Tuesday, May 25, 2021

BRIDGE Reaserch paper

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History of bridge.No one knows when or who built the first bridge but there are many, now gone, specimens around the world. In Africa and in the jungles rope bridges were made. With rope as its only material, it's very scary to walk across. Besides the rope bridges simple wood ones were made. Mostly they were just a couple of planks placed across a river or a stream, or even a simple cut tree. The first major advancement in the history of bridges is the use of stone. The Chinese are famous for building the beautiful garden arch bridges. When the thirteen colonies were established there were simple floating bridges consisting of barrels and planks.Then as technology was getting better steel came into use, and soon they used reinforced other materials so not to spend as much money. Now we have advanced system of weight and balance to keep our bridges stron.Beam Bridge.A beam bridge is a bridge that is made up of a concrete or steel beam that rests on two piers. The main use of this type of bridge is as a crossing for a highway. The beam bridge is also considered the simplest of the modern bridges. A normal concrete beam can support a 50 to 100 feet long span. Reinforced beams are used for longer spans.

Custom Essays on BRIDGE Reaserch paper

Cantilever Bridge.

A cantilever bridge a more complex design of the beam bridge. The difference is that the "beam" of the cantilever bridge is arched (like the title above). Besides that a cantilever bridge has two or more towers that support all of the downward force. Also, the cantilever bridge is more stable, though most don't cross more than a single span. A cantilever bridge can cross from 400 to 550 feet in a single span. Famous cantilever bridges are Fourth Bridge and Quebec Bridge..

.Arch bridge.An arch bridge is a bridge that has one or more arches that support the bridge. The force of the load is spread out evenly from the top to the bottom of the arch to the abutments. The abutments are the two sides of the arch. Arch bridges are used for spanning ravines and chasms mostly because of their sturdy sides, but they can go across just about any small distance. Arch Bridges are made of stone, brick, timber, cast iron, steel, and reinforced concrete.Suspernsion bridge.Suspension bridges, as the name suggests, uses suspension as a support. The cables are attached to two towers, which also share the load. Suspension bridges are the most advanced type of bridge of our time, and because of the multiple ways of supporting the load it can also span the most distance. Suspension bridges can usually span up to 6,500 ft. Though suspension bridges can span great distances it is very flexible, this makes it so that if too much weight was applied the bridge would morph and bend. Because of this Suspension bridges are rarely used as railroad bridges..Cable staye.The cable-stayed bridge is just a different version of the suspension bridge. While a normal suspension bridge looks like an elongated "M", the cable-stayed bridge looks like an "A". The cable-stayed bridge can support a less than a suspension bridge but is more stable and compact, this way many towers can be added so to go longer distances...Movable bridg.A movable bridge is basically a beam bridge that can move either from side to side or up and down. This allows vehicles (normally boats/ships) to travel underneath. Most movable bridges seen today split in half and rise up. Other designs, though rarely seen, make the whole bridge spin in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Since movable bridges need big, heavy equipment to move they don't span much distance..Floating bridg.Floating bridges are built of a roadbed on many pontoons. A pontoon is a hollow tube that is filled with air. Because of the pontoons the roadbed will not sink. Also, the pontoons are designed with several compartments, so if one fills up the whole pontoon won't sink.Truss bridg.A truss bridge is a bridge that uses a stiff structure to support the weight of the load. The "truss" as the structure is called can be on the top or bottom of the bridge. The truss is almost always made of triangles, as that is the sturdiest shape in that type of architecture. Truss bridges are made of steel, or reinforced wood.... Forces on bridge.

Has the question ever occurred to you on how bridges hold so much weight? Well here is the answer. Different bridges hold their load differently. For example, a suspension bridge uses cables, and a beam bridge uses piers. All of these are uses to resists the forces of their loads.

The two forces on bridges are compression and tension. Compression squeezes the bridge and tension stretches it. With these two forces combined it is very easy for something to collapse. If a bridge is not flexible enough then it will break, but if it is too flexible then it will start to buckle under weight. In addition to the stress of the load a bridge must also be able to resist to torments of weather. As you can see, it is not easy to make a bridge that is strong and durable.Longest Bridge.TypeNameLocationCountryLength (ft.SuspensionAkashi KaikyoKobe-NarutoJapan6,5.Cable-StayedTataraOnomichi-ImabariJapan,.Steel TrussQuebecQuebec CityCanada1,80.Steel ArchNew River GeorgeFayettville, WVUSA1,70.Concrete ArchWanxiangYangzi RiverChina1,7.MovableArthur KillElizabeth, NJUSA55.Longest overall Bridge.NameLocationCountryLengt.Lake Pontchartrain IIMetairie-Lewisburg, LAUSA.Lake Pontchartrain IMetairie-Lewisburg, LAUSA..Chesapeake BayChesapeake Bay, MAUSA17..King Fahd CausewayGulf of BahrianSaudi Arabia15..Sunshine SkywayTampa Bay, FLUSA15.Construction of bridge.

Bridges, like other architecture is built as a result of careful planning and endless hours of work. The steps go as the following.1)A person would come up of an idea.)He/she would present his idea to some people (if he/she thinks it is good enough.)The people would then draw up some plans if they think that it was good too.4)If the idea was not dropped already surveyors would look for a suitable spot to build the bridge.5)Then other teams (construction, designers, etc.) would be hired and presented with the job.6)Construction would start at the supports, usually the beams and towers, and then the main roadbed.7)After construction finishing touches are put on (paint/decorations.8) Then the bridge would be open to the public.. "Bridge." Encyclopedia Britannica. 00 Encyclopedia Britannica Premiu.Service. 10 April 00 http//www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=1764."Bridge (structure)." Microsoft Encarta. Online Encyclopedia 00. 1 April 0.http//encarta.msn.com/ecnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761561057&pn.Bridge types. 1 April 0.http//www.co.multomah.or.us/dscd/transportation/bridge/bridge_types.htm.Dupre, Judith. Bridges. New York Judith Dupre and Black Dog, 17.Morrissey, Michael. "How bridges work" How stuff Works 1.

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