculture. Genetic engineering is not ethical.1. Ecology and our environment are were we as a race, live our everyday lives. Genetic engineering is causing a detriment in it.

Custom Essays on Genetic engineering

A.The damage caused by genetic engineering could have a catastrophic effect on the balance in nature.

1. In the New American Desk Encyclopedia, when looking up the word"ecology" near the end of the article it would read something like this," Up to now these changes have not been to serious on a worldwide scale, but there is an increasing awareness of what could happen if a major disturbance in the biosphere occurred. The forms of life as they are known today depend entirely upon the sensitive balance within the environment, and any change withworldwide effects could have devastating consequences for man and for life in general."(Ecology 18.

. " Fox explains that he new pesticides could cause major ecological imbalances, that bigger and better animals will be unaffordable and more susceptible to disease, and that new seeds will not adapt to their biosystems properly. Fox believes that we must readjust our values or we will be living in a hazardous environment." (Fox 10.

. Michael W. Fox also stated, "If we disturb the balance and forces of nature, disturbances and imbalances will adversely affect the fertility, growth, and fecundity of crops and their primary and secondary consumers wildlife, farm animals, and human beings." (Fox 10) So you see if we allow genetic engineering to continue we allow it to ultimately rule how we live.

B. Genetic engineering will not only disturb the ecology but the living things within it.

1."Some of the risks of genetic engineering include spontaneous mutations and developmental disorders in animals and plants, along with the probability of increasing susceptibility to disease." (Fox 10.

. " Such applications of biotechnology are troubling because they suggest a continuation of chemical toxicity in agriculture and for public resources like groundwater, not to mention farmer and farm worker exposures to pesticides or dietary exposures through tainted foodstuffs." (Doyle 10.

. " And they're getting fiercer all the time, as you'll see here, with fringe groups burning research and destroying crops- argue that science is tampering with nature and risking ecological disaster and who knows what else to future generations of consumers who eat such foods." (Hodges 001.

4. " Genetically engineering microorganisms present new and complex problems for both the environment and for the regulatory agencies that must protect it." (Fox 10.

5. The EPA (U.S Environmental Protection Agency) has recently decided that bacteria genetically engineered to boost agricultural productivity may be classified as pesticides. Some genetic engineers believe that the new bacterial "pesticides" will quickly die after they have done their work (such as inhibiting frost from forming on potato crops). But these bacteria could cause long-term ecological perturbations because of their influence on other species of bacteria and other living organisms in the environment. (Fox 10.6. If we as a people, continuing to allow such things to go on as there are is unethical and downright wrong.7. There are many different areas where genetic engineering is unethical.

. Genetic engineering is not ethical in the medical field. A. This kind of genetics is used to "correct" fertility problems, but realistically it just causes more turbulence.1. Gerald R. Campbell stated in an article he published, " It can also create genetic damage in the fertilized eggs rather that correcting it. It would involve repeated surgical procedures which would pose health risks for the mother." (Newman 10.. Stuart A. Newman, a cell biology and anatomy professor at New York Medical collage in Valhalla, said, " In the case of gene modification of the cells that constitute the body (i.e., somatic cells) these difficulties could lead to disruption of the patient's physiology by a variety of effects, including overproduction of proteins, desired or undesired, or suppression of normal ones. In the worst case the genetically modified cells could acquire cancerous properties, and eventually kill the patient."(Newman 10.

B. Genetically redesigned humans is another unethical aspect in the medical field, it can lead to major potential problems.

1. " In the following viewpoint, he argues that he potential to redesign the human race is one of the most disturbing aspects of genetic engineering. Rifkin worries that future humans might be redesigned to change racial or socially undesirable traits..

. Newborn screening is another form of human redesigning. Alan R. Fleisschman stated, " The possibility of pharmacologic primary prevention of HIV transmission during pregnancy creates a far more important question How can we educate the entire population about the importance of knowing their HIV status in order to reduce HIV transmission from one person to another?.

. Another form of human redesign is cloning. A panel of scientist wrote in a report that human reproduction by cloning should be illegal because it poses a high risk of injury or death to the clones and to the woman who would bear those clones. ( Connolly 00.

4. Human redesigning is unethical therefore should not happen.. On of the most appalling things that are truly unethical has to deal with agriculture.

A. " Frankenfoods" is a good name for genetically engineered crops, they are dangerous and unpredictable.

1. A joint production of Nova, Harvest of fears is a group of people who look at both sides of the battle over genetic engineered foods. They believe genetically engineered foods should be called " frankenfoods." Because of the way genetic engineering is going within crops. Ann Hodges, a writer for the Houston Chronicle TV critic, stated, " Certainly some would fit the name. How about corn that carries it's own pesticide, or bananas that have medicine in them or plants with firefly genes that light up when they need water (just an Idea) There's even talk of putting anti-cancer agents in tobacco plants." (Hodges 001) now who would want to eat any of those plants with the knowledge that you could become very ill from it.

. Because of the uncertainties of genetic engineered crops there will be risks. There is little known of the crops and their ecosystems. Some larger plants contain about 10 million genes; each one holds the information for the functions and it traits. The knowledge of their genome is small. There have only been about 50-100 genes identified. Scientist still do not have all the knowledge to fully understand what they are doing to genetically engineer these crops.

B. In agriculture genetic engineering does not just include crops but also farm animals. These animals are subject to being tested on, they are injected with all sorts of who- knows -what. This kind of genetic engineering is not ethical nor is any other form.

1. " Furthermore, selective breeding of farm animals to enhance egg and milk production and growth has contributed to increased susceptibility to infection and new, complex diseases in " factory" farmed animals-so called production-related or" domestogenic" diseases."(Fox 10.

. There is also interest in putting genetically engineered bacteria into the digestive systems of farm animals so that they can be used to break down indigestible materials that the animal could not otherwise assimilate and convert into meat, eggs, or milk. But like spraying new bacterial" pesticides" onto crops, such changes in animals' digestive system can open the Pandora box further, in creasing the likelihood of new disease problems." (Fox 10.

. "Genetic engineering is extremely difficult technically and has a low success rate in experimental animals." (Newman 10.

4. There are many things unclear with genetic engineering and there are many things that are unethical and wrong. This shows that " playing God" should never of happened.In conclusion within the areas and study fields such as agriculture, ecology and environmental, and in medical fields. All prove that genetic engineering is not ethical. A way to improve or change what genetic engineering does is to slow down and truly examine and observe all the genetic engineering uses and understand it more, so when the public is ready for genetic engineering the scientist will know its effect and be able to prevent them. That way things will be safer, mostly predictable, not harmful, and will prevent any negative happenings within the environment. Here are some things for thought "Many genetic disease are best treated with the changing of one's diet and or environment rather than genetics." (Newman 10) Unlike a chemical spill that can be cleaned up, or a tragic disaster like a plane crash, a biological accident will not be a one-time occurrence; it won't be a " once-and0done kind of thing. Rather, a mistake in the biological realm is something that could…keep on causing problems…" (Doyle 10) and lastly " Just because something is biological, doesn't necessarily mean it's benign or safe" (Doyle 10.

Please note that this sample paper on Genetic engineering is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Genetic engineering, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Genetic engineering will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

BRIDGE Reaserch paper

If you order your college paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on BRIDGE Reaserch paper. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality BRIDGE Reaserch paper paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in BRIDGE Reaserch paper, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your BRIDGE Reaserch paper paper at affordable prices!

History of bridge.No one knows when or who built the first bridge but there are many, now gone, specimens around the world. In Africa and in the jungles rope bridges were made. With rope as its only material, it's very scary to walk across. Besides the rope bridges simple wood ones were made. Mostly they were just a couple of planks placed across a river or a stream, or even a simple cut tree. The first major advancement in the history of bridges is the use of stone. The Chinese are famous for building the beautiful garden arch bridges. When the thirteen colonies were established there were simple floating bridges consisting of barrels and planks.Then as technology was getting better steel came into use, and soon they used reinforced other materials so not to spend as much money. Now we have advanced system of weight and balance to keep our bridges stron.Beam Bridge.A beam bridge is a bridge that is made up of a concrete or steel beam that rests on two piers. The main use of this type of bridge is as a crossing for a highway. The beam bridge is also considered the simplest of the modern bridges. A normal concrete beam can support a 50 to 100 feet long span. Reinforced beams are used for longer spans.

Custom Essays on BRIDGE Reaserch paper

Cantilever Bridge.

A cantilever bridge a more complex design of the beam bridge. The difference is that the "beam" of the cantilever bridge is arched (like the title above). Besides that a cantilever bridge has two or more towers that support all of the downward force. Also, the cantilever bridge is more stable, though most don't cross more than a single span. A cantilever bridge can cross from 400 to 550 feet in a single span. Famous cantilever bridges are Fourth Bridge and Quebec Bridge..

.Arch bridge.An arch bridge is a bridge that has one or more arches that support the bridge. The force of the load is spread out evenly from the top to the bottom of the arch to the abutments. The abutments are the two sides of the arch. Arch bridges are used for spanning ravines and chasms mostly because of their sturdy sides, but they can go across just about any small distance. Arch Bridges are made of stone, brick, timber, cast iron, steel, and reinforced concrete.Suspernsion bridge.Suspension bridges, as the name suggests, uses suspension as a support. The cables are attached to two towers, which also share the load. Suspension bridges are the most advanced type of bridge of our time, and because of the multiple ways of supporting the load it can also span the most distance. Suspension bridges can usually span up to 6,500 ft. Though suspension bridges can span great distances it is very flexible, this makes it so that if too much weight was applied the bridge would morph and bend. Because of this Suspension bridges are rarely used as railroad bridges..Cable staye.The cable-stayed bridge is just a different version of the suspension bridge. While a normal suspension bridge looks like an elongated "M", the cable-stayed bridge looks like an "A". The cable-stayed bridge can support a less than a suspension bridge but is more stable and compact, this way many towers can be added so to go longer distances...Movable bridg.A movable bridge is basically a beam bridge that can move either from side to side or up and down. This allows vehicles (normally boats/ships) to travel underneath. Most movable bridges seen today split in half and rise up. Other designs, though rarely seen, make the whole bridge spin in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Since movable bridges need big, heavy equipment to move they don't span much distance..Floating bridg.Floating bridges are built of a roadbed on many pontoons. A pontoon is a hollow tube that is filled with air. Because of the pontoons the roadbed will not sink. Also, the pontoons are designed with several compartments, so if one fills up the whole pontoon won't sink.Truss bridg.A truss bridge is a bridge that uses a stiff structure to support the weight of the load. The "truss" as the structure is called can be on the top or bottom of the bridge. The truss is almost always made of triangles, as that is the sturdiest shape in that type of architecture. Truss bridges are made of steel, or reinforced wood.... Forces on bridge.

Has the question ever occurred to you on how bridges hold so much weight? Well here is the answer. Different bridges hold their load differently. For example, a suspension bridge uses cables, and a beam bridge uses piers. All of these are uses to resists the forces of their loads.

The two forces on bridges are compression and tension. Compression squeezes the bridge and tension stretches it. With these two forces combined it is very easy for something to collapse. If a bridge is not flexible enough then it will break, but if it is too flexible then it will start to buckle under weight. In addition to the stress of the load a bridge must also be able to resist to torments of weather. As you can see, it is not easy to make a bridge that is strong and durable.Longest Bridge.TypeNameLocationCountryLength (ft.SuspensionAkashi KaikyoKobe-NarutoJapan6,5.Cable-StayedTataraOnomichi-ImabariJapan,.Steel TrussQuebecQuebec CityCanada1,80.Steel ArchNew River GeorgeFayettville, WVUSA1,70.Concrete ArchWanxiangYangzi RiverChina1,7.MovableArthur KillElizabeth, NJUSA55.Longest overall Bridge.NameLocationCountryLengt.Lake Pontchartrain IIMetairie-Lewisburg, LAUSA.Lake Pontchartrain IMetairie-Lewisburg, LAUSA..Chesapeake BayChesapeake Bay, MAUSA17..King Fahd CausewayGulf of BahrianSaudi Arabia15..Sunshine SkywayTampa Bay, FLUSA15.Construction of bridge.

Bridges, like other architecture is built as a result of careful planning and endless hours of work. The steps go as the following.1)A person would come up of an idea.)He/she would present his idea to some people (if he/she thinks it is good enough.)The people would then draw up some plans if they think that it was good too.4)If the idea was not dropped already surveyors would look for a suitable spot to build the bridge.5)Then other teams (construction, designers, etc.) would be hired and presented with the job.6)Construction would start at the supports, usually the beams and towers, and then the main roadbed.7)After construction finishing touches are put on (paint/decorations.8) Then the bridge would be open to the public.. "Bridge." Encyclopedia Britannica. 00 Encyclopedia Britannica Premiu.Service. 10 April 00 http//"Bridge (structure)." Microsoft Encarta. Online Encyclopedia 00. 1 April 0.http// types. 1 April 0.http//, Judith. Bridges. New York Judith Dupre and Black Dog, 17.Morrissey, Michael. "How bridges work" How stuff Works 1.

Please note that this sample paper on BRIDGE Reaserch paper is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on BRIDGE Reaserch paper, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on BRIDGE Reaserch paper will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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